Star trek voyager

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I will watch anything Star Trek but I think The Next Generation was by far, the best. Deep Space Nine was highly acclaimed but was boring. Voyager was enjoyable.....with a female captain and of course,, I mean 7 of 9.
I thought the writing of Voyeger was terrible. They flew inside the event horizon of a black hole and didn't even notice.

Not only that, but they could see their own reflection on the event horizon of the black hole.

They... could... see... inside... the... black... hole.

That pretty much did it for me.

Jeri Ryan in a vinyl suit was the only reason to watch that show.
when Paris & Janeway broke warp 10 and turned into amphibious creatures and had babies on some planet, they jumped the shark. I could never see that show with the same eyes again. we still watched it all the way out and I enjoyed it.
I enjoyed Voyager quite a bit, but it didn't hold a candle to TNG.

I pretty much enjoyed all of them except for DS9. I could not stomach that for more than a few episodes. I keep telling myself that maybe I'll like it if I can force myself to sit through it past season 1, but so far I haven't been able to muster the effort.

I found the captain on Voyager to be off-putting at first, but she grew on me, eventually.

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The only series I didn't like was Star Trek Enterprise. The first season was not too bad then they got into the species looking to get to Earth to destroy it. Then there was nothing new, different or exciting until I heard the show was cancelled.
Been slowly making my way through Voyager episodes on Netflix. Definitely agree that Picard and TNG is by far the best.

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I concure with TNG being the best(of tne newer shows). Voyager was great, DS9 is boring, and they had to bring in TNG actors just to make it interesting. The doctor on Voyager was great. I'm curious about some of the fan produced shows that have been made, going to download some as soon as I get off my ass. Scifi/Fantasy nerd here as well.
I really was hoping they would make a Voyager movie. Not the made for TV, double episode they called a "movie," but a real Trek movie. I did enjoy the series quite a bit, and not just because of Kess or 7 of 9, though they were both very nice to look at.

Now we are "Trekless" once again. will we see another Trek series? I hope so, but it might be a few years. No more OS movies, no more STNG movies, I seriously doubt they'll do anything with DS9 or Voyager or Enterprise, and I doubt they'll do a TV series with the cast of the new Trek movies. Guess we'll just have to wait & see.
Regards, GF.
I thought Voyager was pretty good, but I liked TNG best of the new serieses. DS9 was so boring I could not watch it. I REALLY wanted to watch Enterprise, but it just failed to click with me. I think the premise was pretty good, but they didn't execute it properly.

As I've said before, I think it would be cool to have a ST series where the characters are the "ANTI" Star Trek. You know, they are like bizzaro Trekkies. They do bad things and they are being chased by the Federation for their crimes. Or maybe there is some form of corruption in the Federation and this ship revolts and does good but it hunted down by the federation. Kind of a Star Trek A-Team. (Oh yeah, A-Team was so choice!) Or maybe like a Star Trek version of Firefly.

Firefly was soo cool. It still makes my gut hurt to think that it got canceled like it did.

But think about it! Imagine a Star Trek where everything is not quite so neat and clean. They have limited resources. They have to travel from place to place just to survive, doing odd jobs for little pay. They wear mostly normal clothing and eat snacks on the bridge, kanoodle on the holodeck (On the rare day the thing is operable.)

I don't know. Maybe the thing I dislike most about the ST shows is the cleanliness and sterile environment they display all the time.
Or maybe like a Star Trek version of Firefly.

Firefly was soo cool. It still makes my gut hurt to think that it got canceled like it did.
But think about it! Imagine a Star Trek where everything is not quite so neat and clean. They have limited resources. They have to travel from place to place just to survive, doing odd jobs for little pay. They wear mostly normal clothing and eat snacks on the bridge, kanoodle on the holodeck (On the rare day the thing is operable.)

I don't know. Maybe the thing I dislike most about the ST shows is the cleanliness and sterile environment they display all the time.

Jewel Staite can kanoodle with me anytime. :rolleyes:
Regards, GF.
I just finished streaming Firefly and Serenity because there were a few references I didn't understand at FantasyCon. Like my niece dressed as one of the hands-of-blue guys.

I guess this means I'm officially old.

In retrospect it isn't difficult to see why Firefly got canceled. It was 2002. We were getting fed a steady stream by the news and politicians that if you questioned the government you were evil and unpatriotic.

Firefly had a strong antigovernment message.

I heard that another movie was in pre-production. But I also read an interview that most of the actors, directors, and producers under other contracts and are too busy to get to it for the foreseeable future.
I just finished streaming Firefly and Serenity because there were a few references I didn't understand at FantasyCon. Like my niece dressed as one of the hands-of-blue guys.

I guess this means I'm officially old.

In retrospect it isn't difficult to see why Firefly got canceled. It was 2002. We were getting fed a steady stream by the news and politicians that if you questioned the government you were evil and unpatriotic.

Firefly had a strong antigovernment message.

I heard that another movie was in pre-production. But I also read an interview that most of the actors, directors, and producers under other contracts and are too busy to get to it for the foreseeable future.

Firefly got canceled because the studio execs were stupid and couldn't understand the show and therefore forced episodes to be shown out of order and on poor days and times for the audience.

Firefly and Serenity may be popular with more people now than they were when they were released to the public.

And yes, the actors have all said they would love to make more, but the odds of them all making time in their careers for it now would be astronomically (see what I did there??) low.
DS9 was Very good, as it was Politics versus religion with science and remnants of wars fought it was complicated. Voyager started off on the wrong Premise. :)
I wasn't that big on Voyager. TNG and DS9 though- awesome.

And I guess I'm the lone weirdo who liked Enterprise.

You are the lone weirdo that likes Enterprise.

Not DS9 though- Better than awesome. Really, "boring"? Pardon me, I'm just not a big fan of 400 year old Amelia Earheart. :cross:
I jest, it still beats almost everything else on TV.
You are the lone weirdo that likes Enterprise.

Not DS9 though- Better than awesome. Really, "boring"? Pardon me, I'm just not a big fan of 400 year old Amelia Earheart. :cross:
I jest, it still beats almost everything else on TV.

Enterprise was good, it just wasn't great. I liked it and so did my wife.
I found ds9 very boring. I could barely sit through an episode until the war with the dominion started. Then it was tolerable.
I guess I am another weirdo but I like Voyager. I also watch 3-5 episodes a week on netflix. To be the perfect show, it would be Capt. Picard in the Voyager series. I think it has a great story line.
I don't know. Back in the day I kind of had the hots for Captain Janeway. Even with her weird voice.

My kids got me a set of PEZ dispensers of the TNG crew. I should write a few funny episodes and use them as puppets. If only I had the skilz to create a decent backdrop, the Skilz to write funny episodes, and the time to do it all.