Shutdown means no new beer from craft brewers

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That would be aggravating. I didn't realized it would effect craft breweries just yet. Glad I started home brewing.
I'm wondering about how long the beer will last that's ready to package,waiting for certification of the labels?...
I'm wondering about how long the beer will last that's ready to package,waiting for certification of the labels?...

I have never known anyone to brew a beer prior to label approval. There are too many variables and frequent back and forth between the brewery and the TTB (or, previously, ATF). Generally you would wait for approval, get the labels printed and then brew. Not saying someone hasn't done it, but it would be a bad idea.

As much as this situation stinks for the people waiting on label approval, those waiting on their brewer's notice are in a much worse state. You have to have a lease or deed for the brewery before you can submit for approval, which means you bleed $$ until you are able to brew. This could kill some small businesses before they get off the ground.

The company I am currently with is not quite in that boat, fortunately, but we aren't far from it. We aren't ready to brew yet, our brewhouse and first shipment of tanks should be arriving in the next couple weeks. The equipment will need to be installed, utilities connected, etc. We are about a month to month and a half out from being physically able to brew. Our TTB paperwork was filed in July, so we should be close to the head of the line and shouldn't have to wait long once things start back up. Hopefully, this will all be cleared up by the time we are ready to fire the system up.
It sounds like a colossally wasteful government office if they take 6 months to a year to quit dragging their heals & just get it done & over with. They need to move a lot faster than they do with how their stupidly inefficient laws work.
It sounds like a collaselly watefull government office if they take 6 months to a year to quit dragging their heals & just get it done & overwith. They need to move a lot faster than they do with how their stupidly inefficient laws work.

It is actually a very complicated procedure and there are only a handful of agents that process the applications. Considering that they have reduced the wait time by about 65% over last year, while processing more applications, I would say they have been doing quite well.
Not if they're still taking several months to process things. Too much $$ is being spent on leasing,etc with non coming in to take so long. More agents should be hired. but of course the government has to be made aware of the increase in the popularity of brewing craft beers. A system is only as complicated as it is made out to be imo.
I'm part of a group of 4 that is opening a new Nano that is projected to bump up to 10barrels in a year. This is the kind of thing that really hurts us despite having a really inexpensive building and minimal costs starting out. If our country stopped sticking it's nose where it isn't wanted and fighting other people's fights we would have more resources to support hardworking Americans. That's as political as I will get, it's just really frustrating.
Not if they're still taking several months to process things. Too much $$ is being spent on leasing,etc with non coming in to take so long. More agents should be hired. but of course the government has to be made aware of the increase in the popularity of brewing craft beers. A system is only as complicated as it is made out to be imo.

Geez, they ARE aware of the increase and have really stepped up. Like I said, there are MORE applications going through and they have still reduced the wait by about 65% over this time last year and by as much as 100% from months prior.

Are there issues with the system? Yes. Do they need more agents? Yes. Are some of the criteria they have to follow silly or outdated? Yes. However not all of the issues originate within the TTB, they can't be blamed for things that are out of their hands. Any time you are dealing with alcohol, the hoops that you have to jump through are ludicrous. ALL of the principals in the business have the government crawl up their butts with a microscope... they have multiple background checks, finger printing etc. Photos of the building have to be submitted, architectural drawings, descriptions of the lay out and the process. You have to show how you keep the beer secure from the public, etc. Most of that is about taxes, excise taxes are a huge source of revenue the government sorely needs (that they waste money doesn't enter into their reasoning).... Brewer's Bonds (a kind of insurance) have to be submitted and approved... on and on... In many ways they have their hands tied by other parts of government, like the IRS, in the way that they handle things.

Believe me, I am no fan of the TTB/ATF... Every brewery ends up butting heads with them sooner or later... I tell you, it seems weird to me to be defending them in any way, BUT as someone in the industry I can tell you they HAVE improved DRAMATICALLY and that most of the criticism being flung at them is misdirected.
Background checks & finger printing? Dang. I understand about submiting designs,etc. but there are oviously more hoops to jump through than I previously imagined. Still,some hoops should be streamlined to save "non-operating" costs...
The furloughed employees can't afford to buy craft beer either since they aren't getting paid!
Just kind of the fallout of living in the most totalitarian nation that has ever existed
I'm part of a group of 4 that is opening a new Nano that is projected to bump up to 10barrels in a year. This is the kind of thing that really hurts us despite having a really inexpensive building and minimal costs starting out. If our country stopped sticking it's nose where it isn't wanted and fighting other people's fights we would have more resources to support hardworking Americans. That's as political as I will get, it's just really frustrating.

Bump up? I homebrew more than 10 barrels a year, what amount are you bumping up FROM where you were even able to sell it? My friends would drink anything less than that long before it gets to the bottle or tap room.
Bump up? I homebrew more than 10 barrels a year, what amount are you bumping up FROM where you were even able to sell it? My friends would drink anything less than that long before it gets to the bottle or tap room.

We are starting with 40 gallon batches and will be bumping up to a 10barrel system as soon as the brewery can pay for it which is projected between 12 and 24 months
Oh 10 barrels per batch, I thought you meant 10 barrels a year total production haha. Best of luck to you!
Reading this thread, I feel a pang of hatred toward this country. And I'm a veteran. Sad, truly sad..
Reading this thread, I feel a pang of hatred toward this country. And I'm a veteran. Sad, truly sad..

Just spoke today with a brewpub owner being affected by this very same thing. The state can't get it done until the feds rubber stamp it. Meanwhile, he can't brew.
Reading this thread, I feel a pang of hatred toward this country. And I'm a veteran. Sad, truly sad..

First off, thank you for your service. I can't express how much gratitude that I have for people like you that have fought to give me the rights that we all have. I don't hate this country, I love it dearly. What I hate is misdirection and waste.
This is affecting a new brewery by us in Martin City, MO as well. Feel bad for them as they have a lot of capital tied up and can't do anything about it.
Just spoke today with a brewpub owner being affected by this very same thing. The state can't get it done until the feds rubber stamp it. Meanwhile, he can't brew.

Sure he can. Just because he can't sell it (yet) doesn't mean he can't brew. If I HAVE to, I will "clean up" the beer that slipped through the fed approval cracks. For my country!
BrewinHooligan said:
First off, thank you for your service. I can't express how much gratitude that I have for people like you that have fought to give me the rights that we all have. I don't hate this country, I love it dearly. What I hate is misdirection and waste.

Thanks for your comments. Unfortunately one of the biggest rights we have put the corrupt "leadership" in place that is ruining the country I fought for. Misdirection and waste will never be eliminated, but these days it's all we have. Now that it's affecting the brewing community, there's literally not a single aspect of this country that is headed in a positive direction. Jeez, I need a beer!!
Sure he can. Just because he can't sell it (yet) doesn't mean he can't brew. If I HAVE to, I will "clean up" the beer that slipped through the fed approval cracks. For my country!

It actually does mean he can't brew. If a brewery fires up there brewhouse before they have their Brewer's Notice from the feds, they face heavy fines at best, losing all hope of getting Brewer's Notice at worst. It would be EXTREMELY stupid to brew without that go ahead... not saying it's right, just that's the way it is. The feds to play nice when it comes to stuff like that
I slugged into DC today with a guy that works for the group that does all this approving. He was talking about how pissed off the brewers are and how much of a backlog they are going to have when they do open back up since the site is down while they are closed. He seemed to feel pretty bad about it, but all the workers are furloughed so nothing they can do. He said they can't even get together to make a "plan" to expidite the process since everyone on furlough is not allowed to answer e-mails or work related calls.

I am truly sorry to hear about the position the Gov't has put you and all the other start up breweries in. What a effing shame!
Maybe they should just stay closed! Who needs 'em; they got us into this eff-ing mess anyway. Let the states run themselves. It is the United States after all, not the Federally enforced States!!!