NHC 2015 - Registration Open

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So how will we find out how our beers scored?

Just to add to what Darwin18 said, Stuart posted later in the Austin group that all the scores were posted to the database.

All scores for the last category have been entered this morning. From 9 to 49 (and didn't go anywhere), your lot has been cast.

Hopefully verification goes quickly since the judging seems a little more spaced out this year.
Hopefully they're faster this year but in past years they wait until after all the regions are done, compiled, and verified. I personally hate this, but it is what it is with this competition. I'm hoping Austin drops the score sheets off in the mail in the week or two so we don't have to play the waiting game.
I thought last year they were releasing them as soon as they were verified. I'm currently prodding my bud for as much info as he can disclose (which admittedly isn't much yet). Austin has all the scores in the database and they are currently double-checking and will be waiting on verification by the end of the week. Score sheets will go out this week as soon as they done double-checking scores and sorting.
I put Austin down as my requested primary with every other site except West Coast and Nashville as my alternates.
Hopefully everything ran smoothly in Nashville this weekend. My entries should be getting judged this weekend...so I'll get a few more weeks of sitting around and waiting to see how it went.
I thought last year they were releasing them as soon as they were verified. I'm currently prodding my bud for as much info as he can disclose (which admittedly isn't much yet). Austin has all the scores in the database and they are currently double-checking and will be waiting on verification by the end of the week. Score sheets will go out this week as soon as they done double-checking scores and sorting.

Last year, didn't they wait to post/show scores until all sites were done? That way, it was 'even' for those who need to rebrew beers that go on into the final round. The explanation reads like the winners will know as soon as the results are verified.

Chicago is judging the weekend of April 11.
Q: When will results be posted?

A: After a First Round judging center has evaluated all entries in their competition, the results must be verified prior to posting on HomebrewersAssociation.org. Results from individual judging centers will be posted as results are verified.

The way that I read that is that first round results for judging centers will be received, verified, and posted as they come in, not at one time which is how they've done it in the past. How they handle first round results is one of the big peeves I have with this competition, but it's the AHA's competition to do what they want with. I purposefully chose Austin because it was an early first round center and I hoped to get my scoresheets back before winners were posted.
Last year the released them right after verification. I remember posting that it really wasn't fair, since those people will have a distinct advantage to rebrew the beer. They should release all at the same time..

This year I submitted really bad beer so I'm not going to complain since I have 0 chance of placing with any of my entries :)
Last year the released them right after verification. I remember posting that it really wasn't fair, since those people will have a distinct advantage to rebrew the beer. They should release all at the same time..

This year I submitted really bad beer so I'm not going to complain since I have 0 chance of placing with any of my entries :)

Two of my three are already bottled if they advance. I wouldn't be able to rebrew them in time (big beers so they need a little age on them). If my Amber advances, I'll rebrew that one, but that one can be ready in less than 3 weeks anyway.
I just started counting the weeks out for rebrewing...... Mine get judged next weekend, so, will probably need to brew soon if I am going to rebrew. Probably need to get a Dortmunder and alt underway first. Scottish 70, Helles and Mild can wait a bit yet...... Would love to find out and maybe get results back in time to know if I need to rebrew them or not. I am good with brewing up a dortmunder and helles with spring/summer coming anyway. Would prefer not to brew the other 3 if I did not need to...... but, I am not holding out hope that I will know in time.
Mine were well matured, and will not be re-brewing any. None were overly hoppy though. So looks like it's pretty much hurry up and wait. When is the final conference? It's in June isn't it?
Two of my three are already bottled if they advance. I wouldn't be able to rebrew them in time (big beers so they need a little age on them). If my Amber advances, I'll rebrew that one, but that one can be ready in less than 3 weeks anyway.

I agree many beers you can turned around pretty quickly, but lagers and some darker beers that hit their peak at about ~6 weeks will have an advantage. Also, some people only have room to ferment one beer at a time.
Braufessor- the final round entry window is 5/18 to 5/27. I am in the Nashville boat and hopefully we will see some results soon. I entered Pale, IPA, IIPA, and Amber.
Yeah, it switched back a while after that. They added the date when it switched back to Open, so maybe they flipped that switch accidentally and then came back to fix it.
Hey Toby, I was wondering if you knew if the Zealots had mailed out scoresheets or were waiting on AHA to post the 1st round results first.
Finally, A reason to check my mail!
Although I am fairly certain I would not advance. Entering an IPA alongside numerous others and then some spiced ale that may not be great enough may not get me into the next round. I really did just want to see scores though.
They're posted!

I entered 6B, 15A, and 15D. My 6B and 15D beers advanced! Woo!

I was coming to post the same thing. I had 1/3 advance (9E). But honestly, it was the one that I was most expecting to advance. Hopefully scoresheets arrive soon. Really the only thing I could change at this point is carb level, but I'm curious as to how the other two did.
I was coming to post the same thing. I had 1/3 advance (9E). But honestly, it was the one that I was most expecting to advance. Hopefully scoresheets arrive soon. Really the only thing I could change at this point is carb level, but I'm curious as to how the other two did.

Congrats on 9E... That's another tough category.

I'm really interested in the results. This is the first major competition I've been in since changing to RO water + adding proper minerals/salts. Prior to that, I don't think I'd have placed with 2 out of 3 beers.
Hmm, looks like Seattle is still marked "open", I doubt I'll win anything, but I'm curious to see the results for my area.
Hmm, looks like Seattle is still marked "open", I doubt I'll win anything, but I'm curious to see the results for my area.

According to the schedule, they didn't even judge yet (they judge this weekend). Austin judged March 13-15. Since they were the only comp that weekend and turned around their results pretty fast, they were processed relatively quickly. I wouldn't be surprised to see the scoresheets in my mailbox today or tomorrow.