Oxyclean vs PBW

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Jan 29, 2014
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I have seen several posts about oxyclean working just as well as PBW for removing labels. What about cleaning? I bought a bunch of used equipment today that I want to thoroughly clean, but couldn't make it to my lhbs to get more PBW, and I would like to use this equipment for a few batches tonight. Thoughts?

Relax. Have a beer!
It's basically the same thing...buy whatever is cheapest.

Seriously...it's the same thing.

Although I'm a fairly new brewer, my experience has been different. Oxy cleans about as well as PBW, however, it leaves a hazy residue on whatever I use it on--especially bottles. When I use PBW to remove labels, I don't have to brush them to get rid of the residue.
Although I'm a fairly new brewer, my experience has been different. Oxy cleans about as well as PBW, however, it leaves a hazy residue on whatever I use it on--especially bottles. When I use PBW to remove labels, I don't have to brush them to get rid of the residue.

While there is a residue when using OxyClean...it washes away in the rinse. That is, it has for me.
I just soak them in super hot water and the labels peel right off...no cleaner needed. I do use a brush for any residue that is left...might take a little extra effort but it's better than using cleaner IMO
I get really bad scaling from oxy. If the pbw doesn't do that it would be a huge plus for me.
I recently started using Oxy with TSP and have found my Stainless Steel kettle doesn't seem to like it. Seems to almost discolor the surface. Anyway, it does work But I think next time I would stick with Brew Clean from KegConnection. That stuff works great, no residue, and doesn't discolor my SS kettle, etc.

Hope this helps,
Just like Johnmac I soaked my bottles in just hot water. I also purchased a wire brush for 4 bucks from ace hardware and had one of those yellow/green dish sponges.

Had no problem getting the labels and glue off with just hot water.
I just soak them in super hot water and the labels peel right off...no cleaner needed. I do use a brush for any residue that is left...might take a little extra effort but it's better than using cleaner IMO

It really depends on what glue they use. I've had some fall of if they get wet, and some that I had to use a chemical solvent to remove the glue, and everything in between.
I use a knockoff oxyclean called "oxygenated cleaner". I put one scoop into my primary fermenter and fill it up with hot water. In a couple hours most if not all of the stuck on krausen and other crap dissolves away. Anything left over is easily scrubbed off. It works as well as PBW and is waaaaay cheaper. I make sure to rinse it out really well too. I could not find TSP Substitute anywhere locally.
I just soak them in super hot water and the labels peel right off...no cleaner needed. I do use a brush for any residue that is left...might take a little extra effort but it's better than using cleaner IMO

I've discovered by accident that one of those really fine grit sanding blocks takes the residual label glue right off.

As far as Oxyclean goes - a little goes a long way. If you are getting a haze you are probably using too much.

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Just wanted to note that only oxyclean FREE should be used, because the regular has fragrance, which you don't want. I love the oxyclean free and use it to clean all my bottles and PET carboys. Plus it's significantly cheaper. If you want to make a more exact approximation of PBW for less money, you can mix the oxyclean free with trisodium phosphate.
I just have to point out two concerns that I have with Oxyclean and using it to clean anything that I am going to drink or eat. First PBW is food safe and Oxyclean isn't. Now this doesn't mean that you can eat PBW by the spoonful and not get sick it just means it isn't going to kill you or harm you to have some residue on the container. Second Oxyclean is made in China. I could go on about how it harms our contry to by stuff from China blah blah blah blah. But the one thing we know for sure is that the Chinese factories are not againts putting something harmful into a product. Take toys with lead to baby formula with poisonous melamine in it to boost the protein content readings.
I use OC and a paint scraper to gt my labels off. Any residual glue wipes right off with a Dobie pad. I do wash my bottles, and do a double (swirl :)) rinse to make sure there isnt any residue.
There's a very good (albeit long) thread on the topic here: https://www.homebrewtalk.com/f11/never-use-pbw-again-121676/

Eventually, there's a post or few that claim PBW is a blend of the same chemical that's in OxyClean, TSP, and a chelator. The chelator is what makes it work better in hard water (no residue).

If you have fairly soft water, you can probably use an 85/15 ish blend of OC and TSP and do the same thing as PBW.

FWIW, I do have fairly soft water, but still get some haze from OC. It's not enough, though, to justify the expense of PBW to me, and I choose to keep using OC for all but the worst/most critical cleaning jobs...
First PBW is food safe and Oxyclean isn't. Now this doesn't mean that you can eat PBW by the spoonful and not get sick it just means it isn't going to kill you or harm you to have some residue on the container.

From the container of PBW sitting next to my desk:

If swallowed, do not induce vomiting. Drink large amounts of milk or water. Call a physician. Caution: Can be harmful if swallowed.

No, I wouldn't call that food safe. You have to rinse both Oxyclean and PBW thoroughly before food comes in contact with the container.
I use Sun brand oxygen cleaner. The only ingredients are sodium carbonate and sodium percobonate, just like PBW and OxyClean Free and it's cheaper than both.
From the container of PBW sitting next to my desk:

No, I wouldn't call that food safe. You have to rinse both Oxyclean and PBW thoroughly before food comes in contact with the container.

You can get food grade Lactic acid if you drink it full strength it will mess you up too.

I am sure that folks are not going to be convinced to switch no matter what information is presented. They will just come up with a justification to keep doing what they are doing.
That if you look at the the PBW container it says that it is for brewery use. And guess what it doesn't say that on the Oxyclean package. :ban:


The last time I bought RO water it didn't say it was approved for brewery use either. Anyone know where I can find water approved for brewery use? lol

Seriously, the primary ingredient in both oxyclean and pbw is sodium percarbonate, and a LOT of brewers (self included) are using both with no ill effects (though I have developed this strange 3rd nipple, and I have picked up a bit of a lisp... hmm.)

If you're gonna use OC, please do get the OC "free" version, or generic equivalent, to avoid all the perfumes and other garbage ya don't want in your kettles.

The last time I bought RO water it didn't say it was approved for brewery use either. Anyone know where I can find water approved for brewery use? lol

Seriously, the primary ingredient in both oxyclean and pbw is sodium percarbonate, and a LOT of brewers (self included) are using both with no ill effects (though I have developed this strange 3rd nipple, and I have picked up a bit of a lisp... hmm.)

If you're gonna use OC, please do get the OC "free" version, or generic equivalent, to avoid all the perfumes and other garbage ya don't want in your kettles.

Ok so you have done the necessary testing to Oxyclean to certify it for brewery use with the FDA? You know that the only chemicals listed on the package are what is in them?

So since it doesn't kill you the second that you are exposed to it asbestos is ok to use?

5 Star Chemicals has done those tests.
You can get food grade Lactic acid if you drink it full strength it will mess you up too.

I am sure that folks are not going to be convinced to switch no matter what information is presented. They will just come up with a justification to keep doing what they are doing.

You can drink enough water to cause toxicity too...

I have yet to see an argument to justify using anything other than Oxiclean. I mean, Cascade is used for washing dishes...but you wouldn't want to drink a solution of it...
Uh oh. Butthurt alert!

Yes, oxyclean free is absolutely as safe as PBW (and actually contains less chemicals).

See also: sense, common.
Wow! Didn't think I would get such a heated debate over this. I work in the food industry, and have looked at the msds sheets for oxyclean. It is safe. I was just looking for opinions on effectiveness, which it seems to me that it is. Thanks all!

Relax. Have a home brew.
Wow! Didn't think I would get such a heated debate over this. I work in the food industry, and have looked at the msds sheets for oxyclean. It is safe. I was just looking for opinions on effectiveness, which it seems to me that it is. Thanks all!

Relax. Have a home brew.

It's absolutely effective. An overnight soak is enough to make a carboy sparkle, without ever using a brush.

The only thing to watch out for is mineral film if you've got moderately hard water, or worse.
Pbw is market specific. Therefore it will cost more because they are targeting a specific demographic of clientele. Chemically they might be similar. Heck they could contain the exact same amounts of everything for all I know. However one is mass produced and one is target market produced.

Just the same. Today I was looking at thermometers. I found round dial thermometers for 3-5 bucks where as when I googled brewing thermometers, the cost shot up to 9-19 dollars for similar thermometers.

It's also a branding a thing. Like buying Oreos over cream o's
Same thing. Same taste but for some reason oreos just look better even at a couple bucks more a pack.

Heck even in this thread pbw was brought up first and in the same sentence OC was brought up as a cheaper alternative.

To each their own. Choose what you prefer and go with it.

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