So glad I live in a tolerant neighborhood

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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2013
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I found myself parked in the dining room making little baggies...

3lbs of hops all measured out into 1oz usables

I must have looked like a freakin drug dealer in full view of anyone coming into the neighborhood cause I was the only house with a light facing the road!

measure, pour... measure pour... measure, pour, seal

ONLY 10lbs left to go :tank:
Or you're going to get a lot more uninvited guest at 11pm now :D
Don't put yourself at risk.
No knock raids happen and it's garunteed that they will shoot your dog if they do one.
Don't put yourself at risk.
No knock raids happen and it's garunteed that they will shoot your dog if they do one.

Based on what... personal experience, watching the news, reading some dudes blog?

Come on...
Don't put yourself at risk.
No knock raids happen and it's garunteed that they will shoot your dog if they do one.

That may happen often in some places (dozens of news stories to back it up), but given what he's doing there is no way possible for it to happen in Colorado, for instance.
Based on what... personal experience, watching the news, reading some dudes blog?

Come on...

Stay ignorant my friend.

there is no way possible for it to happen in Colorado...
O.P. is in Georgia, not Colorado.

All it takes is one ignorant F***stick to drive by and assume that they saw drugs. A phone call later your huose gets raided and your dog/family/self shot. It's a scenario best avoided and easily done so by not doing things in the publics eye. When i brewed outside i did so concealed so that people driving by wouldn't think that i was running a still as SOME people HAVE assumed that's what i was doing.

I'm just advising the OP of the danger they could be putting themselves in. Didn't think it would get peoples panties in a bunch.

-Brew on.
Stay ignorant my friend.

O.P. is in Georgia, not Colorado.

All it takes is one ignorant F***stick to drive by and assume that they saw drugs. A phone call later your huose gets raided and your dog/family/self shot. It's a scenario best avoided and easily done so by not doing things in the publics eye. When i brewed outside i did so concealed so that people driving by wouldn't think that i was running a still as SOME people HAVE assumed that's what i was doing.

I'm just advising the OP of the danger they could be putting themselves in. Didn't think it would get peoples panties in a bunch.

-Brew on.
Not sure you understand how drug raid's work. But keep trying. You'll get it.
This is easy to solve, I'm so surprised no one has figured it out yet.

You put a big sign in the window that says "I brew beer; I buy pellet hops by the pound and repackage into smaller bags. That's what you're seeing."

Or draw the curtain. That would work too.
Pics or it didn't happen.

A really old one of mine:

Dude, try explaining this to my new neighbor (an ex cop),. This is what I usually have "cooking" every single week for yeast growing . My equally absurd hop stash is hidden away

We should turn this into a religious debate from the perspective of white privilege.

But back to the point, a new LHBS here had some run-ins with the "shoot first, ask later" folks over bags of hops. It was quite a comical situation actually.

Takes a good sense of humor and wit (mmmm) to deal with these people.

"Do you have an illegal and harmless substance that causes people to become docile, introspective, and eat too many chips in that bag sir?!!!!"

"No it's just hops that I'm going to use to make an alcoholic beverage, the same substance that's ruined countless families, caused massive health issues, and 10 of thousands of deaths"

"Ok, as you were sir!"
Dude, try explaining this to my new neighbor (an ex cop),. This is what I usually have "cooking" every single week for yeast growing . My equally absurd hop stash is hidden away

just make sure you dont start measuring out the brewing salts with a stanley blade and you might still be alright
We should turn this into a religious debate from the perspective of white privilege.

But back to the point, a new LHBS here had some run-ins with the "shoot first, ask later" folks over bags of hops. It was quite a comical situation actually.

Takes a good sense of humor and wit (mmmm) to deal with these people.

"Do you have an illegal and harmless substance that causes people to become docile, introspective, and eat too many chips in that bag sir?!!!!"

"No it's just hops that I'm going to use to make an alcoholic beverage, the same substance that's ruined countless families, caused massive health issues, and 10 of thousands of deaths"

"Ok, as you were sir!"

If they shot first, wouldn't there have only been one run in and a corresponding wrongful death lawsuit?
We're toward the bottom of a slope so my back deck (where I usually brew) is about 10 feet off the ground, and the house upslope can easily see my deck when he's standing on his deck.

My neighbor, who recently moved in, yelled over the other day, "what the hell are you doing over here!?"
Sassafras a schedule III controlled substance, I schiz you not. Careful with that sass, it might accidentally turn into MDMA.
True story. I grew hops at my last home. When the cones are ready to pick, you get a pretty strong smell associated with it. Actually had a neighbor question me about what I was growing. When I explained that I was growing hops to brew beer, told him to hold on, went into the house, and came back with a couple of bottles of homebrew for him to try, he laughed a bit and said it smelled like pot. I then explained that hops and cannabis are actually in the same family so it was an honest mistake on his part.