Sunday Morning

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No brewing on the agenda for me today, but I did just roughly line out my brew schedule through May for 2016. Then I placed a will call order with More Beer for about 200 lbs. of grains that I'll pickup when I head over the hill next week while I'm off work. Also ordered about 6 lbs. of hops from my favorite online place and the replacement Firestone post I need for one of my kegs.

Got the make ahead breakfast that I prepared last night in the oven now and sipping on some coffee while the dog snoozes in my lap. After breakfast I've got a beer that I need to slap the CO2 balloon on and cold crash for a couple of days before kegging. Then I've got about 8-9 kegs that need cleaned, sanitized, and pressurized, so I'll try to get through as much of that as I can today. I might try to enlist the help of the 10 year old if she's up for it.

Happy Sunday everyone! :mug:
Brewing an English Oatmeal Stout!

I always brew on the 27th of December. I brewed my first batch of beer on December 27th 2010 --- a Mr. Beer kit Cowboy Lager. So every December 27th I brew a beer, normally a new recipe. Today English Oatmeal Stout batch number 141 on my 5th anniversary as a brewer.
Watching the snow fall here in southeastern New mexico, we have a foot so far and another 10 hours before it's supposed to let up. But at least we're not cleaning tornado debris and mourning the loss of our neighbors like so many in Texas.
Well I swear, it never fails... Every year I make a big mess of pork and beans with the leftover Christmas ham bone, and every year I forget to put the beans on to soak the night before, so here I am once again doing the quick soak method while I get the other ingredients ready to go. I think I should just go ahead and add "quick soaked beans" to my recipes as I don't know that I've ever actually made it with beans soaked overnight.
Well I swear, it never fails... Every year I make a big mess of pork and beans with the leftover Christmas ham bone, and every year I forget to put the beans on to soak the night before, so here I am once again doing the quick soak method while I get the other ingredients ready to go. I think I should just go ahead and add "quick soaked beans" to my recipes as I don't know that I've ever actually made it with beans soaked overnight.

I've used the quick soak method for so many years I kind of forgot there is an overnight method.
This Sunday morning is starting off cold and blustery. I have several of my nephews coming to the house for their first brew day. We plan to fire the burner at noon. I'll need to get a good fire burning in the wood stove out in the shop early, in an attempt to get the temp up to near a comfortable level out there. Dead Ringer IPA is the brew of choice today. It seemed to be the favorite of the boys at Christmas dinner and my supply is getting a bit low. I'm sure a few brews will be consumed throughout the day, and I hope all enjoy the experience and join me for many more brew days.

First I'll need to get some breakfast going. Eggs, home fries, bacon and toast sounds good.

I hope everyone enjoys their Sunday!

Up before dawn and heading to chirch, running sound today. We should get home just after noon and I will get my strike water going by 1:00. Single batch of Yooper oatmeal stout, earmarked for a coffee add sometime after it hits the keg. Then it's off to watch the Viking - Packers game tonight.
Woke up and pulled a muscle coughing this morning. Son had a hockey game, and now it's time to relax for a bit and watch football. Might do some stuff around the house later when motivation kicks in.

Enjoy your Sunday guys!
No early morning Sunday brew for me today, as I've got both fermentation chambers full from a NYE brew and a brew I did yesterday morning. So I got to sleep in a bit this morning, and the 11 month old cooperated and slept in as well, so that was really nice. Used the last of the Christmas ham leftovers to make open faced Monte Cristo sandwiches for breakfast. which were quickly devoured. Just got back from running a couple of brewery related errands (filling up my RO water containers and refilling a propane tank). Here in a bit we're heading over to one of our local breweries to pick up our final 2015 allotment from their beer club and try a couple of things on tap. Then I think we'll just be relaxing this afternoon and enjoying some down time prior to getting back into the work swing tomorrow morning.
Once again it is Sunday morning. It is an unseasonably warm 43*F, and pouring rain. That kinda shoots my idea of getting the rest of the Christmas lights off the eves and the remaining decorations taken care of. The thought of getting into the woods to cut a couple loads of fire wood, looks like a no go as well. I'll just have to stick around the shop and see what needs the most attention inside there today. It might just be that there are a few beers that desperately need to be consumed. ;)

I guess I should start things off with a little breakfast. French toast, bacon and some strong black coffee sound about right.

I hope everyone enjoys whatever their Sunday brings.

Working again today, 4 more hours to go. I'm so tired. I might not even eat when I get home, just go straight to bed & sleep for 12 hours or so. Hope everybody has a great Sunday.
Regards, GF.
Another early Sunday morning for this guy. My plan was to wake up at 5 am to get going on my brew day; however the dogs decided they had to go out at 4 am, so I just went ahead and got up with them. I've already harvested 2 jars of Conan yeast from my over-sized starter for the IPA I'm brewing once the sun comes up. I also kegged 5 gallons of my Governor's Graf that I brewed a couple of weeks back, and it was smelling and tasting great. The brown sugar I added really helped to dry it out - wound up at 1.004 and 8% when it was all said and done.

Got my coffee and am about to start grinding the grain here in a bit. Should be heating up the strike water in about an hour. Hoping to finish up around noon so there's still plenty of time to get the last of the Christmas stuff put away without crowding into the evening too much. It's a pretty reasonable 45 out this morning so much better than my last few brew mornings. I also got my awning replaced over my brew area yesterday from when the last storm took out my old one, so if we get the rain they're calling for this morning I should still be good to go.

Happy Sunday gang! :ban:
Jealous of someone having a brew day - it's -6*F here (-21*C) so the garage would be a bit too nippy, even with the burner going! The cool storage room is perfect for lager fermenting, though, so hopefully we'll get a January thaw where we can fire things up! At least the sun is finally out, so the house will warm up greatly with some solar input and the wood stove.

Homemade bread with DIL's home made plum jam for breakfast, yum! And now trying to determine what the day will be - maybe work on the genealogy. Need to bake something, too. Maybe calzones for dinner tonight?

Enjoy your Sunday, all!
Happy Sunday all, well it snowed a little last night, having a cup of coffee then it will be off to the gym after that church, then start a pot of elk chili for dinner. Watch football and drink beer.
A rare sunday that im not working. Its -23c right now and at 8:30 the sun still hasnt made an entrance. Im looking after 4 munchkins while the wife and her friend do some tuff mudder training. Once they are done i can go to the gym. If got kegs to clean and a brown ale to keg. A baych of wine to degass, stabilize and clear then next weekend i should be able to bottle it. The inside brewing area needs cleaning and organizing.

Im doing babybacks and bacon wraped onion rings on the smoker for dinner tonight. First though is breakfast.

Enjoy your day.
Woohoo!! I have a bubbler going in the basement this morning! With yesterday's New Moon in Capricorn during a Mercury retrograde and the dreary weather outside I thought it made a good day to restart a hobby my beloved wife got me into.

I haven't brewed in almost two years, but an afternoon spent mashing grains and boiling hops seems to have rekindled the kitchen alchemist in me.

I scrounged around the basement for supplies on hand and grabbed 1# of Mr Beer Patriot lager LME, 1# Breiss Golden LME, 1# of milled Munich malt, 1oz US Hallertau and .75 oz of Czech Saaz whole leaf hops, and 1 packet of S-23 lager yeast and got to work on a rehydrated starter with some of the DME.

Did a little 50-60-70C (~30 minute rest each) step mash on the malt then a 45 boil with all but .5 oz of the hallertau (saved some for a little dry hopping later) after sparging.

Ended up with about 2.75 gallons or pretty copper colored wort with an OG of 1.045 in the fermentator.

Now to let it set for about a month before dry hopping.
Tidying up the trail of destruction left by a 10yr old daughter and a 13 week old springer spaniel, then heating water to strike temp for a kölsch and moving my barleywine to conditioning keg for bottling in the summer.
I'll be spending my Sunday looking for someone who does IT work to come to my store Monday morning. My whole system quit working after I had the phone company install a new modem so I could have wireless. Now I have nothing and couldn't even sell anything if I had to. Got to love this technology......

Already had breakfast, bacon and french toast with real maple syrup. I'll need to bring in some fire wood. And I really would like to continue on with filling our Finger Lakes Craft Beer Passport, but it isn't likely to happen today.

I hope everyone enjoys their Sunday.

Just put a ham on the smoker for lunch. Old college buddy and his family are going to worship and eat w us. They'll head home this afternoon then a nap will be in order!
Working again, it's been a month since I had a day off, only 2 (maybe 3) more weeks to go. After work it'll be shoveling snow, laundry & supper if I can stay awake long enough. Hope everybody enjoys their Sunday.
Regards, GF.
Having a lazy morning so far, but son has a hockey game followed by us possibly having some people over. I'll make some ABT's and hopefully some other good eats while drinking beers and watching football. Have a good day guys!
Back at work making sure everyone is safe. I'm a first aid attendant as well as storekeeper. The double time is nice and im trying to beat the hours i did last year to get even farther ahead on bills and life. Hope everyone has a good and safe sunday. Enjoy
Slept in a bit this morning compared to most Sundays. Just poured my first cup of coffee and about to get breakfast going for the wife and kiddo. After that I'll be brewing up a batch of strawberry peppercorn short mead from the book Speed Brewing that I picked up last week.

I highly recommend that book by the way, especially for people who are looking for fun things to do that don't take up 1/2 day or just to have something to do when you couldn't otherwise brew.

After that I'll be hanging out with the kiddo while the wife heads out for her birthday spa day (she's turning 29 again this year), and then tonight we've got a babysitter so I can take her out for her birthday dinner.

Cheers everyone! Enjoy your Sunday!
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Have a sermon at church and if all goes well I will brew a scottish ale. Regardless I will try my latest california common.
Got up at 6:30 or so to enjoy a quiet cup or two. Wanting to brew and have everything I need to do so except awaiting the arrival of my new brew bag. It'll be here soon and I'll brew as soon as it does. Meanwhile, its a nice quiet Sunday, but I'm retired so most days are like that....Cheers
Well that was certainly the shortest "brew day" I've ever had. 30 minutes start to finish, and most of that was waiting on the yeast to re-hydrate as I saved that step for last. Now I've got 2 gallons of something that smelled and tasted great in the fermenter, and a few hours later I just now walked by and saw my first bubbles in the airlock. According to the book I should be kegging my first short mead in 2 weeks!
Well it's now Sunday evening, but it was a busy day. Started off running my wife to the pharmacy for a new script to help manage her tachycardia that started right after Christmas. She went shopping for our youngest birthday with my sister-in-law while my oldest daughter and I kept the house going LOL.

She helped with:

Racking lager from 1/09 SG 1.010

Bottling Mexican Lager from 1/10 after secondary fermentation of 1 can pineapple chunks on 1/14 at SG 1.011; FG 1.012 ~ ABV 4.5 %

Cherry cider brew day; 3 qt Knudsens organic apple juice, 1 qt Knudsens organic just tart cherry, 1 tbsp pectin enzyme, 4 oz Premier Cuvée yeast starter ( ~ 3.5g dry yeast & ocean spray 100% juice cranberry cocktail for 24 hrs) OG 1.052

And she managed to make a loaf of banana bread while I did some tax prep and filing before any brewing related activities. Then put a chicken in the oven to roast for a delicious family supper. Now relaxing with a bourbon on the couch next to my love.
Today was one of the first days in a very long time I did very little. Made some beer bread then ate my weight in pulled pork. Now it's 930 and I'm ready for bed.
19*F and only about 3 inches of snow on the ground this bright full moon Sunday morning. There is no wind and the weather is supposed to remain calm with some afternoon sun and warming. What could be better than to loose the hounds and chase some rabbits? Three of my cousins are meeting me and the morning sun at my house with their sizable pack of beagles, and last I knew not one was named Snoopy. (cousins or their dogs)

I think today would be a good day to haul out and oil up my Grandfathers old shot gun. I'll need to do that soon, as the sun waits for no one.

I have a couple cases of my homebrew for those that dare partake, and a case of Labbat's, chilling on the deck for the less adventurous types. I am sure that there will be ample amounts consumed once the dogs and the guns have been put away.

If there is time enough and any ambition remaining, I'll bottle up the IPA that I brewed with my nephew few Sunday's back for his first brew day. He's been asking about it and is headed back to college half way across the state and won't be back for a couple of weeks. I'd like to have it ready to taste and share when he comes home again.

First though, there needs to be some breakfast. Bacon, eggs, home fries, toast and some good strong black coffee sound in order for a morning like this.

I hope everyone enjoys their Sunday!

I have a good bit of shoveling to accomplish before the morning is out - I shoveled the lower drive last night before dark and would guess another 4" has fallen since then, and the plow debris needs to be cleared. The cars need to be cleared and the upper drive requires shoveling as well. This will take place after taking the dogs out - hoping to go back to the ball field like we did yesterday because our boy loves to run and play in the snow. I'd say we came in around 10" total.

It should be a beautiful day!
Working again today, later it'll be shoveling snow & laundry, right now it's CBS Sunday Morning, @passedpawn they've got a segment on Charlotte Rampling today, should be a good show. Hope everyone has a great Sunday!
Regards, GF.
Working again today, later it'll be shoveling snow & laundry, right now it's CBS Sunday Morning, @passedpawn they've got a segment on Charlotte Rampling today, should be a good show. Hope everyone has a great Sunday!
Regards, GF.

Might turn it on. I'm brewing this morning and have a TV on the wall by my system. Thanks for the headsup.
Woke up around 3:09 this mornin. Hip & back hurtin' like all hell. Watched some German videos on making farmer's bread & sourdough roggen brot. Never new that light brown German bread was sourdough? Gotta try that with white, rye & German spent grain flours...
19*F and only about 3 inches of snow on the ground this bright full moon Sunday morning. There is no wind and the weather is supposed to remain calm with some afternoon sun and warming. What could be better than to loose the hounds and chase some rabbits? Three of my cousins are meeting me and the morning sun at my house with their sizable pack of beagles, and last I knew not one was named Snoopy. (cousins or their dogs)

I think today would be a good day to haul out and oil up my Grandfathers old shot gun. I'll need to do that soon, as the sun waits for no one.

I have a couple cases of my homebrew for those that dare partake, and a case of Labbat's, chilling on the deck for the less adventurous types. I am sure that there will be ample amounts consumed once the dogs and the guns have been put away.

If there is time enough and any ambition remaining, I'll bottle up the IPA that I brewed with my nephew few Sunday's back for his first brew day. He's been asking about it and is headed back to college half way across the state and won't be back for a couple of weeks. I'd like to have it ready to taste and share when he comes home again.

First though, there needs to be some breakfast. Bacon, eggs, home fries, toast and some good strong black coffee sound in order for a morning like this.

I hope everyone enjoys their Sunday!


I always enjoy reading your "Sunday Morning" posts, your lifestyle seems a million miles from mine. Would love to tag along on one of your weekends if I wasn't the other side of the Atlantic.

So far my Sunday has been getting my daughter and her friend to the swimming pool whilst I sit in the viewing gallery with my design text books and a coffee ( a crap one from a machine I would add). Hoping to make some donner kebab meat this afternoon though.
I'm sitting in my office, enjoying the solitude and about to start getting stuff done that's difficult with everybody else coning in and out. in an hour or so I'll go home and fix breakfast for my wife and me, then enjoy a warm sunny day doing damn little.
GF's sister and parents are over for brunch. GF's parents stayed over last night as they were watching our curling game. I'm off the hook for making brunch (peameal bacon hell yes) since I made boeuf bourguignon last night.

On my 3rd cup of coffee; just got back from taking out the dog for a play. Looking like a good sunday.
Woke up this am to start a sunday morn brew session! Stone enjoy clone. It is actually a little below freezing at start which doesnt happen here all that much, but makes for a great brew day, esp when it is sunny!

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