New Conical Conundrum: Blichmann vs. Stout

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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
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So I have been thinking about a new conical lately. By thinking, I mean dreaming and seeing it in mirages. I am about 5 seconds from biting the bullet and ordering one. I just can't decide between Blichmann and Stout.

From what I have researched, here are the benefits:


They make a quality product.
Already have a 90% blichmann brewery.
Can purchase from LHBS(Like to support those guys).


Far cheaper.
sanitary tri-clamp

Anything i missed? Give your opinion. Other option I ruled out was two SS Tech Brew Buckets, if you prefer that, let me know why.
I bought a 7 gal Blichmann that had been used. I got a deal that I could not walk away from. I've used it twice and I really like it. One feature you didn't mention for the Blichmann is the built in carry handles. It makes it very easy to get in & out of my ferm chamber. I added a hole for a thermowell and plan to add a port to add CO2 for forced transfers & purging.
I own a brewhemoth. I haven't used it for beer yet. The welds are super impressive. The quality is fantastic and price is right. I got it in the triclovr flavor since I have all stout brew house with tc. I am not impressed with stout build quality... The brewhemoth is just waiting on some hardware and for me to build my glycol system to cool it. I love not having a ferm chamber to deal with.

Con: Also has threads on internal fittings (not at all sanitary)

I agree with what everyone has said regarding the Brewhemouth, but it's downside is that it's not a shiny, if that's your thing.

IMHO, the SSBrewTech Chronicals are leading the way today, but their use of threaded ball valves with TriClamp ADAPTERS instead of actual TC ball valves stand out as a glaring deficiency in an otherwise perfect fermenter. They have reasonably priced thermo well and pressurized fermentation options, too.

It's just infuriating that SSBrewTech doesn't include actual TC ball valves...
(And that Stout's boil kettles don't have a decent dip tube option...) -So many "almost perfect" brewing hardware out there "ruined" by one minor oversight...

Adam, you are dead on. But you can polish a brewhemoth. There are a few pictures of them all nice and shiny!

I seriously don't understand the half triclamp half threads thing. Defeats the point. My plate hex that I use for cooling has barbs for the wort and then I use a short piece of tube and then a barbed triclamp. Works great.
I have a Brewhemoth as well and I would repeat the decision again after using it. I go from 5 gallon batches up to 18. And yes, you can force carb in it.