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Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2004
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So after 18 months of terrible service they decided not to honor the token credit they offered me.

How can I get back at them? They said a manager would call me today or tomorrow, so I need ideas quick.
Charter cable had a freak out when my buddy got on twitter and talked crap about them for raising his bill above the introductory price after one year. He kept the introductory price for his stay in that apartment for removing the tweet or making it good,something like that.
Well, there are a few things you can do. You can go the twitter route, tweet at them and make your grievance public. Two, when the "manager" speaks to you listen to what he has to say and if you don't like it, ask for someone higher than him!

You can also threaten to leave and use another service and that usually brings them back into your graces...now even if you really can't leave them they don't know the truth so threatening to leave should be a deal maker!
What was the problem & token credit? I've had to wait a day or two for them to come out & fix problems with the modem or connection. But got credit for down time. I just wished their modems/system would send & recieve better than they do. Sometimes I time out waiting for the DATA lights to do there thing.
Dump em. Comcast had excellent product service in my area but horrible customer service. Add to that the fact that your bill went up a few dollars every quarter for the life of the service and it is just no worth it anymore. I switched about 6 months back and now I have slightly better customer service so far, equal or better product service, better picture quality, and I save about $100 a month. I turned some of that savings into a Roku with a Netflix and a Hulu Plus account and I have more than I could ever watch at my fingertips.
Just remember. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Squeak darn you. Squeak loudly.

As much as I hate people who do that (I work in phone support on a 'Helldesk") it really does work when they are screwing you over. Just know that if you make ultimatums and threats to cancel, be prepared to do so.
Dumped cable months ago and haven't looked back.

But I do miss Game of Thrones :(

Dumped cable and went with Dish satellite in the early 90's. I have better service, better price and fewer outages than I have had with cable. It only goes out in heavy storms, or iced up dish.

I lived in an apartment in early 2000 the cable was out an average of 1 - 5 times a week for an average of 2 hours each time.
So after 18 months of terrible service they decided not to honor the token credit they offered me.

How can I get back at them? They said a manager would call me today or tomorrow, so I need ideas quick.

Dump them. There are cheaper ways to watch TV and you can get what you want when you want it. TV on YOUR schedule!

Dumped cable and went with Dish satellite in the early 90's. I have better service, better price and fewer outages than I have had with cable. It only goes out in heavy storms, or iced up dish.

I lived in an apartment in early 2000 the cable was out an average of 1 - 5 times a week for an average of 2 hours each time.

Best way to get fewer outages is to call and demand a refund for services not rendered. I did this every time my service was down. Had very few outages and the best signal strength in the neighborhood.
I hate time warner. I recently got hired for a great job then days before starting got a call firing me because I owed time warner a bill of $500 from years ago that I never knew about. I now use Verizon fios but in one bedroom I hooked up the time warner cable so I can justify that balance
I am disliking ATT for when I upgraded my DSL to Uverse ADSL+2 (or whatever) they did a half-assed job of setting me up. The technician had no idea it was a business account and that I bought a block of 5 static IPs. The router isn't capable of one-to-one NAT, so in order to give my servers public IPs, I will have to dumb the router and install a proper one behind it. It took several hours and about 6 different transfers to find a guy who told me how to set up the static IPs, and then it wasn't even what he thought it was!

So I'm stuck figuring all of this out. The manual for the router isn't terrible, but it's hard to find and the description of it's settings leaves a bit to be desired.

I'd still rather than AT&T than TW from what I've heard!
So after 18 months of terrible service they decided not to honor the token credit they offered me.

How can I get back at them? They said a manager would call me today or tomorrow, so I need ideas quick.

Get them and Verizon (or whoever) on a 3-way call. Let them fight for your affections. That would be great to watch. Much better if you arranged face-to-face meetings at the same time.
I got them to comp me. I won, but I still feel like I lost.
So after 18 months of terrible service they decided not to honor the token credit they offered me.

How can I get back at them? They said a manager would call me today or tomorrow, so I need ideas quick.

The most satisfying things you could do are most likely also the most illegal things you could do; just sayin'.
That having been said, you could robocall them with a recording of you demanding they honor their promises, and/or a demand for them to carry CBS & Showtime networks:

You could eat a big plate of spagghetti, then visit their office(s), while there, take a dose of syrup of ipecac, thereby inducing yourself to vomit all over their floor, walls, furniture, etc...
The target for your planned spew is your choice.
It's much less obvious than $hitting on their floor. Just an idea. Regards, GF.
I dumped TWC after they started cancelling channels and raising the rates every month. Went with one of the dish networks. Now I have 400 channels -- 100 spanish speaking, 100 home shopping networks, 100 infomercial networks and 100 channels of "nothing's on".

I remember when there were only 3 channels, with good programming, for free -- what happened?
I must be the only human in the world that has never been shat on by Comcast.

Hell, when there is an error with my bill they call me and let me know about it and that they corrected it..

Maybe I'm the Comcast Christ
I too dumped TWC months ago. The packages were overpriced and lacking, and the service was terrible.

I briefly considered switching to AT&T, but then just decided to quit cable altogether.

Right now my only source for "television" is Netflix streaming and Hulu Plus. It only cost me about $17/mo for both, so I'm saving tons compared to what I used to shell out for cable. And given that I don't even watch that much TV, it seems far more reasonable.

In a perfect world I wouldn't have Netflix of Hulu either (I prefer reading as my evening diversion), but SWMBO put her foot down on that one....
And they dropped Showtime. I didn't watch it anyways, but I'm angry!
I recently noticed the Comcast bill jump (yet again) from $154 to $171! I just ordered an antenna and 100 foot coaxial cable. I am an Amazon Prime member and they have a good video library. All of the required equipment is about $130 and I went for the 'tool time'-style overkill. I have a question for you: with Netflix and / or Hulu, do you get access to the current season's TV shows or is it just previous seasons archived? Any other advice on cutting the cable? Thanks in advance for any tips or insight!


Dump em. Comcast had excellent product service in my area but horrible customer service. Add to that the fact that your bill went up a few dollars every quarter for the life of the service and it is just no worth it anymore. I switched about 6 months back and now I have slightly better customer service so far, equal or better product service, better picture quality, and I save about $100 a month. I turned some of that savings into a Roku with a Netflix and a Hulu Plus account and I have more than I could ever watch at my fingertips.
I recently noticed the Comcast bill jump (yet again) from $154 to $171! I just ordered an antenna and 100 foot coaxial cable. I am an Amazon Prime member and they have a good video library. All of the required equipment is about $130 and I went for the 'tool time'-style overkill. I have a question for you: with Netflix and / or Hulu, do you get access to the current season's TV shows or is it just previous seasons archived? Any other advice on cutting the cable? Thanks in advance for any tips or insight!


Free Hulu throws up either the whole or at least the few episodes of current OTA tv shows. I cant confirm about stuff from pay cable. Netflix seems to be past seasons, and a few they have agreements with.

I will admit there are places online where you can stream shows from all seasons within hours of the show playing. And in good quality too. It all boils down to how honest you want to be.
They did almost the same thing to me. I cancelled my service and they kept charging me. After 4 calls (which all lasted over an hour) and all the reassurance they could offer, I still havent been given back the 50$ they took from my account. This is one company I hope I never have to deal with again.
Time Warner is the worst. Where we live its either Time Warner or Dish. The DVR box messes up frequently, sound and picture problems and crappy customer service. I could go on and on.
I used to not mind dealing with them that much until I called to cancel our cable TV service yesterday.

32min on hold, live person finally answers and we somehow get suddenly disconnected

call back, 31min on hold, new agent answers and starts going through their spiel about packages, promotions etc to help me save money. I tell her I know what the options are and just want to cancel. she starts asking me what I watch on TV, what my needs are, who else lives with me etc. I tell her I want to keep my internet at current speed and disconnect cable. She starts asking me what I do on the internet, "do you download movies, music, stream videos etc" insisting that she must know what "my needs are" to be able to help me. tell her off in the nicest way possible and repeat that my needs are to simply keep my internet and shut off the cable.

finally get her to agree to disconnect cable, wait another 10min off and on hold. They are charging my CC ~ $35 until I return my equipment. Of course when I checked to see if my cable was turned off last night it was still fully operational.

looking for a different ISP so I can just dump them entirely.
I had the same issue last time and they actually blamed it on an ill trained employee?
I'm pretty sure I've been lied to at least the last 10 times I've contacted time warner.
They always lie. It's how they get away with taking our money for not doing much.