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Homebrewed IPA

Gravity sample of my Tripel. Attenuated a little more than I wanted and a little below style but not too bad. At 16% sugar I shouldn't be shocked. Good and dry though, so I think I'll keep the sugar and just mash a little higher next time (go from 150F to maybe 153F). Plus side is, tastes great despite a touch too little body, and even at 9.4% ABV, it's surprisingly not hot and shouldn't take much age to be great.
exactly why I started saving all sorts of Belgian bottles. hello corks & hoods!

and I'm having coffee.

The corkable 375 mL bottles are hard to come by. I've got, oh, maybe 15 cases of empty 750s, and about 3 375mL. I'm going to break down and buy some eventually. The guy who owns my LHBS is great and I'm sure he'll order me a few cases so I can save on shipping.


Post workout protein shake while still at work on a Friday. :( Guy in our command went and got himself a DUI and I drew one of the short straws in staying late to muster him for his extra duties. Getting out of here in about 10 minutes, though. :)
Apple mango wine from a pint jar. Made by a friend of a friend, whew, it's potent. Good flavor but every sip is like taking a shot of whiskey. More like moonshine than wine. The last sip made me sneeze.
The last of Austin Homebrew Amber Rye that I made in November (at my old place using terrible water). Not too bad, and good lord is it clear and a beautiful red color.
Apple mango wine from a pint jar. Made by a friend of a friend, whew, it's potent. Good flavor but every sip is like taking a shot of whiskey. More like moonshine than wine. The last sip made me sneeze.

Sounds like good stuff!!!!! Having Shorts Pointus Road Pilsner while I rack my Skeeter Pee to secondary. SP tasting good so far, its gonna be so good on a hot day by Lake Michigan!!

So far today I've had a Lagunitas Maximus, a Southern Tier 2XIPA, and a Redhook IPA, next on deck a Victory HopDevil. Aside from the Maximus this is mediocre IPA night...prolly a DFH 60 minute after the HopDevil...
Port Brewing Shark Attack double red ale. This is a big beer (9.5%), but can't tell from the taste. Nice caramel malt flavor, some good apparent bitterness to match the big body, but not much hop flavor or aroma. Can't tell when this was bottled and if it's fresh or not though. Either way, I like it.
NIZZLE said:
Don't be surprised if you get a subpoena to court for having a growler for three months haha :D

Lol I put them in the bottom drawer in the beer fridge and forgot about them. I mean it is only magic hat so it's always subpar at best I got to many great Vermont brews to worry about magic hat lol
So I don't get a subpoena I'm finishing off the magic hat growlers and its single chair and its not that satisfying I should of went with my gut and drank something better oh well at least there gone now.

So I don't get a subpoena I'm finishing off the magic hat growlers and its single chair and its not that satisfying I should of went with my gut and drank something better oh well at least there gone now.

Haha don't feel bad I'm draking labatt blue
A sample glass of Skeeter Pee I just racked to clear. Sweetened this glass and its pretty dang awesome smooth lemony and hidden 10%

Another of this horrible brew and my collection of growlers in the background I need to build a shelf or something they are in the way lol

2nd glass from the bomber of Shark Attack. One was good, but two is a bit much. Tons of crystal malt and it's leading to almost a burnt flavor...
DerCribben said:
So far today I've had a Lagunitas Maximus, a Southern Tier 2XIPA, and a Redhook IPA, next on deck a Victory HopDevil. Aside from the Maximus this is mediocre IPA night...prolly a DFH 60 minute after the HopDevil...

Holy crap! If the ST 2X IPA and Hop Devil are mediocre to you, then you must be a spoiled IPA guy! I think those are solid IPAs! Red hook is certainly mediocre, no way I'd put the 2X and Victory in the same boat! Feel free to disagree, this is just one man's opinion!
CliffMongoloid said:
I just had a root canal and took a vicodin... A beer might be a bad idea

On the contrary! S beer might be just what you need! But only one. That's probably all you need.

Disclaimer: Never do what I say or do. I know nothing and usually have bad ideas.

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