Warrior Vs. Columbus Hops

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trub quaffer

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2008
Reaction score
Spokane, WA
I'm planning on making a Dogfish Head 90-min IPA clone in the near future. The recipe calls for Warrior hops and, since I was in my LHBS today buying supplies for my next brew, I asked the manager if he carried Warrior hops because they weren't listed on his hops price list. He proceeded to tell me that Warrior, Zeus and Columbus are all the same hops. Now, this guy got his degree in brewing at UC Davis (he's reminded me of this on a number of occasions) and I shudder at the thought of questioning his vast knowledge ;) , but I'm wondering if he's correct on this. I've seen information regarding Columbus and Zeus being the same hop but I have not seen Warrior being thrown in the mix with them. Anyone have any information either confirming or disproving this?
CTZ not WTZ or whatever. It stands for Columbus Tomahawk and Zeus (all being the same). Columbus is very dank and pungent. I've never used warrior, but as far as I know it is not the same hop.
As far a alpha acids goes Columbus is about 15% and Warrior is about 16%. If he's going off of that then maybe I see where he is coming from since they are close, but I think USMCYoder is right, they aren't the same kind of hop, but if you want to support your LHBS and give your 90 min ipa your own taste then go ahead and try it, you will still come out with a great tasting beer to drink.
He's such a self-important know-it-all he makes it hard to want to support my LHBS. I think I'd rather get the right hops online and brew it the way the recipe is written.
Um, what does that mean?

If that was directed at me, what I meant was that Columbus is often referred to as CTZ. This is because columbus, tomahawk, and zeus are all names given to the same hop. Since there are multiple names for this hop, perhaps the guy flubbed by throwing warrior into that mix.
Yeah when you have someone like that it makes it hard to support what they are doing and I would go online as well and get the right stuff. He'll figure it out when he's losing money.
CTZ not WTZ or whatever. It stands for Columbus Tomahawk and Zeus (all being the same). Columbus is very dank and pungent. I've never used warrior, but as far as I know it is not the same hop.

I never used warrior too, but I support this thesis. I link the two spreadsheets on the Yakima site:


The hops are pretty similar and, as listed in the site below, I think that the recipe would be similar too, since Columbus is listed as a substitute for Warrior.


Cheers from Italy! :)
Thanks for the feedback. Confirms what I was thinking. I just ordered the Warrior from AHB along with a bunch of other stuff.:mug:
Warrior is a good bittering hop, for what it's worth....

Maybe not the same as Columbus.....but still a good bittering hop. I use Warrior a lot.
I think Tomahawk is the same as Columbus. It's hard to find any origin info on Warrior.

Personally, I've only used warrior so I can't compare them.
Warrior does NOT smell like columbus. CTZ is correct, not WTZ. Warrior has a much lighter armoma to me... like a light cascade as I recall. But it bitters like a pro!

But I did not got to UC-D so what do I know?