The reason why SWMBO hates homebrewing thread!

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I don't even know if wifey likes the smell of brewing since I'm outside and she's not but I know she does NOT like the smell of hops :confused:

How in the world could anyone not love the smell of hops!?!? My son(15y/o) liked the smell of them so much that he ate a pellet of chinook! He realized that wasnt the smartest thing to do afterwards though as he said he tasted it for the rest of the day! HAHA!

I must admit that I get really excited on brew day when I weigh my hops and add it to the wort. I assume it's too intense? I was surprised that she liked my last IPA which had TONS of hops.
Yes i know i love the smell of hops. if they had hop cologne i would probably buy it. Of course then my whole family probably wouldnt stop smelling me...haha
Yes my wife has come leaps and bounds with what kind of beer she will drink. I remember when she had a taste of Arrogant bastard and thought it was nasty. Not so long ago we were out and i got a double bastard and of course she tasted it. This time however she said "wow! thats pretty good!" she still doesnt like IPAs as much as i do, but at least she wont drink BMC anymore. She even calls it piss beer!:rockin:
Mine doesn't mind at all. I brew in the garage, so she actually appreciates the peace and quiet. She'll sit on the couch and read books (on her Kobo) all afternoon. I think she prefers it that way. :)

We don't have kids, and we're not interested in watching sports on TV. You'd be surprised how much free time you have without those 2 things.
Mine hates the smell of it and the fact that i spend money on beer

Same here. Mine also doesn't understand that just because I have 15gals of beer in the garage doesn't mean that I will drink it in one sitting.
I received the basic brewing supplies as a Christmas gift from my wife and kids. After brewing a dozen or so extract kits, they gave me 2-10 gal Blichmann's & a 15 gal Blichmann for my birthday. For father's day it was a chugger and a plate chiller. She's never been a beer drinker, but she loves to brew with me. We've brewed 42 batches since Christmas. My 6 tap kegerator sits in our living room. She loves the beer we brew. One of my proudest moments was when she was offered a beer at a snooty social event and stated "I only drink my husband's beers".

She does not like the large amount of yeast stored in the refrigerator.
I received the basic brewing supplies as a Christmas gift from my wife and kids. After brewing a dozen or so extract kits, they gave me 2-10 gal Blichmann's & a 15 gal Blichmann for my birthday. For father's day it was a chugger and a plate chiller.

That's generous! I couldn't afford that bling even if I wanted to :(
I guess I'm pretty lucky. I mentioned to my wife I was going to start making beer and gave her a high estimate of how much it would cost to get my basic set up going. I went high on the estimate, fully expecting some resistance, but instead got, "Wow, that's a great idea." I'll assume my wife loves me and wants me to be happy, but in the end, I can't help but wonder if a lot of it is, "Well, if he brews, he'll be at home brewing, instead of out somewhere with the boys (playing golf, fishing) And then, since he's making beer, he'll be home to drink it, instead of going out.

Either way, I'll take it. I had mentioned a while ago how I'd love to get a 2.5 gallon keg for taking to parties, out of town, etc. Well for Father's Day I didn't just get one, I got two. And she said, "I figured you'd need two since you brew 5 gallon batches, this way you don't have to worry about filling a 5 gallon keg with half the beer. All this from a woman who doesn't even drink beer.
Mine dislikes when were brewing elsewhere as it adds 1-2 hours to the day. But this was my old set up and when the coil was unrepairable she said lets go bigger! Gotta love that.

She hates every smell involved except that of hops (cuz they kinda smell like something else :cross: ) but drinks the hell out of my cream ale. Hey I want some too!!!
Hey Clonefan94
You might as well try and fly to the moon rather than try ing to figure the way they think. I say this with the realization they think the same way about us.
My SWMBO likes my homebrewing. If anything, she wishes I would make some hoppier beers. She is a hop head and likes beer that makes me cringe.
Mine wish that I would just stick to brewing. Its about 1000% cheaper and takes less time than drag racing. Plus she can enjoy it too. Btw we won our last race....:ban::ban::ban:
Don't have a SWMBO....But girlfriend is from Germany, so she doesn't have any problem with brewing....prefers it if I brew Pilseners or "Oktoberfests" though, which is fine with me
Don't have a SWMBO....But girlfriend is from Germany, so she doesn't have any problem with brewing....prefers it if I brew Pilseners or "Oktoberfests" though, which is fine with me

Is she blond, pretty and constantly wearing lederhosen? You just might need to marry her...
First readings is there is some awesome Significant Others out there!
Secondly is there seems to be folks that take this too seriously of a topic.

My SO perhaps hates it because I revert to barking orders in a military fashion. (She was in too.) Nothing as much as barked as it is this is the plan lets go!
(Seriously it ends up fine and she wants to participate.)

The other aspect is I suppose it takes time?

I'm lucky. While I perhaps could go elsewhere for anything I'm fortunate to have a SO that supports me and understands that I will do some things that I want to do, as well as she does.
Given that I used to ride motorcycles [& crashed one in spectacular fashion], she likes that my hobby is safe and done at home. And since I brew out in the garage, she doesn't have to deal with the smell, which she hates.

That said, we have three kids under the age of 6, so she doesn't much like the 5+ hour brew days. She wants my help with the kids!
Given that I used to ride motorcycles [& crashed one in spectacular fashion], she likes that my hobby is safe and done at home. And since I brew out in the garage, she doesn't have to deal with the smell, which she hates.

That said, we have three kids under the age of 6, so she doesn't much like the 5+ hour brew days. She wants my help with the kids!

I became semi nocturnal when mine were little.
SWMBO: acronym a smart man learns sometime after learning the secret to a happy marriage is 5 words long. "Yes Dear, You are right".
Feel free to tossin the 6th word "absolutely" where appropriate.
What is it with these people not liking the smell? Mine hates the smell too. She says it smells like boiling cheerios and seaweed, lol.

She's really cool about me brewing whenever I want though and in return I try to brew when the baby's asleep and/or it's not going to get in the way of other plans.

She's not much of a beer drinker either. She'll get a wild craving for a wheat beer (which I try to keep on hand) and then she's good for a couple months. She's a sweet freak though and greatly prefers those sickeningly sweet, fruity colored slushy drinks which are like $6.99 each at the liquor store.
seckert said:
Yes i know i love the smell of hops. if they had hop cologne i would probably buy it. Of course then my whole family probably wouldnt stop smelling me...haha
Yes my wife has come leaps and bounds with what kind of beer she will drink. I remember when she had a taste of Arrogant bastard and thought it was nasty. Not so long ago we were out and i got a double bastard and of course she tasted it. This time however she said "wow! thats pretty good!" she still doesnt like IPAs as much as i do, but at least she wont drink BMC anymore. She even calls it piss beer!:rockin:

They do indeed make hop aftershave, and there is a recipe for making your own in Beer Magazine.

My wife generally supports it. She does tell everyone I do it and offers everyone 6ers as gifts and such, but I have to keep it to bare bones in cost to avoid serious complaints. However, her dislike of the smell of mashing and boiling wort did justify my Blichmann burner. Also, when I make her smell the freshly opened bag of hops (which I do without fail) she looks like I just tried to poison her. ??? Oh well. She also lets me cover the side of the house in hop bines.
Beer-lord said:
If I brew in the kitchen, I mop the floor when done. I brew outside a lot more now but I still make a mess kegging and cleaning so I do my part to clean up behind me.
She likes the smell and uses the grain to make bread. She supports my hobby and I'm thankful for that.

How do you make bread out of spent grains? I would have thought the mash would convert most of the starches.
How do you make bread out of spent grains? I would have thought the mash would convert most of the starches.

It does. I think it's more of a "because you can" thing. However, if you had a big beer and plenty of sugars left, I could see that adding to the flavor.

I've made breads with leftover grains and it was good, but I didn't get any discernible flavor from my attempts.
I wish I could say mine hates it....
The only thing she doesn't like is how I appropriated half the basement for storage for beer and beer accessories.
on the contrary, she sometimes wishes I did it more - mostly because I mop the floor when I'm finished.
We also make bread from the spent grains, cook with it...
What is it with these people not liking the smell? Mine hates the smell too. She says it smells like boiling cheerios and seaweed, lol.

Well actually....:D....if you're adding irish moss.......

Like many others mentioned, my wife is most upset about the time factor -- 5-6 hrs out of one of my limited number of days off when I'm either not helping with the kids, or not doing other $h!t she wants to do -- which has led me to be an early morning brewer (mash in is usually by 06:00 at latest), which I have actually come to enjoy...
For me it's the building equipment in the middle of a brewing session, or taking 16 hours because something went horribly wrong. Other than that she supports the hobby.
Since we are off topic...
My wife really surprised/impressed me Saturday night at the company party. At the bar she tried a Hopped Cider (liked it!) and a Apricot Wheat (very clear, light and crisp for a wheat) that she had 2 pints of through the night.

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