Serving homebrew at a wedding in florida

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Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2013
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I'm getting married March 2015. I'd like to include my homebrew obsession. SWMBO has some reservations about the legality of serving homebrew on tap and is suggesting giving out bottles as gifts instead.

Florida Statute 562.165 paragraph 4 interprited in my favor shows that i can serve homebrew at my wedding. I would however like to hear from any others that have had a wedding in Florida and served homebrew as to hurdles that had to be overcome to accomplish that.

Assuming i lose the battle for serving at the wedding, Plan B will be giving out bombers as gifts. I'm looking for styles of beers that will age well. From the little i know about this all, I imagine high alcohol, high roasted malt will generally lend itslef well to aging. However the same beer would most likely be consumed by some before it "ages"

I'd love to hear your thoughts.
My understanding has always been you can serve it as long as you're not charging money for it. Lemme go check my Statutes book.

Ok, just did some reading. You're good, bro. Just dont charge for it. Doesnt matter if its in bottles or kegs. And congrats on the upcoming nuptuals!

Belgian Tripel makes for a good aging beer if you go that route.

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The only problem I've seen others mention (usually other states but maybe applicable) is if you're at a reception hall or restaurant they might not allow it since it's not commercial alcohol and could effect their liquor license. That would be the first thing I'd check.

I agree, the way it reads you should have no legal problem serving it as long as the location is ok with it too.
I forgot to mention this will be a brunch wedding in the morning. Thinking up some breakfast recipes.

In checking with the wedding planner the first response has generally been "no" with some excuse about this/that person's liquor license or liability involved with serving it.

I want to know if this statute can be the all encompassing "yes i can" serve homebrew at my wedding.
Having homebrew at your own wedding sounds cool, but I tend to think it would be a large PITA. You're going to have more than enough on your plate without having to mess with the logistics of it. You also can't legally do it at any premises/restaurants licensed to sell beer.

My son asked me about bringing a keg to their wedding reception last year about 30 miles from my house. After taking stock of all the stuff I'd need to chill/dispense it and figuring that I'd have to monitor the operation instead of relaxing and enjoying the evening, I decide against it (and was happy that I did). Instead, my wife and I did a groom shower at our house where I had my three-tap keezer. The guys got to enjoy lots of beer then.

In your situation, I'd give bottles to out-of-town friends/relatives. For local folks, have a get-together at your place, either before the wedding or after the honeymoon where you already have your kegs and dispensing gear set up.
Congrats! Sounds like you are legally good to go. I am doing the same thing this August for my wedding. It is a perfect excuse to build up some jockey boxes and brew a ton. :D

For a morning beer I'd go with a coffee stout lighter on the abv. I also really liked the Mikeller "Beer Hop Breakfast" that I had. Something like that would work for me. Of course, these are my tastes so it might be different for your guests.

Congrats on the engagement and upcoming wedding.
Bring in a copy of the statute and check with the location. I don't think many places will want to take chances with their liquor license, but if you can argue what the statute says you never know what they'll say.
I live in RI and one place we wanted to get married originally said no to homebrew because of their liquor license but also because they were money hungry and wanted to sell beer not have people say "well I could pay like 10$ for a coors light, or I could have free homebrew!" So they had agreed with me that as long as their bartender could serve it and everyone had one "beer ticket" they'd let me. We didn't end up doing the wedding there but figured id add the experience we had.

Cant speak to Florida. In NC where I live I did three batches 15 gal total for my wedding, my sister in-laws wedding, and ive got a friends coming up. Each one was at a private residence or facility. Just find a place that is private or an owner that is cool with it and youll be fine.
Logistically it is work but not that bad. I built a three SS coil jockey box for that purpose. Our homebrew club also uses it for brew days and events. I would recomend some kind of description of the beers where guest could read about them when they are deciding. Other wise there gonna be asking you about them all day/night.
Dude... If it's legit!... Do it! That's an awesome idea! I brought some homebrew to my nephews wedding and the owners confiscated my cooler! It was freaking awesome... All the crew that were drinking it, ended up breaking into the managers office and got it back.. What a blast! Anyway... Congrats!

If the caterer will dispense / serve it, go for it! In the morning, I'd think a coffee stout, but I also love RIS.

I think bombers are a good idea too, what a great gift for your guests.
I sure wouldn't bother. You might like your homebrew, but I think you should just leave it at home. Take every moment of your wedding and focus on your wife. It's her moment, not yours. Believe me, the wedding experience is a BIG deal for the gals.

I went from my wedding reception to the airport to the carribean. Maybe you have other plans.
Thanks for the input Gents. I'll stick to the bombers as giveaways and do a Belgian Tripel and a Cafe Mocha Porter.
Does anyone know of any venues (prefer beach) in the Seagrove/Seaside etc...areas that allow you to bring home-brew? The few I have looked at say you must serve alcohol purchased through their vendor set-up. Really want to bring our own stuff. Appreciate the assistance.

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