Negative effects of using double the recommended amount of Campden?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2013
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Hey all,

I'm a newbie when it comes to cider, and I've got a quick question. I got my hands on 3 gallons of frozen, fresh pressed cider the other day (currently thawing in my garage). The issue is, it came in six half-gallon containers. I have some campden tablets, but I don't see any good way to split them in to equal halves. So my options seem to be:

  1. Put a full crushed campden tablet in to each half gallon container. This would be twice the recommended amount; what are the downsides to that?
  2. Putting all six containers in to a sanitized 3-gallon glass carboy, and then adding three crushed campden tablets. But do I need to worry about the cider that splashed around the rim, and isn't submerged, not getting sanitized and possibly infecting my batch once I pitch yeast?

Thanks for any advice y'all can provide!
I'm no cider guy but i think either would be acceptable. A lil extra campden wont ruin your cider and a lil headspace in a primary fermentor is also not a problem.
you cant split them in half with a credit card? do yo have a gram scale?
Even 1 tab per gallon seems a bit much. I've read, and use 1 tab per 5G.
Also, the cider's frozen. Campden may not be necessary.
Finally, are you going to ferment them in the 1/2G containers? Probably not a great idea because of lack of head space. If, as I believe, you are using the 3G carboy for fermentation, just go ahead and dump it all in there and add your campden.
After 24 hours (or 48 hours if you add pectinase at 24), add your yeast. It'll take off and overwhelm any wild yeast/bugs that might still be hanging around.
I'm no cider guy but i think either would be acceptable. A lil extra campden wont ruin your cider and a lil headspace in a primary fermentor is also not a problem.
you cant split them in half with a credit card? do yo have a gram scale?

Oooh I DO have a scale that can go to 0.01 gram...that's a good idea! I'll crush three pills, split into six equal parts, and dose each half gallon equally. Maybe even throw in a fourth pill to be safe.
I used 5 tablets in a 5 gal batch and it took 5 days and several de-gassings to get fermentation started. My LHBS recommends no more than 2 in 5 gals.
Remove 1/2 cup of cider from each bottle and put it in a sanitized glass jar or measuring cup (I use a Pyrex cup). Crush your tablets between a couple of spoons and mix them into the cup. Then pour 1/2 cup back into each bottle.

I use this method whenever I'm adding powdered stuff to my brews. The small clear container lets me see when the powder is fully dissolved.
Remove 1/2 cup of cider from each bottle and put it in a sanitized glass jar or measuring cup (I use a Pyrex cup). Crush your tablets between a couple of spoons and mix them into the cup. Then pour 1/2 cup back into each bottle.

I use this method whenever I'm adding powdered stuff to my brews. The small clear container lets me see when the powder is fully dissolved.

That's what I was going to say. Or, use 1 cup of cider total, and crush three tablets and stir well. Make sure they are dissolved. Then put 1/3 cup of cider back in each vessel. Or, do the same but in the 3 gallon carboy you're using. Either way.

I always use 1 crushed campden tablet per gallon, and have for over 25 years. It's generally the right amount.
Thanks for the advice everyone! I ended up crushing each tablet, splitting into 25g/25g halves, and putting each 25g half into each half-gallon container. Shook well, and now they are sitting in the closet. I plan on adding 1/4tsp of Pectic Enzyme to each tomorrow morning, and then tomorrow night I'll re-hydrate some S04, sanitize my 3-gal carboy, and pour everything in.
I always use 1 crushed campden tablet per gallon, and have for over 25 years. It's generally the right amount.

Agreed, unless you have a very high or very low pH as sulfite dosing is very pH dependent. It is possible to overdose a low pH juice or under dose a high pH juice at 1 tablet per gallon, so pH is worth a consideration if you are shooting for a specific level of sterilization for your juice.

Those interested should take a look at this sulfite dosing table.

When in doubt, ad a little more sulfites for a more thorough bacteria kill rate.