Voicemail from a random number

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Haha, no idea where that came from. But I'd love to have a beer or 3 with you.

I think you mentioned life as a carny and a trip in a microbus at somepoint?

I love this thread so far. Best recent phone mishap I remember is someone who kept texting me to buy pills. I ignored it the first few times and everntually answered 'i don't know who this is and i don't have any pills' or to that effect. got a few more after that.

Actually my wife got a call, then a text, then a call earlier. Didn't answer the calls, but the text was trying to get in touch with 'mag'
When I was in college my dad had a heart attack, while he was home recuperating, he would get bored and call me sometimes 2-3 times/day to see what was going on. His best friend, from childhood had a 616 area code and I had a 618 area code. He was having some memory problems due to the heart attack, and would call his best friends area code, and my phone number. After doing this several times, and explaining the situation to the guy on the other end, He and the other guy just began conversing when my dad would accidentally call up.
I think there are far too many details in that story left unsaid... he yada yada'ed through all the good parts.
When I was in college my dad had a heart attack, while he was home recuperating, he would get bored and call me sometimes 2-3 times/day to see what was going on. His best friend, from childhood had a 616 area code and I had a 618 area code. He was having some memory problems due to the heart attack, and would call his best friends area code, and my phone number. After doing this several times, and explaining the situation to the guy on the other end, He and the other guy just began conversing when my dad would accidentally call up.

I love this story, a great example of our better natures!
It might be better that he did Creamy. It leaves it more open to the "ideal" course of events in our minds. :)

Haha! you are probably right.

Of course, I can think of a half dozen scenarios where only the husband is a lout, but judging by human nature thats likely not the case.

Although now that I think of it, a friend of my wife was dating a guy for a few months who would always pick her up and take her out in this nice miata (or whatever other impractical 2-seater was hot at the time). One day by accident she sees him in Manhattan parking a black lincoln... with a car-seat. Didnt take long for the story to unravel that he was married with two kids. Turns out the day of his second kid's birth he was with my wife's friend. Klassy. Wife's friend said she took about 6 showers and two hot baths that day.
Cheaters are *****ebags. I don't blame the sister. She's not his keeper (edit: Might be different if she had something on him to blackmail him to do it but I suspect that's less likely.). As for the wife? With the husband cheating then I don't really consider it "cheating" for her persay. That's a risky proposition though. Find out he didn't actually cheat while she did then she becomes the *********. It'd usually be safer just not to follow suit and divorce his ass but maybe she didn't want to do so.

I tend to be extremely Vindictive when I lose my temper though and that'd pretty much make me lose my temper. Sure, the consequences might be suffering on my part in that situation but I might just be willing to pay that price if the circumstances warranted it.
Not a phone call, but I got a funny text story. I'm sitting at work in the middle of the day, and I get a random text from some unknown number saying that they're are the local police station, and being as work was boring, it goes as such :

(stranger) Im in the police station now....Xavier is being taken....They thought he was max, but now they know
(me) Seriously?
(stranger) Yea
(me) What'd he do?
(stranger) He tried sayin he was max....they knew he was lying
(me) Whats he bein booked on?
(stranger) idk yet....I'll let you know....he aint even here....they took him somewhere else
(me) Sh*t, what station you at
(stranger) JC police station

So I call my buddy who was at the time the chief at the neighboring station. He gets back to me shortly thereafter :

"They got a group of idiots down there all around 14 and 15 years old who thought it'd be fun to take the parents car, go drinkin, smokin dope, and joyridin'. Yep, they've got Xavier there. They also have a bunch of idiots who think that they can just not say a word and everything will be OK. Problem is, they need to identify the parents since the kids can't be released. The guys over there now know these idiots are texting, and the kids don't know who the hell they're texting".

Cheaters are *****ebags. I don't blame the sister. She's not his keeper (edit: Might be different if she had something on him to blackmail him to do it but I suspect that's less likely.). As for the wife? With the husband cheating then I don't really consider it "cheating" for her persay. That's a risky proposition though. Find out he didn't actually cheat while she did then she becomes the *********. It'd usually be safer just not to follow suit and divorce his ass but maybe she didn't want to do so.

I tend to be extremely Vindictive when I lose my temper though and that'd pretty much make me lose my temper. Sure, the consequences might be suffering on my part in that situation but I might just be willing to pay that price if the circumstances warranted it.

neosapien also doesnt mention how much time had gone by. For all we know, she could have been legally seperated/divorced by the time the date happened.

Also, his kid sister could have been the hubby's contact for a plumbing supply company he was doing business with... and wifepiece found her (kid sisters) number amongst a pile of evidence of ACTUAL infidelity.

Or... everyone involved, including all of us, all came down with psychosis...
Dave's not here man :fro:

Growing up, our number was one digit away from a cheesy dinner theatre one town over. Got pretty annoying after the hundredth call for reservations....sometimes we just took them :D 7pm party of two, see you then.
My cell number is 1 digit off of a local auction/realty place that deals exclusively with HUD housing. I constantly get calls looking for Kevin. After I inform them they have the wrong number and give them the real number, half the time they will call me back, again I give them the info, the third time I start making appointments to show houses, usually around 7am on a Saturday. My voicemail is just as good and shows just how much people really pay attention. My message is something to the effect of "Hi this is Wes B., licensed funeral director and manager of Howe Funeral Home...." yep you guessed it, the jackwagons keep leaving messages for Kevin wanting to look at a house. Sometimes they even call me back and get mad because I won't return their calls.
Had a few. A sad song, woman singing, asking for just one more night. I was single at the time, but think I eliminated the likely suspects. Never figured it out. A text from an unfamiliar number, telling me Judge Ross had died. I knew Judge Ross, texted back asking who the msg was from. He told me, but we didn't know eachother. Don't know how he got my #.
I worked for many years as a cop in a small village. An older woman with issues used to call with questions: "There's a man at my door who says he's my son, he wants to come in. What should I do?"
A: "Let him in, Ma'am. That's your son."
Q: "Ups (UPS) left some packages at my back door with my name on them. What should I do?"
A: "Bring them in Ma'am, they're for you."
"Thank you."
Here is an update on prison having called me. I received 2 more calls, all three I missed and went to VM. Haven't heard back in over a week. If they call back again I will try to answer, but whoever it is/was, I hope they manage to get in touch with whoever it is they are trying to reach. Otherwise, I hope jail is not trying to find me to pick me up for something I have no clue of doing.
Had a few. A sad song, woman singing, asking for just one more night. I was single at the time, but think I eliminated the likely suspects. Never figured it out. A text from an unfamiliar number, telling me Judge Ross had died. I knew Judge Ross, texted back asking who the msg was from. He told me, but we didn't know eachother. Don't know how he got my #.
I worked for many years as a cop in a small village. An older woman with issues used to call with questions: "There's a man at my door who says he's my son, he wants to come in. What should I do?"
A: "Let him in, Ma'am. That's your son."
Q: "Ups (UPS) left some packages at my back door with my name on them. What should I do?"
A: "Bring them in Ma'am, they're for you."
"Thank you."
Not a phone call but that reminded of the time I was standing watch on the quarter deck for a Naval air station and a woman came in with a gun and demanded that I find her son for her.

She did not actually threaten me with the gun and handed it over when I asked for it so I though I would try and help her. Very long drawn out story comes down to God said her son was in trouble and I had to find him so she could put him back on the right path.

I found out what ship he was deployed on and that he was not in trouble and let her know. She becomes mad as hell at me and demands her gun back because she wants to leave now. I refuse to give it to her and around this point security finally shows up and tells me that since she did not actually come on the base with it I have to give it to her.

I refuse and tell them that I will give it to them and leave and they can give it to the obviously disturbed woman. This brings them to their senses and we finally get the local police to show up. She gives them some crap and they do not hesitate to cuff her and take her downtown. Turns out they have had a lot of dealings with her and when she takes her medication is a very nice person.

The part I could never get over is the security people telling me to give the gun back to a person that has determined I am in league with the devil to keep her from saving her son. By the time all the reporting was done and I was called to explain everything to the Skipper of the base the security guards lost their jobs.
I had some youngster texting me thinking he was texting his high school basketball coach. Had a problem getting him to stop.
I worked at a high end well known retail store going through college. Had a co worker who was very funny, would do characters and all. One day we were joking around and these late teen early twenties girls were laughing and one asked him to call her boyfriend and just do a character. He took her cell and called. Got VM and in his older gentleman voice went off on how he needed to stay away from his daughter and knew where he lived and yada yada yada. Was quite entertaining. We also used to answer the phone as random infamous people. "Thank you for calling this large Seattle based clothing and men's shoe store this is Spiro Agnew." Surprised neither of us got fired.

Your story reminds me of a time when I was posted on the main dispatch desk at Travis AFB when President Bush stopped by for a fairly quick speech on base. Secret Service gave us a heads up that we would get weird phone calls. They were right too. The one that I really remember well was some lady called up to tell us that she knew Bush was at the base and that she was OK with the Secret Service spying on her, you know, for national security and all. I asked her what she was referring to, and she said there was a metal cube hovering over the street outside of her apartment watching her, and she knew it was the Secret Service keeping an eye on her. I told her I was glad she was OK with it and to have a good day.
I think you mentioned life as a carny and a trip in a microbus at somepoint?

haha. I was not a carny. I worked in real theater. Sorta real. Vaudeville is out there.

But, we spoke "carny". It's similar to pig latin. Backstage, carny was very popular. Carny was like a second language at the time. The townies don't know what you're saying, but the crew and local union guys do. Man that brings back memories. I'll not go on, but I could.
haha. I was not a carny. I worked in real theater. Sorta real. Vaudeville is out there.

But, we spoke "carny". It's similar to pig latin. Backstage, carny was very popular. Carny was like a second language at the time. The townies don't know what you're saying, but the crew and local union guys do. Man that brings back memories. I'll not go on, but I could.

Hmm, maybe it was Dan? I swear there was a carny story on here and you guys look alike. ;)