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So did that van run the lady over, or did the van get hit from behind or did she get hit from another car going around the van...

Inquiring minds want to know!

After she pounded on the hood the van hit the gas. It knocked her down and ran her over... here's the news video...

Wow, why did she make the guy come to a complete stop, and then stand there and provoke him?
He may've thought he was going to just bump her, but obviously had no clue where her foot was ...what a stupid thing to do . Of course fleeing the scene is just plain criminal.

This is one of those events that could've been avoided if just one of them had a little less attitude, and a little more courtesy.
I'm not at all excusing the driver for the attempted murder, but she stopped in the middle of the lane for a long time before the van got there.

The side of the van would have been a safer place to antogonize the driver.

I would probably have kept on walking, flipping the bird behind me.
This happened on the other part of town from me. I'm familiar with that part of town too. What was not mentioned is that the van just came around a blind corner, she was dressed in dark clothing, and she initiated the confrontation. The media made her out to be a saint and the van some kind of evil villain. I'm not saying what the van did was right, but if you dress like a ninja and want to play frogger in the dark, get ready to lose.

I agree, although any hit and run driver is an evil villain.
Both in the wrong, and dumb.
Note, driver turn wheel right before gassing it.
But, who knows what she said to the driver. Racial epithet? Who knows.
When two horrible people meet, bad things happen. Could have been the case here.

I think the overall issue is social media has given the masses the view that their opinion matters and people want to hear it. Well, sometimes it doesn't and they don't. Sometimes you just need to shut up and get out of the way.
So... There's my opinion that doesn't matter that you probably didn't want to hear.
I watched the entire video on utube. The woman crossed the lane closest to her stepped over the center white line and stopped in the middle of the lane on the opposite side of the street, turned in the direction of oncoming traffic and just stood there for a while before the van appeared.
I have to ask, "What the hell was she smoking?"
Wow, that news report clearly shows she initiated and escalated the situation by crossing illegally, deliberately stopping in the way of the van, then antagonizing the driver. She certainly did not deserve to be run over, but had she not done any one of those things, she'd have been sipping her coffee, and safe. Just, Wow. Odd that no-one in the video seem to notice that part.

I had a run in with an Ahole driver a while back that started with him threatening my life, in front of 30 other stopped cars, simply because I pointed out that he ran a stop sign (and forced me off the road to avoid being hit by him). From a convertible, "Yo, that was a stop sign" was all I said. Years later it still makes be uncomfortable.
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Not related to the incident discussed by the OP but The Dunning-Kruger Effect is alive and well.