Need a pep talk

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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2009
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Virginia, USA
My woman wants to have me neutered. My first appointment with the urologist is in January. Please tell me it's going to be OK.
The doctor won't neuter you. There's no need for him to. Your woman already has. It's usually called marriage. If you get divorced, you only get one back. She'll keep one just in case she wants to ruin your day.

All jokes aside, my friends who have had the procedure said it wasn't bad and they've had no adverse side effects (I'm taking them at their word). It'll all be OK.
Do it in March... Sit on the couch and watch March Madness for a few days. Everyone wins (except the boys, but they are still there!)
No problems for me either. Kept the boys chilled for a few days and on light duty for about two weeks. Then back to normal.

There will be someone who will rub a numbing salve on the twins at the start of the procedure. For me it was some woman about 70 years old, and let me tell you, she seemed to enjoy her work. When the doctor came in, I ask how much she paid him to be there. Took him a second, but he just busted out laughing.
My dr. Is urging me to do it. Though he said when he had it done the nurse thought it'd be fun to open the door mid procedure and allow the entire staff to witness. So I probably won't have it done there. I have 4 kids, and I'm scared, so yeah it's happening soon.
I'm 3 kids in and ready to chlorinate myself out of the gene pool. If the wife would agree, I'd go tomorrow.

I don't want any surprises 10 years down the road. I've got friends that have 10+ years between kids. No thanks.
Well I will start by saying I think it's very unkind of her to "make" you do this.

I had mine done by my own free will. It's very effective, quick, cheap and (relatively) minimally invasive.

I had mine done and started using it the next day (Hey the doc said I can be ready whenever I feel like it!) It hurt for a few days, but got better each day. The sensation of a small ache in your gut lasts for a while, but it's pretty mild after the first few days.

Doc said I didn't have to shave beforehand, but I did anyway. I bled just a bit and he had a record of never using stitches so he cauterized the opening to stop the bleeding. The cauterizing pen was disposable so I got to take it home.

Bottom line is performance is normal (and maybe better due to less worry). You will not notice any change in discharge. Just make SURE to go through the follow up process or you may regret it! Ask the guy I used to work with who had 4 kids (oops I mean 5!)
You need a pep talk?

No more birth control the rest of your life.

Sounds pretty awesome to me.

Exactly!!! Besides....your wife squeezed out how many kids through her lady bits? Can you really quibble about a 4 mm incision and 2 days of sore nuts?
My wife disagrees with me on having this done.
sboyajian and Austin: The chemists are still messing with compounds for Male birth control. So far every thing results in negative long term damage.
My wife disagrees with me on having this done.
sboyajian and Austin: The chemists are still messing with compounds for Male birth control. So far every thing results in negative long term damage.

I had long term birth control in the form of the procedure.

Only damage was to my ego for a couple of days.
It's not that bad. I drove myself home from the clinic after the procedure. Don't recommend it though. It's always fun to have the wife try to find the small stitch scars are all is healed.
I'm sure it won't be all that bad as long as the doc has steady hands and was awake during anatomy class.

Should be a cake walk compared to last week when I went to the doctor to have a piece of metal removed from my eye. He said, "find something to stare at so that your eye doesn't move while I drill it out." Before I could inquire about his metaphorical use of the word "drill" there was a whirring sound that clarified the issue.

The only thing in my field of view to focus on was the reflection of the drill bit approaching my cornea. Thankfully it was over quickly and hasn't bothered me a bit. That is, until yesterday when the letter arrived from my insurance company telling me that my claim was denied.
I had it done over 6 years ago, one of the best decisions of my life! It was a mutual decision, it took all of a half hour and I spent the whole weekend on the couch or in bed with ice. Totally recommend it.
My woman wants to have me neutered. My first appointment with the urologist is in January. Please tell me it's going to be OK.

Think of it this way:
With a vasectomy, you can have safe, unprotected sex anytime. And in return for your HUGE SACRIFICE to her, she should really learn to pole dance & refine her fellatio techniques, which will require LOTS of practice. Hey, fair is fair; after you heal I think it's reasonable for you expect & receive sex with her 3 times a day, every day. At LEAST once a day, every day. I mean you take a permanent shot to the nuts for her, what's she going to do for you?
Good luck dude!
Regards, GF.
has anyone else gotten the rubber band treatment?

It's a pretty hi-tech procedure where the doc... oh, never mind.
3 years ago for me. +1 on the valium. Pretty good pain killers too. Worst part of the whole ordeal is you can't 'use it' for a week afterwards. By day 5 AARP commercials would give me a boner.

After all was said and decision ever.
If they ask "Do you want a valium?" the answer is yes.

When they say take it easy for a couple of days they aint playing.

Other than that no big deal

When people ask "how did it go?" I tell them that I should have asked for a Valium and a double dose of Lidocaine.

At one point I said, "ow, that hurt!" and the doc asked "can you feel that?"

Hell yeah I can feel it! That s##t is sensitive!

I'm just glad it is over.
I had mine done last year @ 27. Now, to preface, my wife has had cervical cancer and we got pregnant when she wasnt supposed to, and her pregnancy was rough. Preeclampsia, pitting edema, etc. So we decided not to have anymore.

Im in the medical field, so I knew what to expect going in. Got some valium (which didnt really work) doc did his thing, told me not to chop wood (no Sh*t, its not like I look like a lumberjack) and I drove to the bar afterwards for dinner with the lady. honestly, it hurt for a day and I was good. I abstained from the gym for a week to play it safe, but it wasnt the horror stories I had heard of.

One thing I will recommend: Compression shorts.
Just got my plumbing rerouted a week and a half ago. I should've waited because its tough keeping up with a 1yo and 2yo boys right after having that done.

Everyday, first thing my 2yo said was, "can we climb on daddy yet?" Haha
Not that I needed any, but this thread is more reasoning behind me never wanting to get married.

Single guys need to be even more careful about birth control than married men. If I knocked up my wife and ended up with another kid it would not be a disaster. The vas is just a favor to her so that she can go off the pill.

If you are single, though, having an unplanned kid can really mess up your life. Think about paternity tests, lawsuits, child support, wage garnishment, etc. Not to mention guilt that comes with being an absentee father.
Again there are more articles out about how this procedure is often scheduled around March Madness. The reasoning is that if you need to take a day or two off work, you may as well sit in front of a TV and watch Basketball all day!
