So, these cutsie rye and wheat IPA's.....

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Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2009
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Sorry, but if a RYE IPA is so hoppy that it will taste just like the regular IPA, or if the wheat is so covered up with crystal malt that it is undetectable, then what is the point?

(SN's Ruthless Rye and Shocktop wipa are the subjects of my rant this day)

Both really good beers, but indiscernable from a regular IPA (or PA maybe with shocktop).

In order for me to be impressed, I must really taste the difference that the wheat or rye imparts.

(the wipa wasn't even cloudy........)
Interesting. I definitely pick up the spicy character that normally comes from rye in Ruthless. But maybe I'm just detecting it because i'm expecting it. :p
Ruthless has a nice creaminess from the Rye and I can definitely taste it otherwise.
Dude, I really dislike most Rye IPA's that I've tried because they are so spicy from the Rye. The only exception is Bear Republic's Hop Rod Rye which is a subtly spicy, nicely hoped RIPA. Well, the only other only exception is Oskar Blues' R.I.P.A. and I don't really taste the rye in that, but then again I hate rye so I chalk that up to a win.

As for Wheat IPA's, you have not lived until you've tried Terrapin's Indiana Krunkles Wheat IPA. Made with Weihenstaphaner's yeast, it is amazing.
It is possible my palate is not as sensetive as some people's, but the wheat, from Shocktop, just wasn't very wheat, in taste or appearance.
I think with wheat beers the yeast is half the equation so if those brews are using a neutral yeast strain then a lot of the "wheat" profile is going to be absent.
I find 15%-20% rye malt, depending on other specialty grains is the sweet spot where the rye flavor is present, but not punching your face. Also lay off your bittering hops, either scale back or use a less aggressive/spicy variety.

I've given up on Shocktop completely - their wipa, pumpkin, & raspberry wheat all failed to impress and I banished them all to my 'beer to take to people I'm not fond of' area. And I don't give away much commercial beer....

I've seen Ruthless Rye at least a dozen places but haven't picked up a pack yet.
RR is good. i am guessing that side by side with SNPA I would note the rye, but by itself, it is quite hoppy and hard to detect.

Yeah, shocktop has the catchy labeling. I should have known better.
I never expect much from BMC "craft" beers when it comes to strong flavors. RR is light on the RYE, but a very solid beer.
cheezydemon3 said:

.... Shocktop wipa are the subjects of my rant this day)

Both really good beers, but indiscernable from a regular IPA (or PA maybe with shocktop).

you are ranting partially based on shock top "wheat IPA"? Seriously? Get yourself som Lagunitas Little Sumpin Sumpin or 3 Floyds Gumballhead (not an IPA, but hoppy wheat) and report back. Or some Two Brothers Cane & Ebel for a rye.
I love the Sumpn' Sumpn'!

What percentage of rye would you guys say is an amount that would be "just detectable"? Looking to make and Irish Red that is a one off sort of thing and what just an ever so slight hint of rye.
i like the sierra, definately taste the difference. I haven't had the shocktop. here in nyc we have sixpoint brewery and i think their rightous ale is excellent
The percentage that's detectable totally depends on what the beer is. Ruthless Rye is 6.0% ABV and uses around 12% rye which is a good amount. If you were making a 7.5% ABV IPA you'd need around 20% to really notice it.
That shocktop WIPA is a complete gimmick/ joke. it's an AB fail at an IPA, tastes like garbage, they are just trying to get a little play off the WIPA fad but that beer is sure to fail....
i was actually shocked by the Rye flavor in the SN Ruthless when I tried it

personally I thought it overpowered the beer
I am "spicy" impaired (my kids ask if it is spicy, I say "no", detect no heat, kids taste it and run screaming for the sink) maybe my palate doesn't detect the "rye"ness.

And SNRR is not cutsie, it is good.
i was actually shocked by the Rye flavor in the SN Ruthless when I tried it

personally I thought it overpowered the beer

I'm in agreement here, to me it completely dominates. Don't get me wrong I love it that way, but I'm just amazed when I hear people over and over again say they could barely detect the rye, or for "ruthless" it should have been more rye, etc. etc... I guess some people are just much more sensitive to rye than others. I LOVE rye in a beer but I don't see how you could really want more than I tasted in SN Ruthless.
Definitely several different palates noted here.

My guess is that palate abuse (lots of spicy, lots of salt, lots of sour or lots of bitter) of which I am guilty, may account for rye numbness.

Guess we all agree that SNRA is a good beer and shocktop is a gateway patsy beer at best for noobs.

Either way, both have their place and purpose.