Specific Gravity Problem??

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Jan 14, 2013
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Hey All, I have a question about my specific gravity. I brewed an IIPA this morning and all seemed very well, using some new equipment (Blichman Kettle G2), but for the most part doing all the same things I have done in the past. I had a grain bill of approx 19lbs, and i ended with an SG of 1.084(pre-boil). This was looking very good until i ended the boil and my SG was 1.060, this didn't make sense to me as I would have expected and hoped for an opposite result, any thoughts? The only thing I can think of was that my initial reading was wrong but i checked it several times to ensure with calibrated gear. This in turn took my ABV expectation from a 9.8 to a 4.3, talk about let down! Thoughts?
It's impossible to end up with a lower OG after a boil, as you are concentrating the wort. Did you allow it to cool before taking a reading? and what equipment were you using?
As said above if your hydrometer is calibrated for 60 or 68 the wort needs to be at temp or you can use a temp correction calculator like the one on brewers friend. You cant boil off sugar, only water.
The first temp for the reading was post Mash so it was fairly hot, however my refractometer is temp corrected and the drop i added was rather cool.

The equipment i used was my calibrated refractometer

I thought the same but i have i didnt do anything different than other brews or grabbed a sample at different times, just seems extremely odd, i jacked it somewhere, all i know is i was pretty pumped to have such a good number at start.
The only 2 things that could cause that are temperature effects on your refractometer or adding water volume after the boil.
no top off after, finished the Lauter with nearly 7 gallons, ended boil with just over 5.

I am sure most of you have had the feeling of "WTF?", i have been very lucky in the past so this is racking my brain. Ill have to try again and see what happens, thats the best part about brewing LOL, more beer. IIPA version 2.0 right?
For the preboil measurement was that first runnings or after the sparge? If after I would say that the wort was not mixed well and your sample came mostly or wholly from the first runnings.

If you got 1.060 OG, your real preboil was somewhere in the 1.05x range.

If the preboil was 1.084 your OG should be in the 1.09x range/
Has it started fermenting? If no take another OG reading. If it is still 1.060 the preboil reading was wrong. At least then you would know which was off.
kh54s10 that was gonna be my next question..what do you think the "real" OG ( no NWA reference there) was?, and it has started already, since i anticipated a high alcohol i made a very healthy 2 L starter.
Gravity points x actual volume / expected volume
84 x 7 / 5 = 117.6 = 1.117 (I rounded down)
60 x 5 / 7 = 42.8 = 1.043