Thick mouthfeel low mash temp?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2013
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I brewed an Imperial Rye IPA that tastes great, but I think it's too "thick", more syrup like than water I guess. I had some people sample it without telling them and asked for opinions. Out of four people two recognized the thicker consistency. I guess I'm confused, always associated more mouthfeel with higher mash temps. I mashed at 150F, the beer was in primary for three weeks, secondary for 10 days, and bottle conditioned for one month today.

Just curious if anyone has experienced this, and if it's a sign of some process during the brewing that I'm overlooking.

Cheers! Joe
I calculated it being 7.7%, I can't remember the exact numbers, but the FG was definitely in the "beer" zone of my hydrometer. Possibly finished on the higher side of the beer zone leading to a thicker mouth feel?
Probably. Without knowing your gravities there's really nothing to say or do. You need a more specific hydrometer.

Edit: To be a little more helpful, yes mashing lower *should* help. Maybe your thermometer reads low as well. Try doing 148 next time. But still, recipe and gravities are important for these kinds of things. Likely your yeast crapped out and finished abnormally high.
My hydrometer is specific, I just didn't write down the FG. Found the O.G. It was 1.069, so by doing the reverse math that would give me a 1.010 FG I suppose.
5 lbs of rye, in a 15 lb recipe. 4 lbs of rye malt, and 1lb of flaked rye. I brewed three beers in one week, this one, a pumpkin, and a Honey Saison. For the sake of the discussion, I just opened one of the pumpkins that has been in the bottle three weeks. No "thick" mouthfeel. also a 150 mash temp.
26.7% rye malt is going to give you a bit of "slickness" yes, but probably not too excessive. Maybe 20% max on that would be better? I wouldn't worry about that so much.

That full pound of flaked rye (or flaked oats, even flaked barley would also do it) is what's really doing you in on too-thick mouthfeel for an IPA, though. Maybe drop that to like 0.25lb. Or better yet, drop it altogether and save the flaked stuff for "chewier" beers.
yeah IME anything over 30% rye can get very thick. I made a chocolate rye ale when I was starting out that was like drinking nyquil. I couldnt stand it

You can do a protein rest to help cut down on the issue if I remember right
Also, check the accuracy of your thermometer. If it's off you could be actually mashing higher than you think. Calibrate with both an ice bath in a glass with minimal water and boiling.
I brewed an Imperial Rye IPA that tastes great, but I think it's too "thick", more syrup like than water I guess. I had some people sample it without telling them and asked for opinions. Out of four people two recognized the thicker consistency. I guess I'm confused, always associated more mouthfeel with higher mash temps. I mashed at 150F, the beer was in primary for three weeks, secondary for 10 days, and bottle conditioned for one month today.

Just curious if anyone has experienced this, and if it's a sign of some process during the brewing that I'm overlooking.

Cheers! Joe

It's from the "imperial" and the rye. did you use some sugar in it? Always a good idea in a beer like that.

also keep in mind that malts today are so "hot" with diastatic power that mash temp makes a ot less difference than it once used to. Unless yo go to extremes, mash temp will have little effect on body.