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My mother in law is very sensitive to things in the air, she's battling lung cancer and everyone's paranoid, no air fresheners or anything in the house.


Just a minor detail:drunk:...Probably would have been good to bring that up in the first post. Would have been a completely different thread. I too will retract my Smart A$$ remarks.

Best of luck to your MIL & the rest of your family. My MIL is on the tail end of Breast Cancer(and doing very well) So I get the stress that kind of thing brings.

Kinda funny thing happened as I was reading through this thread... Got a call from SWMBO telling me there's a beer emergency back at the house. The hazelnut brown I brewed on Sunday had blown through the airlocks on both carboys. Beer was everywhere, huge mess. I walked her through the blow off tube installation and when I got home a couple hours later, everything was cleaned up and tubes were in. I am truly appreciative of what I have.
she may come around, the wife thought wort smelled like a dog food factory until this last trip while we were doing a tour of New Belgium she said "this smell is growing on me"

I brew outside so it doesn't matter but still.
It's not the smell of the grains she doesn't like just the hop additions. She says it smells like wet dog food. It was raining so I didn't have any windows open. Even I had a headache when I was done. My in-laws live in the basement and she's worried about them complaining about the smell. I can't brew in the garage as there's no space, I could brew in the backyard with a propane burner. I'll decide when this batch is ready to drink. I usually brew those pre-hopped extract kits, not the greatest but better than Laker lager.

As for her having my balls, I choose the battles I can win. I wonder out of all the "balls" replies how many are actually married or in a long term relationship? Just a question.


holy $hit man, are you brewing indoors w/a propane burner??!! if you have a headache b/c of that, you should probably realize that it's not a good idea to do that. damn, maybe u should listen to her.

but lets analyze this....your brew smells like wet dog food.......problem.
your wife doesn't like your completely reasonable hobby......problem
you brew with a propane burner inside your house.......problem
And since you asked, I am married, and my prego wife doesn't enjoy the smell either but she wouldn't ever ask me to stop b/c she knows i love to brew, BAM!
When Abraham Lincoln was building a log cabin and Mary Todd Lincoln said, "I don't want to live in a log cabin!" What did Lincoln say, you ask? He said, "Hey, STFU and hand me that nail gun."

Be like Lincoln
I agree with whomever stated that it's necessary to stand your ground.

A few months ago, my wife said "beer or me" because I was supposedly blowing all our money on brewing (even though food was on the table, bills paid on time, money going into savings, etc). The moment she gave me the ultimatum, I lost it and showed her the door. She knows when I start arguing back that I'm incredibly pissed, because I usually don't argue a whole lot, it takes a lot to piss me off enough to yell.

Although this made it a bajillion times worse at the time, she calmed down and we discussed things rationally.

She thinks she won because I agreed to a brewing budget, but she doesn't know that the budget she agreed to is more than I was originally spending.

:D That's funny. Dishonest, but funny.
Lol nice, what color is the sky in your world? purple with yellow polk-a-dots?

Sounds like someone's been to counselling.

Real life ---

What the <beep> is tha t<beep>ing smell
My beer
Wtf you have 25 gallons you just brewed this month
yeah, but they're all different
who cares, no more until that 's done
<tucking tail between legs> yes dear.

That's how reality works.

Your reality sucks.
man you need to grow a pair. tell her you will be brewing. she can go visit her mother, or knit something
I feel so sorry for those whose spouse/SO doesn't share in the wonder of beer as it can be an amazing mutual hobby. My husband and I had a 3 tier custom built for our 4th wedding anniversary. 7 years brewing together, 6 years of wedded bliss.

My wife is not a fan of beer whatsoever, but she does not inhibit my hobby. As a matter of fact she was going to total wine and more a couple of days ago and called to ask if I wanted anything. I let her know the beer I wanted and she brought it home, no complaints.

I recently came across over 250 bottles for free and picked them up. I have on several occasions left a tub of water with oxiclean and bottles in it soaking on the kitchen counter and she doesn't complain because she knows I'll clean it up.

She knows brewing makes me happy and we're still able to pay our bills and put food on the table so she never complains about it. It may sound cheesy, but making her happy makes me happy and vice versa. I feel sorry for anyone who doesn't have the same type of relationship.

To the OP: dealing with cancer sucks. I've beaten it twice and it was definitely a strain on my relationship with my wife when I was going through it. Be there for her (and her mother) and respect her feelings, but don't let her push you around. You may have to approach her with a calm demeanor and point out the way she's treating you due to stress, but I can understand how trying this time is for her and her mother. I hope things work out for everyone involved. May God Bless you all.
man you need to grow a pair. tell her you will be brewing. she can go visit her mother, or knit something

Did you not read the whole thread, her mother lives downstairs... and has cancer.
A lot easier to visit her then.

Yeah, just annoyes me when people don't read the whole thread before replying ;)
Plus I don't really understand why the cancer is reason for not brewing, I feel sorry and wouldn't wish that apon anyone but why does it mean he can't brew? I could understand if he was actually cooking meth.. hmmm maybe thats what the problem is her whole family think he's a meth cook (or maybe he IS a meth cook)... hahaha just joking - before anyone gets offended ;)
People going through chronic illness often already have a lot of stress and anxiety in their lives because of what they are going through. Usually unfamiliar stimulus in our environment produces even more more stress and anxiety.

Could the OP try to educate her or convince her it's safe? Sure, if she is willing to believe.
But probably easier for everyone, especially his Mother In-law (who has cancer) if he lets this one go for now and works out a compromise later.

Sometimes "Manning Up" can mean putting aside what you want for the good of those depending on you.

from one of the jerks piling on in the beginning when it was just ripping on a guy for letting SWMBO push him around.

'Course there was the whole anniversary thing, too. If I'd know that, I would have been like "Duh!" ;)
Did you not read the whole thread, her mother lives downstairs... and has cancer.

Strangely the cancer was only mentioned after much teasing/ridicule...but was conspicuously absent from the thread's first post.

Apparently not all is lost because the cancer just doesn't like hops, but it's okay with extract brewing. What a relief.
Strangely the cancer was only mentioned after much teasing/ridicule...but was conspicuously absent from the thread's first post.

Apparently not all is lost because the cancer just doesn't like hops, but it's okay with extract brewing. What a relief.

I thought the OP had been doing no boil kits, like Cooper's.
Gerald my dear boy, you have missed the only lesson in this entire drama:
Only a level 12 jackass brews on sacred days.
She wasn't pissed bacause her mom has lung cancer (which no part of brewing would remotely effect) or that it smelled bad to her. You brewed on your anniversary, dawg. That is wrong on an infinite number of levels.
Pay attention to your woman, man.
Can't argue with that logic. Take care of your wife, and she'll take care of you. Well, at least she should.
Dont the prehopped brews still smell hoppy? Ive never brewed one. In laws in the basement, you poor bastard! I would cut my balls off, which you already have, then hang myself. Just playin, get a burner and a pot and move outside.
Strangely the cancer was only mentioned after much teasing/ridicule...but was conspicuously absent from the thread's first post.

Apparently not all is lost because the cancer just doesn't like hops, but it's okay with extract brewing. What a relief.

The cancer wasn't mentioned in the beginning because I didn't think that may have been a reason for her behavior in the beginning.
Gerald my dear boy, you have missed the only lesson in this entire drama:
Only a level 12 jackass brews on sacred days.
She wasn't pissed bacause her mom has lung cancer (which no part of brewing would remotely effect) or that it smelled bad to her. You brewed on your anniversary, dawg. That is wrong on an infinite number of levels.
Pay attention to your woman, man.

I brewed on our anniversary because she went out of town to visit a friend. I figured I'd be done before she got home, she did know I was brewing that day. I just didn't have the windows open so it really stunk. She ended up getting a real good massage instead of flowers.

I brew on the stove not with propane in the house.

Now I just have to brew outside, I just have to find a cheap turkey fryer.

and to the one who called me a ******. how exactly am I a ******? I didn't lay into her, I didn't hit her, just let her have her say.

It's funny how someone can have a little rant i guess and then be torn apart in 100+ posts, from being called less than a man to a ******. I thought moderators were supposed to stop that sort of thing.


Im with ya man. This thread was humorous at first, but then it just got stupid.
Reminds me of a thread where a guy posted a similar tongue-in-cheek "rant" that his toddler kept messing with the airlock on his fermenting bucket. It rapidly dissolved into a bunch of vitriol and accusations about the OP's bad parenting.

Gotta watch what you say, I guess.

oh, BTW...don't brew on your anniversary ;)
astropunk said:
oh, BTW...don't brew on your anniversary ;)

Unless your wife likes to brew as much as you do. Mine Dosnt. :( so im hosed. Movie theatre marathons are a good idea I did that and she loved it. When and saw 5 movies in one day. Try that next time... or now to make up for it.
I'm so confused as what to post about this. This thread has become a roller coaster. Firstly though, i think most of what everybody is posting is good natured ribbing. Except for the ****** thing.

As for the the MIL with cancer, i'm going through the same thing, so i understand that you need to pick your battles.. but that doesnt mean your wife can treat you like a kid and say "no more". My wife tried that once and my reply was calm but forceful. "The word can't doesnt exist in this marriage. I don't tell you what to do and you don't tell me what to do. I'm not your child or your employee so dont act like the boss" she got that speech two or three times before it stuck and things have been great ever since.

The anniversary thing is a wash, since she was the one who wasnt even home. If anything you should be pissed. Im feelin ya on the massage. I give mine a full body at least twice a week and she doesnt give a rats arse if i dont get her a card. I do anyway though.

Its time to reveal how you almost blew the kid up.

If she ever complains about the smell of brewing again, hold her down and fart on her face, then tell her to pick one.
TBH, the OP almost seems like it was designed to elicit the ribbing but it shouldn't have gone any further than that. So imo to expect to not get a good portion of reasonably good natured ribbing is totally unrealistic but it shouldn't elevate to any sort of hostility. I really thought the ribbing was the entire point of this thread.

I too would love to hear about the almost-blowed-up-kid but based on how that 'toddler messing with airlock' thread went it's bound to get the same holier-than-thou types saying how bad a parent you are.

But to touch on a point, you don't have to have kids to have a valid and realistic opinion on raising children nor do you have to ever have been married to have a valid and realistic opinion on that. Often those people are actually LESS biased (yet generally less informed) than those actually involved. So it's a push imo. Both perspectives are valid.
Am I the only one who wants to know how he almost blew up his son with model rocketry?

HPR, probably. I did it for nearly a decade before the Homeland Security Act got in our faces. I once watched an experimental homebrew ammonium nitrate motor go ka-BOOM from 100 yards and the shockwave still knocked the wind out of me.
$4000 in robotics got me awhole bunch of books, lots of lego mindstorms and a bunch of headaches. I ended up dumping the whole lot for $500 a month later. As for how I almost blew up my son, I tried to lathe my own rocket engines, made the outlet too small and it blew, we were waaaay too close and a piece just missed his head when it blew. lesson learned, when dealing with explosives keep the kids away.

I expected some ribbing just not the rough stuff I received.

Every scene on Mythbusters has them hiding behind a clear blast screen. minimum...

I doubt I am the only one that thinks playing with homemade model rocket motors sounds fun!
gclay said:
$4000 in robotics got me awhole bunch of books, lots of lego mindstorms and a bunch of headaches. I ended up dumping the whole lot for $500 a month later. As for how I almost blew up my son, I tried to lathe my own rocket engines, made the outlet too small and it blew, we were waaaay too close and a piece just missed his head when it blew. lesson learned, when dealing with explosives keep the kids away.

I expected some ribbing just not the rough stuff I received.


You aren't looking for an adopted adult son, are you???

I'm married and we have our own house, I'd only be around when explosives/rockets/homebrew is involved.
You aren't looking for an adopted adult son, are you???

I'm married and we have our own house, I'd only be around when explosives/rockets/homebrew is involved.

lol two daughters and one son are enough. I've learned not to play with explosives anymore. Hell I'm even nervous around the bbq. :)
I agree with everything said here. And honestly I was in the EXACT same boat you were in.

My wife and I live with her parents, we're all a little hard up for cash and the group setting works well. My wife stays home all day to watch our baby and I have a 3 day weekend Sunday-Tuesday. So on one of those days about twice a month, I would make a mr beer kit. It was great no smell and it was beer.

Then I made a mini mash. The smell of the hops gave her a headache even with the windows open.

She said that her mother would flip if she came home and the "house smelled like a brewery" so she helped me air it out and strongly suggested I go back to mr beer.

Well the bug had bitten me and I said, I really can't do that, this had developed into something I really enjoy. I know some people on the forum I regularly lurk (showing that I'm not the only guy who likes to do this) that brew outside. All I need is a few more things (actually it ran me about 200+ to get a full setup going but I sprung for some decent things)

She said that sounded like a decent compromise and to work out what it would cost and see if we could swing it.

That happened in the beginning of march and on the 25 of April I was making my first all grain outside.

In turn I helped her with her hobby, bookmaking and she made me a "brew book" so I could document my brews and labels.

This last part is to everyone who posted and the op:

That conversation would have turned out very differently if I had "told her how it was" or "played my man card" (sorry revvy) a marriage isn't about man cards and woman cards. Sometimes you have to play the family card and if that's something you don't have in your deck, then maybe you have other issues other tha the grain/hop smell. Best of luck to you all.

Thread sucks, but the book post deserves a quote. That's pretty awesome!
She just got home and asked me to get a box out of the car, guess what it was.... 24 Grolsh empties... Guess that's an apology or a thank you for the massage. Now to get some fresh gaskets and clean the crap out of them.
Funny, my wife encourages me to brew. She even rode with me 70 miles to brew with fellow forum member BankerJohn a few weeks ago.

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