What are you doing instead of brewing this weekend?

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Got a last minute Sunday miracle this morning with my infected Maori IPA. The re-invigorated yeast settled out & it's back to slightly misty. Tastes way better to,although there's still some dryness on the pallet. Gunna bottle it up,toss the fermenter & dry hop bag. But bomb the snot out of the racking tube/bottling wand & tube. I had hopes that I could save this batch. Looks like God saw fit to agree with me!...:rockin::fro:
My last ESB somehow ended up infected in the bottles. It leaves a ring around the neck and has a slight apple cider vinegar quality to it. But guess what... I had 3 friends over to taste it and they all loved it. I just popped the whole batch in the fridge to slow the growth of the (pedio?). Hopefully you have the same luck with your IPA. With the extra hops you likely have in it I'd think you'd be better off than I was.
I like to think the hops had something to do with it. I used like 4oz in the boil (bittering included),& some 2.4 oz in the dry hop for a week. The weather has been in the 40's & 50's the last few days,so that helped as well. Judging from how it tastes now,it might come out pretty decent.
Built & done... now let's hope I don't need to kick any teen ass for effing with it.




Until I can get the upstairs rented again I do not have the time, nor money to brew. All my hobby cash comes from tenants, and all my brewing time is being taken up by cleaning/upgrading. On the plus side, my keg of Founders Breakfast Stout came in, so that is up next for drinking and I can compare my last brew (a clone) against it.
I'll be doing the 1st FG test at two weeks on my traditional stout this Saturday. It's been lookin pretty good so far.
I'll be hosting Chucktoberfest V5.0 on Saturday. I've got four kegs ready to go and the weather is gonna cool down for the first time this year so it should be a stellar event. Plenty of good beer, good food and acoustic music.
Gonna carve some pumpkins!

This is what me, my girlfriend, her sister and boyfriend, are planning to do. I think the plan is to carve pumpkins while watching horror movies and eating some tasty brownies ;)
I get off work at noon on Fridays so I'll brew before the weekend officially starts. Then my wife and I will go hiking on Saturday or Sunday to see the maples in all their Texan glory. There's a canyon in Guadalupe Mountains National Park that is full of a desert variety of maples, and this weekend they should be at their peak colors.
This is what me, my girlfriend, her sister and boyfriend, are planning to do. I think the plan is to carve pumpkins while watching horror movies and eating some tasty brownies ;)

Nice! Good plan. I'd post pics of the ones we did but phone is being wonky

Hmmm.... Not sure if supposed to be innuendo.... :cross:

You got it!:rockin:

I haven't decided what I want to carve yet. But I definitely want it to be unique, something to do with black metal or beer related.
i get off work at noon on fridays so i'll brew before the weekend officially starts. Then my wife and i will go hiking on saturday or sunday to see the maples in all their texan glory. There's a canyon in guadalupe mountains national park that is full of a desert variety of maples, and this weekend they should be at their peak colors.


Ha. Have you seen that Family Guy episode about leafers in New England? I think it's the same one where Lois learns karate or tae kwon do and kicks a bunch of people's a$$es. Pretty funny stuff!
Already carved my pumpkin!


The little lady and I are headed up to the Leelanau peninsula for some beer, wine and beautiful northern MI exploring. Hopefully the weather cooperates
Hosting my annual costume party on Saturday. Cleaning up and recovering on Sunday. I do have group brew planned for tomorrow, however. Even managed to rope in a first time brewer. Let the hazing begin!
Ha. Have you seen that Family Guy episode about leafers in New England? I think it's the same one where Lois learns karate or tae kwon do and kicks a bunch of people's a$$es. Pretty funny stuff!

That was my reference. Nice catch. Enjoy the hike corky.
Hopefully going up to our cottage and getting some brew ingredients and a conical fermenter for free from the neighbor.
I'll be taking a 1st FG reading on my traditional stout Saturday. I'll be oaking it in secondary when it's done. It's down to 19C (66.4F) in the Cooper's FV now. Chilly in here,so I turned on the heater...
I'll be attending my youngest daughter's soccer games on both Sat and Sun. I'll also be daydreaming about that next brew while watching, but we'll just keep that between us :D
making venison jerky with my new dehydrator. look forward to using up some of my ground venison. the steaks and chops get eaten up quick but there always seems to be some ground that is left around.
Nat. Guard drill, now that the govt. is fully open from the partial sorta shutdown. Just kegged a nice coffee porter, so I'll survive. Can't brew next weekend though, have drill again, pipelines gettin low...
North Georgia... at the cabin deep in the woods. Fire burning in the fireplace. Watching single A hockey on the Internet. My Pensacola Ice Flyers are up 6-2 over the Columbus Cotton Mouths.

Been here all week, will be here for the next week. Great weather... cool... but great weather.

Brought 3 cases of home brew with me... a most excellent vacation, I must say.
The creepy carnival themed party was a success. Here are a couple pics. I was, obviously, a clown of sorts and the lady-friend was a porcelain doll-like ringmaster.

Chris & Sara01.jpg

Chris Clown01.jpg
(and no, those aren't my natural eyes or teeth... I do own a toothbrush).
I was supposed to be brewing today, but instead I spent the day getting a power steering fluid leak in my car repaired (boo!), and upgrading my cellphone to a Galaxy S4 from the aging flip-phone I'd been using (huzzah!). I'm a bit put out for having to put off brewing one more day, and laying out as much money as I had to this weekend really burns my 'nads, but as long as nothing comes up tomorrow to spoil my brew day, I should be quite pleased with things overall.
Did some research for my next batch, and then have been tweaking the recipe some on BeerSmith, visited my LHBS to pick up some ingredients and equipment, and for the rest of the ingredients/equipment did some comparison shopping on various online vendors and got that all order. Now will be spending the rest of the weekend playing some online games, watching hockey (I have Game Center Live so can watch most every game even if I have to go back a few days), and hoping everything arrives in time for me to brew next weekend.