my first batch - tips or help maybe?

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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2014
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I made my first batch - small - 2 gals

2 gallons
2 pounds wheat ale malt, crushed
1/2 pound Munich malt, crushed
1/2 ounce hops
1/2 packet of munson yeast
at ten mins to end of boil I added an ounce of orange zest

This is the instruction I followed

IM HOOKED- I didn't spend a lot of money on the set up stuff the biggest expense was the two glass jugs / airlocks

My question is what can use for priming sugar instead of table sugar? I have read that I could use honey? Is this true? it would give it a nice honey flavor?

Here is a picture of the two jugs- they are in a dark closet that doesn't get used much and put a dark towel around them- they have a nice big fuzz to hem so far- put them in the jugs yesterday
You can use any form of sugar you want to prime, but they will have different tastes and you'll need to use different amounts for the same carbonation. If you Google "priming sugar calculator" you'll find tools to help you calculate this. Northern Brewer Homebrew Supply has a calculator for 17 different types of sugar, including honey.
Note that using honey will not impart much (any?) honey flavour, as the yeast will (almost?) entirely consume it and convert it into alcohol and CO2. Same goes for maple syrup.
I'd make sure that you find a guide that says how much to use for priming if you decide to use honey. I'm partial to the carb tabs that have the right amount of priming sugar for one bottle.

It looks like you've got time. Why not go with the carb tabs?
I want to give it a honey flavor. I think I will try honey.


If you want to impart honey flavor to a batch, I would add some honey grain to the recipe, along with adding boiled honey to the fermenter around day 3 of fermentation doing these will help add honey flavor.

Cheers :mug:
I have had bad luck with getting honey flavor from actual honey. The yeast just chews right through that simple sugar. It has always just made the batch a bit drier. When priming with honey, I don't think you will get much of anything other than carbonation. I agree with the above post that states that using honey malt will work. I have used it in a couple beers. You definitely get SOME honey like flavor and aroma, but it's not like a honey bomb. I have heard adding straight honey to the very end of the boil will keep some of the aroma around, but I've never had luck with it much.

Sent from Cheese Doodle Land.
Yeah, honey flavor doesn't really carry through. I brewed an experimental saison once with something like 25% honey and I just got a very dry, slightly watery saison.

I also noticed that the recipe you used is a very low gravity beer (not a bad thing, just noticed it)--something like 1.035 at 75%efficiency. Again, not a bad thing but just wanted to make sure you weren't expecting a bigger beer much over 3.5-3.8% abv.
Wow thanks to all of you folks for giving me tips and info that I can use.

I think I'm going to use carb tabs for half the batch and corn sugar for the other half

Im going to add six ounce honey to the primary tonight

I'm gonna move it to secondary on Saturday that would make seven days in primary (or is that too soon)

I was hoping to get a light beer abv with a sweetish owner orange honey bite.

Thanks folks!
Oh guy at lhbs said I could use a rolling pin to crush the grain... Haha joke.. I crushed it with my my coffee grinder
I don't have a hydro meter (yet) so should I wait longer? It's been in seven days tomorrow.
Its been in the jug for 8 days. I put cherries in on day 4. To give it some flavor. They had a bit of new fizz on them. Now floated to the top.

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