Recipe Critique - Mosaic Only APA

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Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2014
Reaction score
So I accidentally posted to the recipe database section and figured I would get more feedback here, hence the x-post.

As the title suggests, I'm trying to plan a fairly simple mosaic-only pale ale that will hopefully be very aromatic and fruity with a balanced malt profile and little hop dankness. I'm new to making recipes and welcome any suggestions for simplifying and improving this design.

This recipe incorporates some feedback from users on my initial post

Recipe Type: All Grain
Yeast: British Ale Yeast (WL1098)
Yeast Starter: None
Batch Size (Gallons): 5.00
Original Gravity: 1.059
Final Gravity: 1.013
IBU: 44.2
Boiling Time (Minutes): 60
Color: 5.2 SRM
Primary Fermentation (# of Days & Temp): 10-14 days (67 F)
Secondary Fermentation (# of Days & Temp): None anticipated

For a 5.00 gallon batch size:

9 lbs 8 oz - Pale Malt (2 Row, US) - 85.4%
1 lbs - White Wheat Malt - 9.0%
0 lbs 4 oz - Cara-Pils - 2.2%
0 lbs 6 oz - Honey Malt - 3.4%
Total grain bill - 11.13 lb

Mash at 150F for 75 minutes

Boiled Hops
0.50 oz - Mosaic - Boiled 45 minutes (22.2 IBUs)
1.25 oz - Mosaic - Boiled 10 minutes (22.0 IBUs)
1.00 oz - Mosaic - Boiled 0 minutes (whirlpooled for 15-30minutes)

Yeast - British Ale (Wyeast WL1098)

Dry Hops
2.5 oz - Mosaic - Dry hopped for 4-5 days

Any feedback on the grains or hops profile would be much appreciated. I want a very aromatic beer, but also want to maintain some balance with the overall flavor.

I will be brewing this beer in the next few weeks, so I'll come back to post a follow up once the brew day is complete!
I did a very similar hop schedule for a mosaic hop pale ale with wyeast 1056 and was very happy with the results. I used a half ounce of centennial for the bittering at 60 minutes because I had it leftover but the rest of it is almost exact. I dry hopped with 2 oz only and got some pretty good aroma but I'm thinking I may try a little more next time. Your plan of 2.5 is probably a good start. Definitely be ready for so fruity flavors from the mosaic.
Do you have anything else to bitter with? If so throw that extra half ounce in the whirlpool for a total of 1.5 ounces.
I confess to being enamored with Mosaic of late and have been going through pounds of it.
If the WP addition is <180°F (not an FO addition) I'd double it.
Keep oxygen out of the post-fermentation process and it'll be a winner.

Thanks for all the input! All the suggestions thus far make me feel like I'm in the right ballpark. I'll read up some more on the end-of-mash additions (flameout vs whirlpool) to make sure I'm getting the right flavor and aroma.

As soon as I get my new kettle in, this batch will get rolling.
Looks great! I do a Vienna and Mosaic SMaSH with identical OG and about 35 IBU, with a lot of late hops and about 2 oz of dry hops. It's a real crowd-pleaser. The Honey Malt also works well with Mosaic -- try Brulosophy's MACC IPA recipe if you haven't already.

I tend to use 090 for APA/IPA (my favorite yeast with hoppy beers lately), so I haven't used 1098 in this style. Perhaps others can comment on that.

Anyway, looks like a winner. Let us know how it turns out!
The yeast is a shot in the dark, never used it before so it may change after more research.

And I'll check out the brulosophy recipe, thanks!