This Really Annoys Me Pet Peeve Thread

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This post is against the rules that I suggested in post number one.

I asked that we overlook race, religion and politics in this thread.

General Rules,

NO - To posts about politics, race or religion

YES - To stories about any whiney, bitchy people.

YES - Your own whiney bitchiness.

YES - To the jacked up system

YES - To stories about jerks.

YES - To anything that makes you want to stick a fork in your eye. (and is not about politics, race or religion)
you know what really grinds my gears? threads with rules..
nah, but seriously, I think my number one is people who don't use turn signals. I am pretty good about overlooking a lot of other annoying things that other people do and not just while driving--but that one absolutely kills me..
I point it out every time and my wife just listens," mmmm-hmmm, yep, I saw that, wooow!" :)
you know what really grinds my gears? threads with rules..

Yeah I know. :D

The reason I reposted, I don't want it to become a debate thread, because it'll get shut down.

This is just a place to vent about trivial crap, the dumb things people do, and messed up lemming-like activities often forced upon us.

Its kind of the opposite of the debate forum. Most people agree, but scratch their head why (is it this way).

..... Or just to have fun bitching.

And the guy that stands at the bar in a small establishment like he is the fat kid on the high school basketball team trying to box out the tall kid.
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So it is like the debate forum then? :confused:

Yes, I mean no, yes, no, yes, yes, no. Of course not. Clear? :D

"Opposite" being the key word here. Opposite of debate meaning many people possibly agree, but its trivial if you didn't. Po-tay-to, Po-tah-to or Beer on Draught; Drah-ft or Draw? Who gives a $chlitz?



Avoid a controversial debate topic because it belongs in the debate forum.
To bring the conversation back to drivers since wait staff getting dumped on makes me sad (having worked in food service a LOT there's a lot of cruddy things "customers" pull that make a good waiter/waitress go bad).

Night driving, a person is clearly gaining on me (Wisconsin highway speeds just got upped to 70) so I'm chilling with my cruise on at 73-75 and the guy behind me is clearly going 77-78 so they'll pass me. Instead they get about 2 seconds behind me, turn their cruise down and just chill behind me. Yeah for the most part they don't have their brights on, but dude, I am NOT your Bambi bar deer-catcher. Your lights are ruining my night vision and if I hit a deer and have to hit my brakes you ARE going to hit me. It's ALWAYS someone in a much much nicer car than me so they're just looking for someone to hit the deer for them. Guess what dummy, I'm gonna drop my cruise control until you get the hint, I've had a person just chill behind me until my cruise hit 45, seriously you aren't going to realize I do not want you behind me, go hit the deer yourself turd.

TLDR I hate other drivers. Not cause they are awful and suck at driving, they're just super inconsiderate.
Cars that will drive at or under the speed limit, right until you pass them - and then they want to tailgate you. Buddy, if you don't have the balls to speed on your own, you are NOT going to ride my coattails. I'd like to keep a box of nails in my center console for those a$$holes. That, or start winging paintballs out the sunroof.
Cars that will drive at or under the speed limit, right until you pass them - and then they want to tailgate you. Buddy, if you don't have the balls to speed on your own, you are NOT going to ride my coattails. I'd like to keep a box of nails in my center console for those a$$holes. That, or start winging paintballs out the sunroof.

I prefer golf balls myself, but range balls work the best.
General things that peeve me:

  1. Student Loans. I went to school to earn a degree in order to "make more money" just to use the money to pay back my student loans.

  2. Giving kids participant trophies. Yay! Let's tell every kid that they "won" and continue to breed mediocrity.

  3. People with tattoos on their neck, hands, face... that complain that they can't find a job. Really? I am sleeved and have maintained steady employment since I started getting tattooed 17 years ago. Why? Because I can easily cover all of my tattoos. Sure. I would love a neck tattoo. But I also love putting food on the table, paying my mortgage, and spoiling my kids.

    [*]The Big Bang Theory. The show. Not the scientific theory. It's about "nerds," but I don't know any nerds that think it's funny.

  4. Americans that walk down the left side of an aisle, row, hallway... we drive on the right. Walk on the right.

  5. When people argue that what is popular is therefore good. (See the Big Bang Theory.)

  6. Panera Bread. Zero artificial flavors. Zero preservatives. Zero flavor. I'd rather eat the re-heated slop from Applebees.

Hey now... You could produce a show called "Kaley Cuoco Watches Paint Dry" and I'd watch the **** out of that.
Anybody that owns a Subaru or a pit bull. Mostly for different reasons.
Sorry if that's getting into anyone's religion.
People don't need to drive 30mph just cause there is a little snow on the roads. The speed limit is fine.
I'm tired of hearing the whining about student loans. It seems every day there's a sad tale about someone who blew through $80k to get a degree in 17th century French literature and now they can't find a job.

Now, they want everyone to feel sorry for them because the evil banks and colleges took advantage of them. Maybe they should have taken a few more math classes.

This is just an extension of the housing loan issue. I'm sorry folks, if you have a household income of $60k you cannot afford a $400k home. Do the math!
I agree. Get a college degree in something that lets you pay the loans back and go to community college.

I'm also a nerd and I love Big Bang Theory. It's a sad day that you can't laugh at yourself.
GI Bill allowed me to go to community college full time while only having to work part time

Associates degree allowed me to get a decent job to not only pay back student loans, but company also helped pay for further education

still working on my BS, but dang if it doesn't cut into my brewing time
I'm tired of hearing the whining about student loans. It seems every day there's a sad tale about someone who blew through $80k to get a degree in 17th century French literature and now they can't find a job.

Or this: state school is $X. Private school is $X times 10. Don't ***** about how big your loans are if you chose to pass on the excellent state school in favor of the fancy pants private school.
Or this: state school is $X. Private school is $X times 10. Don't ***** about how big your loans are if you chose to pass on the excellent state school in favor of the fancy pants private school.
And community college/vocational school is half (or less) than $X. As a graduate of a 4 year university, there is absolutely NO reason not to at least start at a community college and get your general education classes out of the way. Cost per credit is significantly lower, and you often have better instructor/student ratios.
And community college/vocational school is half (or less) than $X. As a graduate of a 4 year university, there is absolutely NO reason not to at least start at a community college and get your general education classes out of the way. Cost per credit is significantly lower, and you often have better instructor/student ratios.

Yep Yep Yep Yep Yep
Here (in Sweden), university is free. You also get a small grant each month when studying and anyone can get a student loan (that is very beneficial).
We also have universal health care, 480 days of paid parental leave (per child) and lets just say gun violence is not a major concern here.

Yeah, I think you are entitled to 'whine' about student loans. I think you have a lot of things to whine about.
Resist the temptation to go political on this.

If you need to, drop a link here to a thread in the debate section.
And community college/vocational school is half (or less) than $X. As a graduate of a 4 year university, there is absolutely NO reason not to at least start at a community college and get your general education classes out of the way. Cost per credit is significantly lower, and you often have better instructor/student ratios.

I did this for two years then finished out at Purdue for the other 3 years. Got three degrees for $30k, associate in applied science, associate in applied technology and a bachelor of science. 1993-1997.

My parents were not wealthy by any means. They saved every cash gift I got from friends and relatives for birthdays and Christmas did so for 18 years. Put it into a trust for me. Smartest thing ever. I also used VEAP. Veterans Educational Assistance.

Three degrees debt free. Put a good down payment on my first house within 6 months after graduation.
Here (in Sweden), university is free. You also get a small grant each month when studying and anyone can get a student loan (that is very beneficial).
We also have universal health care, 480 days of paid parental leave (per child) and lets just say gun violence is not a major concern here.

Yeah, I think you are entitled to 'whine' about student loans. I think you have a lot of things to whine about.

Nothing is free.

Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong on any of this:

Minimum income tax rate = 31% (the first $2,700 of income is not taxed)
Maximum income tax rate = 59.7%
Payroll tax = 31.42%
VAT = 25%, 12%, or 6% depending on what is purchased.

minimum income tax rate = 0%
Maximum income tax rate = 39.6%
Payroll taxes = 15.3% to 19.1%
Local sales tax = 0% to 11.725%
can't remember if it was Norway or Sweden, me and 2 buddies went out, split a medium pizza and a plate of nachos, a beer each and the bill was $90 USD

another place buddy and I had to order food to even get into this bar, so we ordered the cheapest item on the menu, an order of pomme frites for 50 Swedish Krona (Norwegian Krone) at the time it was 5 Krona/Krone to 1 USD (1992)

so, yeah, $10 for an order of goddamn french fries is so worth "free" university
can't remember if it was Norway or Sweden, me and 2 buddies went out, split a medium pizza and a plate of nachos, a beer each and the bill was $90 USD

another place buddy and I had to order food to even get into this bar, so we ordered the cheapest item on the menu, an order of pomme frites for 50 Swedish Krona (Norwegian Krone) at the time it was 5 Krona/Krone to 1 USD (1992)

so, yeah, $10 for an order of goddamn french fries is so worth "free" university

Strawmanning purchasing power via exchange rates now... I think I need a drink :mug:
People don't need to drive 30mph just cause there is a little snow on the roads. The speed limit is fine.

This, for the most part.

Last night I had to have my fiancee's aunt and her 90 yr old friend follow me home from a party. Winding country roads that aren't plowed is one thing, but when the roads were completely clear and straight on the route, they were still going 30 in a 55.
Anyone who refers to their favorite professional sports team as "we" or "us". I don't care if you've been a fan since birth. Unless you actually play on the team, coach the team, or collect a paycheck from the team, you are ONLY a fan, and you sound ridiculous.
Chinese tourists... There, I said it!

I don't mean people of Chinese decent who travel, I'm talking about the idiots from China who have no clue how to behave outside their little Shangri-La. do they not have lines in China?

On the plus side though, the Brits and Americans can breathe a sigh of releif now that the pressure is off us.
This, for the most part.

Last night I had to have my fiancee's aunt and her 90 yr old friend follow me home from a party. Winding country roads that aren't plowed is one thing, but when the roads were completely clear and straight on the route, they were still going 30 in a 55.

Yeah...always liked this commercial.
Quite the contrary. However, waitstaff are usually under pressure from management to to turn your table as quickly as possible. The more times your table gets turned in a night, the more money the restaurant makes. The longer you sit there, the fewer entrees they sell. Time you sit there waiting for food is time wasted.

This is true at chain restaurants which I won't set foot in anyway. If you're going to a chain restaurant then you're getting what you deserve....
This is true at chain restaurants which I won't set foot in anyway. If you're going to a chain restaurant then you're getting what you deserve....

Remember, it's also the waitstaff who have a financial incentive to turn those tables quickly. You aren't tipping them more for sitting there three hours than if they hustle you out in 45 minutes.

Even if you are, one table tipping $20 doesn't match four turnovers at $10 per.
Chinese tourists... There, I said it!

I don't mean people of Chinese decent who travel, I'm talking about the idiots from China who have no clue how to behave outside their little Shangri-La. do they not have lines in China?

On the plus side though, the Brits and Americans can breathe a sigh of releif now that the pressure is off us.


We were standing in a rather long line to get into the San Diego Zoo last year. In comes a family of Chinese tourists, about 8 or 10 of them. They swoop right in to the front of the line, in front of one of the ticket booths. Other people start yelling at them. A zoo employee came over and told them they had to go to the back of the line. Just then the Chinese mom started shrieking indignantly at the poor guy. After a little back and forth arguing with him, the tourists finally shuffled to the back of the line.

Sense of entitlement isn't just an American thing. Ugly tourists come in all flavors.
Remember, it's also the waitstaff who have a financial incentive to turn those tables quickly. You aren't tipping them more for sitting there three hours than if they hustle you out in 45 minutes.

Even if you are, one table tipping $20 doesn't match four turnovers at $10 per.

You have to remember that if you're racking up drinks they make a bunch of money that way and it increases the tip amount pretty fast. It's not unusual if you're drinking that the bill for food is half of the net bill, if not a fraction of the bill.

I have picked up a bill for more than $900. About 80% beer and spirits. Did so at The Keg in Toronto not so long ago. It was a party of four.

Tip was $180 so about 1,080.

Rushing people out if they are ordering drinks is stupid.

A big part of my job is entertaining suppliers when we get together. Many designs have been developed on a bar napkin.
This is true at chain restaurants which I won't set foot in anyway. If you're going to a chain restaurant then you're getting what you deserve....


I've never understood how people can go to a chain restaurant (Crapplebee's, Dead Robin, etc.) and ***** about the service, the food, and/or the beer selection. Those restaurants are geared toward people who don't know any better.
Anyone who refers to their favorite professional sports team as "we" or "us". I don't care if you've been a fan since birth. Unless you actually play on the team, coach the team, or collect a paycheck from the team, you are ONLY a fan, and you sound ridiculous.

What about collegiate teams? If you actually attended the university, I think "we" is acceptable...

However, anyone who refers to the team as "we" when the team is winning, but "they" when losing, annoys me.
What about collegiate teams? If you actually attended the university, I think "we" is acceptable...

However, anyone who refers to the team as "we" when the team is winning, but "they" when losing, annoys me.

Good point! You'll notice that I said favorite "professional" team. If you actually attended a certain university or college, then I have no problem with you referring to their sports teams as "we". No problem at all. But if you never attended a particular university, and are only a fan of the football team, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE do not get the team's emblem tattoed anywhere on your body. I know people like that. They're a completely different pet-peeve altogether! ;)
Anyone who refers to their favorite professional sports team as "we" or "us". I don't care if you've been a fan since birth. Unless you actually play on the team, coach the team, or collect a paycheck from the team, you are ONLY a fan, and you sound ridiculous.

What if you are a season ticket holder?

I'm a season ticket holder. I own two Chicago Bears Seats. Key word is "own". I paid $9000 for them. Then i have to pay $320 for every home game. $160 each seat.

The $9k is a one time expense. I will get the money back when I sell the rights to the seats to a new owner.

I think I have rights to say "We". Oui?
Since I have been paying extra sales tax levies earmarked for new stadiums for the Twins and Vikings, I'm going to use possessive pronouns when referring to the teams.

I'm not even a big fan, but I helped pay the subsidies, so dammit, I'm claiming my share. ;)
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