Need some help. Which automated way to go?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2017
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So I have decided I just do not have as much time anymore to brew and I want to get down to a single vessel system to hopefully shorten the brew day significantly. But I am struggling with giving up control while still wanting simplicity.

I've narrowed my choices down to a Brew Boss, a Grainfather connect, or a Zymatic.

I've listed out pros/cons on each (yes, I am one of those paralysis by analysis people) and I am frozen in my decision.

Brew Boss
Pro: wide range of batch sizes from 4 to 11G batches with the 15G system, decent amount of automation, quicker heat times with 240
Cons: Bigger system, limited places to brew (240 only in one spot) may still require significant cleaning time with cofi filter, pump, hoses.

Pro: compact, brew almost anywhere, decent range of batch sizes, nice automation with the connect, still some control
Cons: no bigger than 5G batch, longer heat times with 120/1600w (although the scheduled start feature seems cool to have your strike ready), need to still have another vessel/way to get sparge

Pro: "set it/forget" it would let me open up the more creative side of new recipes I want to try, small footprint, still have recipe control. Easy cleanup
Cons: almost seems like brew day doesn't really exist, small batch size limitation (which may not be a bad thing as get to try many new things, but we have some house beers that would be hard to keep volume up)

Main goal is to still have time to brew, or still have homebrew on hand, which is getting harder with family/work/time demands.

I was very happy with my 3V eHERMS, when I had the time. So rather than give up the hobby, I want to keep brewing but need to strike that right balance with convenience and still liking the "process"

I'm positive in a few years I will get back to 3V days as the control and fun I had will still be there, but struggling with this decision. A bit of FOMO !!

Any advice? Especially looking to hear from others that have brewed across all of the above, as well as a 3V system.

So I don't do automated brewing, but looked at your whole thread and based on what you said it is clear that you should go with the grainfather. You said balanced, automated but still involved, can keep the beer flowing.
I have a large electric herms Kal clone type system and just like you in the summer I just don't have time to spend an entire day brewing so I just started doing extract on the yeast starter vessel, its a 5 gallon pot on a 1800 watt induction, I do a concentrate and mix with ice water in the fermenter and the beer tastes the same, some even better, no clean up no mess but I do create the recipe from scratch I don't buy kits so some creativity is involved

really rough, back then sorry
There are lots of systems available, none of your choices would be in my top 3. Perhaps you should re-open your list to consider other choices?
How about automating your 3V? Downside is building the automation will take some time. But depending on where it's at, some motorized ball valves, some sensors, and a controller can get you there.

Wish i had the time to make current system automated. I would love to get back to that in a few years when kid demands slow down. I just think i need "simpler" now, and know that comes with a trade off somewhere. it's the "somewhere" that i am struggling with what to give up.

I thought about hanging on to my 3V, but really don't want to have to try to store it somewhere until i can move back to it as well.
If you've already got a 3V HERMS system, why not re-purpose some of that into a clone of one of those systems? You probably have 95% of the components you'd need to do a simple recirculating BIAB set up (pump, controller, etc). You'd just need to buy a bag and something to keep it off the electric heating element.

I would think that would be a lot less expensive than buying a pre-made system. It would eliminate the ability to sell your 3V system, so I can understand if that's what you plan to offset the costs of a new system.
I'm positive in a few years I will get back to 3V days as the control and fun I had will still be there, but struggling with this decision. A bit of FOMO !!

By converting your existing system, you have the ability to convert it back once the kid has gotten old enough to become assistant brewer!
If you haven't found something yet, I have a system Im trying to sell that is fully Automated. It might have more functionality than the ones you were looking at. If you're interested shoot me an email [email protected]
After extensive research going with brew boss 20 Gallon BIAB system

Best value for the $, and allowing me to do 10 gallon batches if I chose to
After extensive research going with brew boss 20 Gallon BIAB system

Best value for the $, and allowing me to do 10 gallon batches if I chose to

Great choice. After seeing your response I realized I didn't update the thread on my own. I went with a brew boss 15G with cofi. I've done a 4G batch all the way up to a 10G batch (although I only got 9 out of the kettle after boil and topped off). I love my brew boss and definitely know now that I made the right choice. I just picked up the dip tube accessory and have the hops boss on my Christmas list.

Good luck with your new 20G system !!
That's good validation for me, thanks

What is the dip tube? And did you get the stand, winch hook up?
The dip tube just allows me to pickup more when emptying to the fermenter. I felt like I was leaving a lot of wort between the kettle and hoses. I did an empty test with the diptube and was able to get all but 32 oz from the kettle now. I save every drop of wort I can even if it just becomes starter yeast wort for later. [emoji16]

I didn't get the stand as I'm fortunate to have a dedicated spa e to brew and was able to put a hook I need the ceiling. I do have the locking hoist to let the COFI fully drain while the boil heats up.

Truly loving this setup now. I'm sure you will love yours.

Cheers [emoji482]