Second Look: SS Brewtech Infussion Mash Tun with MTSS

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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2014
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About a month and a half ago, I posted a review on the SS Brew Tech's 10 gallon Infussion Insulated Stainless Mash Tun. My thoughts on the product are very positive for a myriad of reasons, so for those considering a stainless steel MT, I strongly recommend you check out my results and comparisons with other popular options.

However, I wanted to post a a separate followup review after I installed their newly released Mash Temperature Stabilization System (MTSS).

For those that either own or see the appreciable benefits of the Infussion MT, this is an add-on device that is designed to essentially hold temps even more more steady than the insulation alone. After promptly receiving the box from SS Brewtech as a result of my close geographical proximity to their warehouse, I immediately tore it open and found their proprietary STC-1000 style temp controller, 12v adapter, heating element, and a few misc parts like a grommet and zip tie, etc.

I was immediately very familiar with their temp controller from the FTSS, since its essentially the same one, but with a larger 6 amp output adapter. The heating element obviously draws more power than the pump for the FTSS. Those that are familiar with the STC 1000 should find this equally as simple.

So I moved on to installing the heating element. There are four screws that hold the panel to the underside, where you will be greeted with a large foam insert. I took the extra step of Windexing the underside of the SS bottom to remove any oils since the element is held in place by an adhesive backing. It was super simple, except that I later found out since I was in such a rush to complete the install; I didn't properly rotate the element to the correct orientation, which would have allowed me to zip tie the element's cord to the drain tube as a strain relief.


Anywho, I moved on to installing the grommet to the underside panel, feeding the wire through, and reinstalling the foam/panel. Now you have a pig tail hanging out from the underside side of your MT, which now its key to have the rubber feet installed on the MT to protect the cable from getting damaged.

So fast forward to yesterday's brew day, where I would normally mash in and lose a few degrees over the course of an hour mash, I set the MTSS temp controller to 152, which was my target strike temp for the cream ale I was brewing. I removed the included LCD thermometer and used that thermowell for the temp probe. Over the course of a 60 minute mash, the heater came on twice that I saw and basically held my mash temps to within a half a degree of 152.

Since there isn't really anything else out there like it that I've seen, as far as a low power "booster" heater goes, its an interesting accessory to add to an existing SS MT, or even a bottom drain keggle. Not that a few degrees of drop off is going to significantly change your beer, but it makes the entire process slightly more automated, and it also wont break the bank at $80. Especially in comparison to a more powerful RIMS heater rig, that would necessitate a much larger element, electrical controller, etc, all the way down the line to the additional tubing, fittings, and element housing.

Interestingly, I did some additional tests with just water, and I found that the MTSS could ramp a 7 gallon mash roughly 4-5 degrees within an hour. So if you commonly miss your temps by a relatively small margin, the MTSS is powerful enough to bring you up to speed over the course of an hour to an hour and a half mash rest. However, its not powerful enough to say ramp from a 120 degree protein rest, to a traditional 153 degree mash, and then say a 165-170 degree mash-out.


All in all, I'm really pleased with the performance of the new system, since it takes any sort of mash babysitting out of the picture. Plus, it basically works perfectly as advertised. Furthermore, if you do ever come in light on your mash temps, you actually have an option of ramping the temp, instead of trying to do a decoction style mash temp ramping by removing a portion of your wort, heat it up to boiling and then adding it back to the mash.

For real world application I could see this setup would be most useful for those that don't want to experience ANY temp drop-off, which I am super anal about anyway. Moreover, the MTSS will come in really handy for the cold weather crowd, since this system should be able to overcome the more drastic temp loss you naturally experience in colder climates. But it could also be applicable to newer brewers that aren't yet accustomed to hitting their mash temps perfectly every time.

Great review, I have just purchased and I am testing mine, I have a couple of questions:

1. I have only added 15 litres (4 US Gallons) and had a start temp of 149.5, and a target of 151.0. Judging by your tests this heater should easily get to 151.0.
But, after 45mins it has only gone up to 150.0, just 0.5 degrees. Any ideas, as I am using a lot less water than you tests and get smaller temp rises.

So if I miss the strike temp, I cannot rely on my MTSS unit to get me to my correct temp in anywhere near a quick enough time. It will keep the correct temp, which I suppose is it's main purpose.

2. You say this is an improved FTSS. So, in the top left of the screen does yours say MTSS or FTSS, mine says FTSS, I am wondering whether I have been sent the wrong temp control unit.

3. You probably won't have looked at this, but I normally use Centigrade, when I switch the unit to C, the target does not have decimals, I can only have a target of 66 or 67, not 66.6. Which is a big difference in F, i.e 152.6 or 150.8. Maybe I am being too fussy, but 1 degrees C is nearly 2 degrees F.
Interestingly, I did some additional tests with just water, and I found that the MTSS could ramp a 7 gallon mash roughly 4-5 degrees within an hour. So if you commonly miss your temps by a relatively small margin, the MTSS is powerful enough to bring you up to speed over the course of an hour to an hour and a half mash rest. However, its not powerful enough to say ramp from a 120 degree protein rest, to a traditional 153 degree mash, and then say a 165-170 degree mash-out.

The issue I see here is much of the conversion already takes place in the first 10 mins and most of it is done by 20 mns in many cases so taking an hour just to ramp up 4 or 5 degrees is useless in this aspect unless your only off a degree or 2.. I believe thats what Andyn2001 was getting at as well..

I would be concerned that stirring the mash will cause the temps to drop..
But if you live in a colder climate this may help keep your temps stable, not help you hit them if you are way off. I wonder what the temp variation from the bottom to the top of the MT with the MTSS running?
But if you live in a colder climate this may help keep your temps stable, not help you hit them if you are way off. I wonder what the temp variation from the bottom to the top of the MT with the MTSS running?
I get that it maintains them but the statement I quoted suggested it was useful in correcting the strike temp up to 4-5 degrees over the coarse of an hour which means its much less useful in the critical first 15 mins for this. If there recirculation the temps should be even with using the heater... Not so much without it... Bottom will be hotter and continue to cook until the correct temp reaches the temp probe in the middle. You would have to stir for even temps just like if one was cooking over a range. you can test this with a tall pot of oatmeal on very low heat setting on the stove... if you test in the center area of the pot it doesnt matter if its not insulated.

There were other review threads on this and one ended up having a few owners complaining about temps. (likely why the title of this thread is second look) I think someone did a test on this... One guy even bought a chapman thermobarrel and tested it side by side against this and gave this ss barrel to chapman as an even trade so he could use it for further product comparision because of its ability to keep consistent even temps if I remember right.. He posted a youtube video of it.

Found it

I have never had a problem with my 20 gallon (no MTSS) holding temp even in 20-30 degree winter weather. I think I have said before. It appears the the MTSS has been a flawed concept from inception and causes more problems than it solves. continuously heating a mash without recirculation seems like it wouldn't work well. augiedoggy said you will get temperature stratification and I am in agreeance. Both the Chapman and SS are designed first and foremost for unheated single infusion mashing. And SS does this admirably in my experience (can't speak for Chapman though reviews are positive).

Side note: The only thing I could remotely seeing the MTSS being useful for is holding stable temps for a 110 degree sour mash
Its just my opinion and I've shared it before but if a person is going to spring for an insulated mash tun , especially an expensive stainless one, Than additional heating and recirculation are redundant and totally unneccesary.
Likewise if you have some sort of heating like the heater at the bottom, herms or a rims and recirculation.... Both are designed to accomplish the same goal in different ways... Both together is like a double negative and completely unpractical as anyone who uses a rims or herms with recirculation will tell you it works 100% (and is more than capable) for keeping temps consistent as well as being able to adjust them on the fly for step mashing and such.
So why pay extra for a big bulky insulated mash tun that makes each brew day cleanup more tedious and add a heat source for mashing for any reason but the frivolous cosmetic one? and likewise why install a herms or rims if you are using an insulated mashtun if it does what its designed to do and holds mash temps? The only possible reason I can see is if someone who already had one decided they wanted to do step mashing or sours but from the video that doesnt work to well either... Otherwise its also a waste of resources and not practical right?.... It may be cool and we all love brew gadget myself included but its still not justified in the practical sense. If a person just wants a simple upgrade to the plastic cooler mashtun these are longer lived and look way better and can be a nice upgrade..If you feel you want to step mash or add a herms or rims than sve your money and buy a regular kettle to convert to a mashtun, its not only more practical but will be easier to maintain and not as likely to hold you back if you decide to go bigger... (I use a 16 gallon bayou kettle which works just as well for 5 gallons as it does for even big 10 gallon beers). With this insulated tun it becomes more of a tradeoff if you go with the larger size as the additional cost as well as moving them and cleaning them becomes more of a hassle and the smaller size just wont work for bigger or larger batches of beer.
Guys, I've had my 10 Gallon MT and temp controller now for 4 months, and made 6 brews and also tested just liquor for 1 hour twice.

I can confidently say the temp controller is rubbish. If you miss your initial mash temp it will not get you back on temp. It's takes ah hour to raise temp by 1 degree F if you are lucky, and I only make 3 gallons batches. God knows who it is supposed for work with the 20 Gallon MT!!

I sent one unit back as I thought it must have been faulty but the second is just the same. It is worthless.

The mash tun is good enough to only lose 1 degree in 1 hour ( I cover the temp gauge area and lid with towels as heat escapes there) and as the temp controller only kicks it when you are 1 degree off temp then no need for it. If you get your initial temp correct it does nothing. If you miss you temp and it comes on, well you won't notice it has come on.

I only make 3 Gallon batches and I get less than 1 degree increase in the liquor in a 1 hour test. They claim 4-5 degrees for 5 gallons (in their instruction manual), well if I can't even get 1 degree F with a smaller volume of liquor how do they get 4-5 degrees??!!

When I questioned their claims with their support desk they foolishly forgot I was copied on their email when they replied to my supplier. Their support desk said I was, and I quote " customer became belligerent, over the top, and borderline obsessive". He also said he did not believe me. All I was doing is asking for help, as as far as I could see the product was not doing as claimed. I have even videod the temp controller in action, in case SS Brewtech try to call me a liar again.

I've asked for an apology and didn't get one so here is my "honest review" of their temp controller, if they can be rude to customers then I will post what I think of them and their product.

I suspect this product will be delisted or a new version brought out within a year.
Well that is a shame that their customer service is so horrible on a poorly conceived and tested product. It shows the measure of the company. Part of the same reason when I buy a conical this next year it will likely be a Spike (If its as good as it looks) instead of SSBrewtech. I have had similar experience with their customer service just kinda giving me a shrug (not ^^^ that bad though)
Well that is a shame that their customer service is so horrible on a poorly conceived and tested product. It shows the measure of the company. Part of the same reason when I buy a conical this next year it will likely be a Spike (If its as good as it looks) instead of SSBrewtech. I have had similar experience with their customer service just kinda giving me a shrug (not ^^^ that bad though)

Thanks for the heads up on Spike, just checked their website. If they deliver to the UK I will upgrade with their equipment. SS Brewtech can't treat customers the way they have treated me and expect repeat purchase!

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