Star Trek or Star Wars?

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Ya know, this brings up a very good point. Anyone watch some old TV series or movies and notice how awful guys could treat a woman back then??

Watch Captain Kirk or James Bond!
I think Star Wars is brillant. The philosophies it uses like, reluctant hero, use of the colors for the Empire, and good vrs. Evil are incredible and purposeful.

You have got to be joking. Yes, these themes are present, but they are ubiquitous, bordering-on-the-wrong-side-of-cliché, CHILD-level fantasy tropes. Far from brilliant... the same characteristics could be said of so many works of fantasy that they could even be considered defining characteristics of the genre.

For instance, the exact same quote could pretty much be used to describe The Lord of the Rings!

There's a reason the whole series is so directly compared to soap operas (eg the whole "space opera" term). And I say this not to disparage Star Wars, nor its fans, but merely to demonstrate that these particular traits are somewhat shallow, ubiquitous tropes, rather than attributes indicative of anything particularly uniquely brilliant.

But I can't stress enough that *NONE* of this is necessarily a bad thing, NOR does it say anything bad about its fans. It has many of the same redeeming qualities that a decent western flick might have.

I must admit I'm not the biggest Star Wars fan, but it has nothing to do with anything I've just mentioned. In fact, I've been a huge fan of the fantasy genre since I was a kid, everything from such "good-vs-evil" sci-fi to so-called "high fantasy"... for example, having even read A Game of Thrones about a decade-and-a-half ago when my 9th grade English teacher recommended it to me after finding I was the only real fan of contemporary fantasy in my entire classroom (it being a gifted class, everybody else listed their favorite book as either one of the "classics", or written by Stephen King, Michael Crichton, or John Grisham with myself being literally the only exception save the teacher herself, also apparently a huge fan of modern fantasy).

But no, the reason I just cannot get into Star Wars in a big way is because, in film especially (and I consider myself a major film geek), dialog is *EVERYTHING* to me - and in my opinion, the dialog is truly Star Wars' biggest, most critical failure; it has some of the worst dialog in all of film to me, which just makes it impossible to immerse myself into it at any level. But I can recognize that dialog doesn't have the same level of importance to most others, and so it's also a shortcoming I just don't feel I can criticize people to ANY degree for "overlooking" whatsoever.

thought this was settled with Princess Leia in Gold Bikini?

Realistically, she wasn't particularly attractive and if the whole thing didn't have such massive nerdgasm/geek appeal, Carrie Fisher in a gold bikini wouldn't really do all that much for anyone.

Seven of nine

Sorry, she never did a thing for me.

I actually agree with you here, but the typical tall/skinny/European-model look never actually seems to do all that much for me.
Realistically, she wasn't particularly attractive and if the whole thing didn't have such massive nerdgasm/geek appeal, Carrie Fisher in a gold bikini wouldn't really do all that much for anyone.

My hormone-laden teenage self rejects your opinion and reasserts its horny conclusion regarding the attractiveness of a young Carrie Fisher!

Actually, the Enterprise ran several simulations and 75% of the crew agreed Carrie Fisher WAS, in fact hot. Of the remainder all but one considered her attractive"

The lone dissenting vote came from a Red Shirt and it was later discovered that he had perished at the time of voting and presumably pressed the "Not Attractive" button as he collapsed to the deck.

And, although it did not affect the outcome of the simulations, Data later discovered that Wesley Crusher has somehow managed to cast 5 "Hot" votes...

I'm a Trekkie really but this pic has a point lol

Emjay we will just have to disagree, Star Wars came out 36 years ago. There is a lot more philosophies inregards to color,music, etc. Yes, I agree the reluctant hero theme is way over used. I wish I could remember the documentary with George Lucas that expands on the different methods and philsophies he used in the film. It was really interesting.
Sorry, she never did a thing for me. I thought Tasha Yar was pretty hot though. And Yeoman Rand from TOS.

Not Princess Leia in a Gold Bikini hot, but not bad.

Ugh.... They couldn't kill of Tasha Yar soon enough for me. I'm more of a Dax kinda guy.
and laser swords. that somehow managed to limit their range. I hear that the technology for a light saber has existed (maybe not in that size) for years, only the making it stop after 3-4 feet part isnt doable yet. Well that and making it something you can parry another one with.
TxBrew said:
Fact. They didn't mention him getting it on with Yar till the episode they debate Data's humanity.

Damn. I just typed that.

They didn't bring it up again after it happened, if that's what you mean. But they definitely showed it happening before that. In fact, I didn't know this until I just looked it up, but it was in the first episode of the series after the pilot. I guess I thought they would have waited a little longer before the weird inter-species sex started happening, but nope, right out of the gate.
Star wars is the absolute worst POS I have ever had the displeasure to try and watch . Could not even make it through a few minutes of it . Now back in the day that was supposed to be advanced technology in films but I never thought so .
Horrible , absolutely the worst acting I have ever seen in a major release or in most cheap flics . Grade school plays have far better actors than Star Wars .

Star Trek on the other hand is the bomb
They didn't bring it up again after it happened, if that's what you mean. But they definitely showed it happening before that. In fact, I didn't know this until I just looked it up, but it was in the first episode of the series after the pilot. I guess I thought they would have waited a little longer before the weird inter-species sex started happening, but nope, right out of the gate.

Episode 2? I'll go back and watch it.
Star wars is the absolute worst POS I have ever had the displeasure to try and watch . Could not even make it through a few minutes of it . Now back in the day that was supposed to be advanced technology in films but I never thought so .
Horrible , absolutely the worst acting I have ever seen in a major release or in most cheap flics . Grade school plays have far better actors than Star Wars .

Star Trek on the other hand is the bomb

So if I am understanding what you are trying to convey is that you prefer Star Trek to Star Wars?? Just trying to be sure... :D
Battlestar Galactica FTW. Then the original 1976 Star Wars Movie.... The only Star Trek thing that didn't leave me dissapointed was the latest re-invention of the Movie, and parts of Wrath of Khan...

Isn't that redundant?? Just joking.

Star Wars and Star Trek (and BSG, for what it's worth) always served different purposes to me.

Star Wars is a great story of magic and excitement with a strong, moralistic undercurrent. The Luke-Vader story line helped to teach me right from wrong (basic morals) as well as humility, since Luke could have / would have BEEN Vader if not for Vader's own example, so don't be holier-than-thou.

Star Trek TNG (my favorite) and the Original Series were all about puzzles of wonderment and vexing, complicated ethical questions. Where Star Wars was about impossible magic and black vs. white morals, Star Trek was about imagining the fantastic through the scientifically semi-plausible, and about making the right decision when things are in shades of grey (ethics).

The original cast Star Trek movies were of a different sort. They were about getting older and dealing with one's own feeling and prejudices. Mostly they were about being self-aware and maintaining an openness to grow and change.

Finally, the new Battlestar Galactica was a decade later, so less influential in my life, but man nothing had more bang for the buck than that story. It had a gritty realism and maintained a pained nuance that most shows would never try. I haven't re-watched it in a while so I'm not sure how it's aged now that 9/11 and the Iraq war are another decade removed, but it was powerful stuff at the time about how to make the best decision in impossible situations. Best show on TV before Breaking Bad.
I'm actually watching BSG for the first time around now. Just started Season 3. My only complaint about it would be all the flashbacks. They WAY overused that device.
bleme said:
I'm actually watching BSG for the first time around now. Just started Season 3. My only complaint about it would be all the flashbacks. They WAY overused that device.

Just finished watching the final season on Netflix - that show is addictive!
My wife's car:
on the rear window is a full size decal looking like your going into light speed. On the dash are several samll storm trooper figures and a Darth Vader figure. She has a Death Star ornament hanging from the rear view mirror and a personalized travel coffee mug in black and white with a storm trooper helmet on it.

Star Trek and it's not even close. Not to offend any of the other neckbeards on here, but Star Wars is one of the most overrated series in the history of the entire mouth breather genre.