So, where are all the women?

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For some reason, home brewing seems to attract an outsized share of technical/scientific types. As I think through all the homebrewers I know personally, a disproportionate number are in science/technology/engineering/mathematics. There's even a thread here about whether or not you're an engineer.

Women have long been under-represented in STEM fields, just as in homebrewing. Maybe there's some sort of connection.

Now that's an interesting point. I've been involved in male-dominated fields my entire adult life. I was a professional sound engineer on the road for years, and you can't imagine some of the comments I would get. So, do I gravitate towards the same types of hobbies? For the women on here, do you have STEM backgrounds?

Just for the record, I don't care whether you're a man or a woman and I dont think this is an unwelcome place. I notice, I ask, I want others' perspectives. That's all.:mug:
It's more than the fact that more men enjoy craft beer than women. I think it come down to a couple other factors:

1. Patience. It takes a lot of patience in the homebrewing process. A lot of women are more of a "spontaneous shopper" mindset and if I can't have it now I'm not buying it! This is why I will spend a week researching tools before making a purchase while my wife will go buy the first whatever she's looking for that she sees. This is the same way for a lot of women. Now, the kind of woman who will can vegetables knowing they won't be used for months or years, that's the kinda woman who has the patience for homebrewing!

2. Homebrewing is nasty, messy and uncomfortable: Lets face it, the mash isn't that appetizing looking, even if it smells great. Yeast smell weird and fermenting beer looks like the toilet bowl after a round of alcohol induced vomiting! A lot of women can't get over that aspect of homebrewing. There are exceptions but in general most women are turned off by "nasty" looking/smelling parts of a process. This is why my wife doesn't clean the squirrels and deer I harvest, I do. Homebrewing is labor intensive: milling grain, boiling water, moving equipment around, transferring hot water and wort, standing over a hot kettle in the summer or freezing outside in the cold in the winter, not most female's idea of a good time.

To the women who have what it takes to enjoy homebrewing, we salute you! :tank:

Dude, seriously?! Pick your knuckles up and sit down! :mad:

The only valid argument you posited on why more women don't brew (IMHO) was the heavy lifting involved. Carrying a full carboy is daunting for many people, not just women. But even that is not a REAL deterrent. Historically women have been brewing at home FOREVER as a necessity. I am 50 and still brew 5-6 gallon batches on my own. My adult daughter started me brewing when she came home from college a few years back. Now I am also sharing the hobby with my older sister and brother.
The OP hasn't expended much effort to find women brewers on this site. A cursory look would have answered his question.

Is it because you're upset about the "Will my parrot die?" thread being flushed? Or is this the latest troll.

I've got more Monty Python quotes and video links, and I'm not afraid to use them...
The OP hasn't expended much effort to find women brewers on this site. A cursory look would have answered his question.

Is it because you're upset about the "Will my parrot die?" thread being flushed? Or is this the latest troll.

I've got more Monty Python quotes and video links, and I'm not afraid to use them...

I cursory looked and found the OP is a woman ;)
Here's a hint: if they use "SWMBO" in a post - not a woman. ;)

Hahaha. "SWMBO" has a passive-aggressive undertone second only to "friendzone". I guess there are some, well, demographic reasons for the disparity--I mean I suspect men consume beer or craft beer disproportionately--but yeah, there are some cultural reasons brewing can be a boy's club. There are lots of exceptions, of course, but I think they are mostly attributable to the persistence and interest of the women who do get involved.
It's more than the fact that more men enjoy craft beer than women. I think it come down to a couple other factors:

1. Patience. It takes a lot of patience in the homebrewing process. A lot of women are more of a "spontaneous shopper" mindset and if I can't have it now I'm not buying it! This is why I will spend a week researching tools:

Oh jesus. This answers OP's question. *slow clap*
Now that's an interesting point. I've been involved in male-dominated fields my entire adult life. I was a professional sound engineer on the road for years, and you can't imagine some of the comments I would get. So, do I gravitate towards the same types of hobbies? For the women on here, do you have STEM backgrounds?

As a female sound engineer who mixes FOH and monitors (albeit in broadcast television, not on the road), I can absolutely imagine the comments you would get. In my 14 years in the biz, I've only ever had the pleasure of working with two female touring sound engineers. You are a rare breed, indeed! Cheers! :mug:

I'm not sure a STEM background directly contributed to my brewing hobby so much as peer introduction... A male co-worker is also a homebrewer and my husband talked about wanting to learn how to brew, so I got advice from said co-worker in order to buy my husband a decent brewing kit. It wasn't until our first brew day (a Valentine's day gift for DH) that I realized that this was a hobby that I would enjoy. Now I'm hooked, and I'm the one who's getting Valentine's day and birthday gifts related to brewing. Hubby likes to add the hops and take iphone pictures of the boiling wort, but I pretty much run our home brewery. :D
Homebrew makes you fart and women don't fart...

"No, but they stand beside a lot of dogs that do"

And I spent too much time around women Marines who could match any man step for step, punch for punch, and drink for drink, to wade through five pages of d^ck waving about the weaker sex.
So upon this new knowledge that most women brewers fart.. and might actually poop? Really? :D
As a female sound engineer who mixes FOH and monitors (albeit in broadcast television, not on the road), I can absolutely imagine the comments you would get. In my 14 years in the biz, I've only ever had the pleasure of working with two female touring sound engineers. You are a rare breed, indeed! Cheers! :mug:

I'm not sure a STEM background directly contributed to my brewing hobby so much as peer introduction... A male co-worker is also a homebrewer and my husband talked about wanting to learn how to brew, so I got advice from said co-worker in order to buy my husband a decent brewing kit. It wasn't until our first brew day (a Valentine's day gift for DH) that I realized that this was a hobby that I would enjoy. Now I'm hooked, and I'm the one who's getting Valentine's day and birthday gifts related to brewing. Hubby likes to add the hops and take iphone pictures of the boiling wort, but I pretty much run our home brewery. :D

Where was this woman when I was falling in love?
Boobs and beer are awesome together.

Wait.... that wasn't my inside voice.

Dicks and Dunkels are awesome together, as are Penises and Pilsners....

Still want to go down the road of alliterating woman's body parts and beer words? Keep in mind there are way more names for the major male appendage...
As a female sound engineer who mixes FOH and monitors (albeit in broadcast television, not on the road), I can absolutely imagine the comments you would get.

Some of the best ones:

"Does your boss know you're touching that stuff? Where is he?"
"How can a little girl like you know what all those buttons do?"

And my personal favorite:

"Are you keeping that seat warm for the engineer?"

Ummmm...yes, actually - I am. :cross:
Do women fart?

Only after they have you hooked! Then it's no holds barred!

I at least leave the room if I feel mine is going to be extremely violent or rank.
Do women fart?

Only after they have you hooked! Then it's no holds barred!

I at least leave the room if I feel mine is going to be extremely violent or rank.

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I don't see much "masculine flair" in threads in here, unless you count fart jokes and arguing over who is more whipped by their wife (err I mean "SWMBO") as "masculinity".

One of the great things about this site is that it isn't readily apparent if you are speaking to a man or a woman. And it doesn't matter- we're all brewers.

This ^^.

Well, sure it doesn't matter--except when someone is casually bigoted. Which is... I don't know, I don't want to say once per thread, maybe about half that, on average? Certainly once for every thread over five pages. I don't know about in the "shootin' the @#$#" type threads, I don't usually visit those, I mean the threads that are actually theoretically about making beers. By which I mean "panty droppers". Heeyuk.

It's really easy to say "can't we all just chill out" from a position of privilege. Anyway, HBT isn't uncommonly bad about the casual misogyny for a homebrew forum as far as I can tell, which is to say it's not unique to the site.
Well, sure it doesn't matter--except when someone is casually bigoted. Which is... I don't know, I don't want to say once per thread, maybe about half that, on average? Certainly once for every thread over five pages. I don't know about in the "shootin' the @#$#" type threads, I don't usually visit those, I mean the threads that are actually theoretically about making beers. By which I mean "panty droppers". Heeyuk.

It's really easy to say "can't we all just chill out" from a position of privilege.

To be fair, the person I quoted is probably the most prominent female member of this site.

You're right though. It was really the "It doesn't matter to me/who cares?/it shouldn't matter" sentiment that I was on board with, and not so much the "this forum has no issues" part, which I don't have enough experience to say one way or the other on.

Like I touched on in the rest of my post, I think most of the humor here that gets called "masculine" is really pretty infantile and silly. I'd hate to think that female members (or potential members) are turned off by that kind of stuff.
To be fair, the person I quoted is probably the most prominent female member of this site.

You're right though. It was really the "It doesn't matter to me/who cares?/it shouldn't matter" sentiment that I was on board with, and not so much the "this forum has no issues" part, which I don't have enough experience to say one way or the other on.

Like I touched on in the rest of my post, I think most of the humor here that gets called "masculine" is really pretty infantile and silly. I'd hate to think that female members (or potential members) are turned off by that kind of stuff.

Not only is she prominent she's pretty awesome too.

You're right, if the memberless members were turned off by the stream of 'masculine' humor we would frequent somewhere else. *shrugs*
Eh, I'd rather hang out with anyone on this site than a room full of women.... All hair, nails, purses, and shoes... NO Thankyou.
To be fair, the person I quoted is probably the most prominent female member of this site.

Oh yeah, she has the right to say that if anyone does! But I do want to say people should be careful about the sentiment, since you tend to hear it a lot from people who aren't on the receiving end. Didn't mean that as a jab at you either, I should've gone back through the thread to find a better example (because there have been some).
Since the op was wondering where all the women of the site were,I just goofed on it as a matter of course. not an insult. Gender doesn't matter in brewing to me. I can drink or brew with anybody. Also,I done spent my younger years as da king bee. Been there,done that.
My fiancee brews with me, but hasn't ever done it alone. She understands well enough how to do it and could, but would want the extra help. Plus she's terrified of using the propane tanks by herself for some reason... but we did have a friend who had one explode in his grill, so it's not completely unwarranted.
Female brewer here. I try not to let gender play a role in any hobby, job or interest of mine. I don't really care and can hang with either just fine. It's all about the beer, right?