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Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2010
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I entered a brewing comp that I had to roll several dice to pick my ingredients. I think I came up with a pretty solid list, but it's a few ingredients I haven't used before. Here's what I got:

Base malt UK Pale Malt (at least 51%)
Cara Amber Malt
Motueka Hops
Columbus Hops
Lemondrop Hops
Saflager S-23 yeast.

The good news is my last dice I rolled was a 5, meaning I can add up to 5 additional ingredients. I'm a little concerned about the yeast, since I don't have a fermentation chamber, but my basement stays around 69-70ºF.

My first thought is that it screams out IPA. I've never used Motueka or Lemondrop, but both are mostly aroma hops

Here's my initial thoughts:

13.5 lbs Pale malt (93%)
8 oz Cara Amber (3.5%)
1.0 oz Cascade at 60 min
1.0 oz Cascade @ 30 min.
1.25 oz Lemondrop @ 30 min
1.25 oz Motueka @ 30 min
1.5 oz Lemondrop dry hop 7 days
1.5 oz Motueka dry hop 7 days

Mash @ 154 for 60 minutes.
Est ABV 6.5%
IBU's 64

Any thoughts on my ingredients or steps?
Good Choice on the biscuit in my opinion. I think the grain bill is good, might add 1 lb flaked wheat....

The hops i would do a little differently.

I'd First wort hop with Motueka, .75 oz
2 minutes left: 1 oz motukea, 1oz cascade 1oz lemondrop
hopstand at 140-150 degrees for 20 minutes: 1 oz lemondrop, 1 oz citra cryo hops or citra lupullin powder <- 2nd additional ingredient

the 5 days of dry hopping: 1 oz lemondrop, 1 oz motueka, 1 oz galaxy <-3rd additional

I think the later additions will give the aroma and flavor the oh crap factor that others will not have, and will make for a more memorable beer. The lupullin powder is the most bang for the buck, and not sure how the additional 5 ingredients works, is 2 oz of citra 2 items, or not, cause otherwise you could make this a supercascade Aroma Bomb.

OR maybe add sorachi-ace and go a different direction, hmmm.
Good Choice on the biscuit in my opinion. I think the grain bill is good, might add 1 lb flaked wheat....

The hops i would do a little differently.

I'd First wort hop with Motueka, .75 oz
2 minutes left: 1 oz motukea, 1oz cascade 1oz lemondrop
hopstand at 140-150 degrees for 20 minutes: 1 oz lemondrop, 1 oz citra cryo hops or citra lupullin powder <- 2nd additional ingredient

the 5 days of dry hopping: 1 oz lemondrop, 1 oz motueka, 1 oz galaxy <-3rd additional

I think the later additions will give the aroma and flavor the oh crap factor that others will not have, and will make for a more memorable beer. The lupullin powder is the most bang for the buck, and not sure how the additional 5 ingredients works, is 2 oz of citra 2 items, or not, cause otherwise you could make this a supercascade Aroma Bomb.

OR maybe add sorachi-ace and go a different direction, hmmm.

Hhmmm...Interesting ideas. When you say First wort hop with Motueka, .75 oz. do you mean in addition to the Cascade, @ 60, or in place of?
In place of,. This year I have been playing with first wort hopping and think it does make a difference.

Basically .75 ounces of hop, boil 58 minutes, then start with the rest. If you have never done lots of late hop additions these are great hope to do it with.

And if you are dry hopping with lemon drop then I see no reason to hop with cascade, it'll be lost...
If I were you, I would replace the Cascade with Columbus (bittering to the same IBU), move the Motueka and Lemon drop to 15 min/5 min additions, and keep the rest of the recipe the same. I happen to really like Columbus as a bittering hop and a 30 minute addition.
Biscuit and Cara Amber are both about the same lovibond and both contribute biscuit/bready flavors, as does English Pale might consider something that doesn't throw so much weight in that direction