Obnoxious Football Trash Talk Thread

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Coincidence that Denver and Seattle are in the Pot Bowl...I mean Super Bowl... I think not.
Don't you hate that uncomfortable feeling when someone in a crowd tries too hard to fit in and fails?
Should be a pre dew that you have to read every retarded word of this thread.
Hope the fans who threw food at Bowman get a DUI and beaten with a phonebook.

I'm seeing one guy who tweeted this with no pics or video or anything. Other than that, I see no report on it other than whiner fan sites.

Not like the whiner staff member on the sideline that knocked down Jeremy Lane on kick coverage.
Hope the fans who threw food at Bowman get a DUI and beaten with a phonebook.
Every post I've seen from the Seattle fan base have been wishing Bowman a speedy recovery. Personally, I love the rivalry between the Hawks and 49'ers, and am looking forward to Seattle knocking SF out again next year.
I'm seeing one guy who tweeted this with no pics or video or anything. Other than that, I see no report on it other than whiner fan sites.

Not like the whiner staff member on the sideline that knocked down Jeremy Lane on kick coverage.

It is of course bigger here. Hopefully it was only a couple of drunk ********. The Jeremy Lane thing, yeah that is the perfect example of you love it when your guy does it. I loved it but yeah I would have been a basket case if it happened the other way around. To be honest, I'm a basket case when it comes to the Niners. No need to deny it, I go insane. You guys played the better game that is all there is to it. I like Richard Sherman and so I wish he had handled it better. Honestly I wish he had just said "If you come at the king you best not miss", I would have given him mad props.
Every post I've seen from the Seattle fan base have been wishing Bowman a speedy recovery. Personally, I love the rivalry between the Hawks and 49'ers, and am looking forward to Seattle knocking SF out again next year.

Yeah, like I said, I go nuts. I hope that is true of most seattle fans.
Going to bed after celebrating with beer and brats here in Leavenworth. Amazing to watch the game in this atmosphere.

I don't think I moved for half the game. And bless my wife I think she watched half this game being in and out of the room so much with nerves.
Meh... Whatta ya gonna do? Obviously I wanted them to win but as I have been saying for a few weeks... I thought they had overachieved quite a bit to get where they got to given the injuries to specific players, having a triple murderer and... even though Moto can lather up and jerk off non-stop over " rebuilding"... No, they weren't "rebuilding", they did start a ton of young guys (more than any other team). I am actually way more bummed out about who did make it as opposed to the Pats not making it. Peyton? Okay... At least I can stomach that a little. As a Pats fan he's my sworn enemy but he's a classy guy who will be in anyone's top two QBs ever to play the game. I can at least appreciate him as a player. Uggg. Seattle?? Yucccccccck. I hope they fcking lose by 1,000. I wanna puke just looking at that team.
Yeah, I've been saying to people around here - New England could beat anyone in the playoffs, but in any game we might finally see the effects of attrition on the club. They never (I think literally) touched Manning except to shake his hand after the game. They really could have used a guy like Wilfork to put some pressure on him up the middle. He was comfortable all game, and with the talent and the weapons he has... no shot at stopping him, really. And then once Talib goes down, it's hard to try and make pressure with blitzes because the other cornerbacks just aren't good enough to leave on an island.

Offensively, they just don't have the weapons. Amendola's been a nonfactor. Dobson had that one real nice catch and I'm optimistic about him next year... but he's a rookie. Blount never got going; Denver wasn't going to be pushed over.

But, all the credit to the Broncos. Offensive line was dominant. Manning was pretty much mistake-free. They pretty much won every aspect of the game; New England wasn't able to do anything at all against that defense until the game was basically over.

I'm not exactly looking forward to this game, but I'll sure as hell be rooting for him to get another ring, with the winning TD hopefully coming against Dick Sherman.
Don't try patting him on the ass, he doesn't seem to like that.

Yeah, that was a bush league move by Sherman. Seahawks played the better game, but I wish the chippiness had resulted in someone full on punching Sherman in the eye socket.
So much hate is hilarious. Guess if he wasn't good no one would care.

I honestly thought the Pats would comeback and win I felt momentum shifting at the end of the game but Peyton didn't pull a classic manning and pooch it away. Either way good season for the Pats running out Div 2 starters.
Momentum was shifting; if the game was five quarters long, they might have pulled it out! Alas... I'm pretty sure in the final analysis, Denver's defense shifted to "prevent" mode, and that accounts for why they were able to finally get yardage. It all seemed to be inside stuff, even when they were driving they were taking a fair amount of time to get down the field.

I didn't like the Vereen run for the failed two-point conversion; they were trying to spread the field, but there were still too many bodies in the middle to make that effective (and Vereen can't push the pile like Blount and Ridley). If they pull that off, the game might be a little different but they still didn't execute the onside kick.

Too little, too late.
So much hate is hilarious. Guess if he wasn't good no one would care.

I honestly thought the Pats would comeback and win I felt momentum shifting at the end of the game but Peyton didn't pull a classic manning and pooch it away. Either way good season for the Pats running out Div 2 starters.

He's good, no doubt about that. Doesn't change the fact that his act is wearing thin on most people. Seahawks and their fans have definitely set themselves up as the villains of the NFL. Classless through and through.
He's good, no doubt about that. Doesn't change the fact that his act is wearing thin on most people. Seahawks and their fans have definitely set themselves up as the villains of the NFL. Classless through and through.

Wearing thin on people who don't matter so I'm sure he cares oh so much. If being a villain means winning important games bring it on.

Try and focus your hate on your "playmakers" who didn't do squat or a QB that had three turnovers in one quarter.
He's good, no doubt about that. Doesn't change the fact that his act is wearing thin on most people. Seahawks and their fans have definitely set themselves up as the villains of the NFL. Classless through and through.

His job is to frustrate WR's with tight coverage and QB's with interceptions. I say he is just doing his job better than most out there. He has reason to be confident in his work and everyone else has reason to not like him.
I'll always take Manning over Brady any day from the quarterback and leadership position. Brady's rings are because he was on the ultimate team with one of the best coaches of all time w/excellent defense/special teams (not going to mention SpyGate). Yeah, I live in Indy, but was always envious of New England's team, never Tom Brady.

Sherman is a good player, but a damn loud mouth. He is everything us coaches teach kids to not do. Bad role model for kids. This is a micro-cosm of how the US's morals have diminished in the past couple of generations.

Russel Wilson is overhyped. He wins because football is the ultimate team sport of all sports. I give credit to Seattle's management to establishing a run oriented smash mouth/defensive approach in a stadium w/a great fan base. He manages the game well. I'd compare him to a mobile Alex Smith. Even if he wins a Super Bowl, it doesn't change my opinion. Afterall so did Trent Dilfer.
I honestly wish after Sherman's actions that the end of the game had turned into a punch up. Would have loved to see someone clock Sherman in the face as he opened his mouth in that interview.
Too bad that fan didn't throw that popcorn at a certain movie goer in Florida.

Still can't say if it was thrown. It looked like a small bit of popcorn that fell from the railing. Could have easily been spilled. SF folks making it sound like he was pelted with a rain of food on his way out. It was a tiny bit of popcorn. I think he was able to handle it.

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