[Version 2 Release] RaspberryPints - Digital Taplist Solution

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Good question that I can't answer from any experience.
Like the original Zero (and the original Model B) it only has 512MB of ram which might hamstring it a bit, but if all it's doing is running the taplist the Zero 2 W will probably be fine...

Good question that I can't answer from any experience.
Like the original Zero (and the original Model B) it only has 512MB of ram which might hamstring it a bit, but if all it's doing is running the taplist the Zero 2 W will probably be fine...

I ask, because I have an old Zero W (single core) and you're right, it is struggling, so figured I should upgrade but I don't want to spend more than I have to :)
If one could find a Zero 2 W in stock at something less than double the $15 MSRP it would be worth the risk imo, but good luck with that. The best I can find today for anything in stock is Canakit's Z2W "Starter Kit" which looks like this and sells for $54 plus at least $15 for shipping so now you're up to almost $70 and that case might not be very useful in the end...


If one could find a Zero 2 W in stock at something less than double the $15 MSRP it would be worth the risk imo, but good luck with that. The best I can find today for anything in stock is Canakit's Z2W "Starter Kit" which looks like this and sells for $54 plus at least $15 for shipping so now you're up to almost $70 and that case might not be very useful in the end...

yes, that's the problem. Also RPints used to run ok on my Zero W, but after upgrading the OS, it appears that Chromium is no longer supported on the Zero and not sure about the Zero 2. Maybe someone that has one will chime in.
I’m not shocked about the reduced compatibility. The Zero is ARMv6, whereas the Zero 2 is ARMv7. Almost everything RPi is compiled for ARMv7 these days as that covers almost everything 32 bit RPi OS (RPi Zero 2, RPi 2/3/4/400/Compute, you get the idea — everything except Zero/1)

You run the risk of it not being compatible at some point in the future — unlike the RPi 3/4/400 it’s not actually ARMv8 masquerading as ARMv7, and therefore cannot run a 64-bit OS — but you’re probably good for at least another few years on app compatibility.

Edit - I was wrong. The Pi Zero 2 is actually ARMv8.
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I’m not shocked about the reduced compatibility. The Zero is ARMv6, whereas the Zero 2 is ARMv7. Almost everything RPi is compiled for ARMv7 these days as that covers almost everything 32 bit RPi OS (RPi Zero 2, RPi 2/3/4/400/Compute, you get the idea — everything except Zero/1)

You run the risk of it not being compatible at some point in the future — unlike the RPi 3/4/400 it’s not actually ARMv8 masquerading as ARMv7, and therefore cannot run a 64-bit OS — but you’re probably good for at least another few years on app compatibility.
thanks for this info! I hate to have to buy yet another Pi, but if I must I must!
Zero 2 W, 2B 2nd gen, 3B and 3B+, and the 4B, all run the same processor, just different bins.
I'll be surprised if whatever's going on with the Zero W isn't just an Org hiccup. I can't see them abandoning such a widely used board...

Apparently, I was wrong! The Pi Zero 2 W is ARMv8 for what its worth. Still very little RAM, but a bit more futureproof at least!
good to know!
Zero 2 W, 2B 2nd gen, 3B and 3B+, and the 4B, all run the same processor, just different bins.
I'll be surprised if whatever's going on with the Zero W isn't just an Org hiccup. I can't see them abandoning such a widely used board...

all I know is it is a PITA grrr. but if upgrading works ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ we'll see
Not sure if anyone has done this, but is it possible to change the glass shape per beer? I'd like to have recommended serving glass depicted instead of the generic Euro Pint glass if that's possible
Not sure if anyone has done this, but is it possible to change the glass shape per beer? I'd like to have recommended serving glass depicted instead of the generic Euro Pint glass if that's possible
I'm sure that I can select different glasses, memory suggests I changed some of them to a Teku. It must have been an option, I don't have the skills to hack into it. Someone will enlighten us.
Are there any special cable types I need to run from the flow meters to the raspberry pi? and is there a length limit as I'm wondering how far or close the Pi needs to be to the keg fridge.
I have the option of the Pi being within a meter and a long hdmi cable to the monitor, or vice versa.
Flow meter wire length isn't critical as these meter circuits are basically "on/off" at uber low bandwidth (like a couple of hundred Hertz, tops).

fwiw, I run SwissFlow SF800 meters with their original length (100cm) cables plugged into an interface panel on my keezer, which is then cabled another ~4 feet down the back to the IO panel of my control system located in the keezer's dolly, and then another ~foot of wire to get from the IO panel to the Alamode atop the RPi that runs the show. So figure at least 8 feet of wire per each of six faucets, and they have all worked perfectly for going on 10 years now.

So either solution would work. I'd go with the one that's easiest to maintain :)

Flow meter wire length isn't critical as these meter circuits are basically "on/off" at uber low bandwidth (like a couple of hundred Hertz, tops).

fwiw, I run SwissFlow SF800 meters with their original length (100cm) cables plugged into an interface panel on my keezer, which is then cabled another ~4 feet down the back to the IO panel of my control system located in the keezer's dolly, and then another ~foot of wire to get from the IO panel to the Alamode atop the RPi that runs the show. So figure at least 8 feet of wire per each of six faucets, and they have all worked perfectly for going on 10 years now.

So either solution would work. I'd go with the one that's easiest to maintain :)

Thank you

So I could use some CAT 6 cable to connect from the meters to the splitter board thing I've bought to go on the arduino board. Sounds too easy.
Absolutely, but don't test signal integrity bounds by combining meter data leads in the pairs :)
Make them data & gnd for each meter...

I can select different glasses
with a lot of help the community recommended the glass on the beer be specific to the glass it is served in. so on the beer option there is a container option you can select from
which will change the image of the glass on the color display to match the appropriate glass for the beer

Every time I try to run the update function, I get this result:

Validating Entries...Success!
Checking DB connectivity...Success Connecting to Database!
Checking config folder permissions...Success!
Upgrading RaspberryPints...error in query 153[ALTER TABLE fermentables MODIFY srm DECIMAL(7,1) NOT NULL ] [Data truncated for column 'srm' at row 4]
with a lot of help the community recommended the glass on the beer be specific to the glass it is served in. so on the beer option there is a container option you can select from
which will change the image of the glass on the color display to match the appropriate glass for the beer View attachment 824156
View attachment 824154

FYI - this only works if this setting is "off":

Upgrading RaspberryPints...error in query 153[ALTER TABLE fermentables MODIFY srm DECIMAL(7,1) NOT NULL ] [Data truncated for column 'srm' at row 4]
that would happen if you have a fermentable that has an SRM with more than 1 decimal point or more than 7 digits (98765432.21)

which should be impossible unless you changed the column. You can remove line 734 from sql/update.sql to stop the error.
that would happen if you have a fermentable that has an SRM with more than 1 decimal point or more than 7 digits (98765432.21)

which should be impossible unless you changed the column. You can remove line 734 from sql/update.sql to stop the error.
Actually I found 4 fermentable entries that did not have the SRM selected, once I filled them in the update ran successfully.
Actually I found 4 fermentable entries that did not have the SRM selected, once I filled them in the update ran successfully.
that makes sense since the column was changed to not null, so empty was no longer valid
Ok, I have a keg Load cell built and tested. I tested it with some code on a ESP32. I hooked it up to the raspberry pi on pins 5 and 6 and tested it with hx711py example.py code and I am getting readings just fine from the python code.

So I know the hardware is working and connected properly. I have a pi breakout board that has LEDs on it so I can see when it clocks the data from the hx711 using the python script.

I have the pins setup correctly in the load cell page on raspberry pints.....I have even tried swapping the pins to see if that makes a difference but I am not seeing any change in the keg weight... clicking on Tare says success but I don't see the LEDs behaving like the python script which tells me that raspberry pints is not interacting with the HX711 AtoD.

is there debug messages that I can view that might tell me something? Where does the Hx711 code reside for raspberry pints and whats the best way of debugging the code?

is there debug messages that I can view that might tell me something? Where does the Hx711 code reside for raspberry pints and whats the best way of debugging the code?
in <webroot>/python/Config.py
config['loadcell.debug' ] = False#True
config['loadcell.debug' ] = True

the logic is in <webroot>/python/hx711.py
should also mention; if you dont already know, rpints logs to /var/log/rpints.log
or there is a webpage for it under admin->install->log
Thanks RandR
I was able to enable debugging "True" in the config file......but when I check the log I don't see anything in there. Do I need to enable logging somewhere?

Do I need to enable load cell monitoring somewhere in the configuration?
Do I need to enable logging somewhere?

Do I need to enable load cell monitoring somewhere in the configuration?
basic logging should automatically be enabled
what happens when you run
sudo /etc/init.d/flowmon status

the only config its looks for to start load cells is that there is a load cell whose cmdPin is not null. which it looks like you have setup.
basic logging should automatically be enabled
what happens when you run
sudo /etc/init.d/flowmon status

the only config its looks for to start load cells is that there is a load cell whose cmdPin is not null. which it looks like you have setup.
when I run that command I get

● flowmon.service - LSB: Put a short description of the service here
Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/flowmon; generated)
Active: active (running) since Wed 2023-07-12 12:18:04 EDT; 32min ago
Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
Process: 746 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/flowmon start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Tasks: 7 (limit: 1595)
CPU: 2.781s
CGroup: /system.slice/flowmon.service
└─758 /usr/bin/python /var/www/html/python/PintDispatch.py

Jul 12 12:18:04 rpints systemd[1]: Starting LSB: Put a short description of the service here...
Jul 12 12:18:04 rpints flowmon[746]: Starting system RPFlowMon daemon:.
Jul 12 12:18:04 rpints systemd[1]: Started LSB: Put a short description of the service here.
when I run that command hgI get
looks good.
the log path is hardcoded, wonder if something else is stuck.

my next steps would be to stop the daemon and run the python directly from the terminal, this will give you the log to the terminal not the file

sudo /etc/init.d/flowmon stop
python /var/www/html/python/PintDispatch.py
2023-07-12 13:43:36 RPINTS: Could not import RFID Reader, RFID disabled. Assuming SPI not installed/configured
RPINTS: reflashing Arduino failed, moving on anyways, error was: Command '/usr/share/arduino/hardware/tools/avrdude -C/usr/share/arduino/hardware/tools/avrdude.conf -patmega328p -calamode -P/dev/ttyS0 -b115200 -D -Uflash:w:/var/www/html//arduino/raspberrypints/raspberrypints.cpp.hex:i' returned non-zero exit status 1.
2023-07-12 13:43:41 RPINTS: starting WS server
2023-07-12 13:43:41 RPINTS: starting device monitors...
2023-07-12 13:43:41 RPINTS: starting command server
2023-07-12 13:43:41 RPINTS: starting fan control
2023-07-12 13:43:42 RPINTS: Fan Control fanControl1 is Running
2023-07-12 13:43:42 RPINTS: LC-1 Starting
2023-07-12 13:43:42 RPINTS: Not Configured to run Fan
2023-07-12 13:43:42 RPINTS: serial connection stopped...
Exception in thread Thread-3:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/threading.py", line 954, in _bootstrap_inner
File "/usr/lib/python3.9/threading.py", line 892, in run
self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
File "/var/www/html/python/PintDispatch.py", line 598, in spawn_flowmonitor
File "/var/www/html/python/FlowMonitor.py", line 352, in exitFlowMonitor
AttributeError: 'FlowMonitor' object has no attribute 'arduino'
2023-07-12 13:43:42 RPINTS: serial connection stopped...
not sure why that wasnt in the log but thats the issue
It looks like you are configured for serial communication to the Arudino, is that correct?

I can tell by the flash command as it has /dev/ttyS0 in it:

/dev/ttyS0 = serial (arudino connected to the GPIO)
/dev/ttyACM0 = USB
not sure why that wasnt in the log but thats the issue
It looks like you are configured for serial communication to the Arudino, is that correct?

I can tell by the flash command as it has /dev/ttyS0 in it:

/dev/ttyS0 = serial (arudino connected to the GPIO)
/dev/ttyACM0 = USB
I don't have an Arduino and don't plan on using one (which I would assume is for flow meters?)

my plan is only to use load cells

Is there a way to disable the Arduino serial? and configure for Load cells?
Yes on the personalize admin screen
View attachment 824528

switch that to off then stop you terminal python and run
sudo /etc/init.d/flowmon start
its been off the whole time....I have been having this issue.

I tried toggling it on and then off to see if that would help, but no luck.

Even with it in the off state it still tries to connect to the serial port.