My beer gives me bad gas!

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May 30, 2013
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I am just going to be frank with the discussion of my bowel ailments so be forewarned. We are all adults here, right?

I have a 10% Imperial Stout that when I drink it I get a lot of gas later the same night and the next day and when I have had a lot (8 or 9 bottles... don't judge me!:cross:) I have loose stools, not quite diarrhea but definitely not normal. My last batch (an IPA) did a little bit but not nearly as bad.

My theory is that I got too much of the settled solids that occurred when fermenting (the name escapes me) into the bottles when bottling and that is affecting me. Possibly by racking into a secondary carboy could help clarify and reduce the amounts of any unwanted "stuff".

I am on a budget so I have yet to buy a wort chiller, I know that can help with clarifying.

Anybody else experienced this or have any tips?
Hits me too. Same thing happened when I lived in Germany for three years. Beano is on my grocery list.

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8 or 9 bottles of 10% beer? I don't think there is any mystery as to why your stomach gets upset after that.

Aside from that clue, do you pour the whole bottle into the glass, sediment and all, or do you leave the dregs in the bottle with a careful pour to keep some yeast out of your glass?
It's most likely the amount of alcohol that you're drinking that's giving you the gas and loose stools, rather than the particular beer. If I drink too much, or drink too many nights in a row, I get bad gas and loose stools too. It's a very common reaction to too much alcohol. Nine bottles of your beer is equal to 18 standard drinks. That's a hell of a lot of alcohol for your body to process in one night.
Agreed, 9 bottles @ 10% ABV= WOW!!! That conversion to 18 bottles is right, and dude, no judgments here, this is a health concern.

Actually this can open a new thread I was thinking about. How much beer do you drink? I'm curious, especially if anyone barely drinks and brews only for others. I'm a light weight- 1 maybe share a 2nd one / night. I like a good beer. Singular.
I could never drink 9 12oz bottles of 10% ABV beer without suffering from some extreme gastro-intestinal distress. Come to think of it, I would probably suffer from some physical damage too. You know, from falling into things and stuff. Gas would be the least of my concerns, actually I wouldn't have much concern for anything until the next day. Then I would be concerned about calling into work, finding the darkest room in the house, keeping a bucket near me, and trying to hold down some water.

You sir, have a much greater capacity to consume alcohol than I do. After the third beer I would be stumbling into bed.
While everyone is correct in saying that much of the problem here is quantity there is also the issue of more complex sugars in homebrew than your body is used to consuming. After several months of adjusting (maybe 6-18 months, depending on your body) the complex sugars, in and of themselves, will no longer cause you digestive issues. Now, whether you'll be able to drink 9 10% Imperial Stouts in a sitting and suffer no ill effects, in your bowels or otherwise, that's another question.

But there's a lot of residual sugar in a big Imperial Stout, so the complex sugar issue is going to be even greater.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the fact that it is unfiltered and unpasteurized play a part? In my college days, I used to get the 'beer ****s' and bad gas from drinking more than 4 or so draft beers. Even if he has fairly clear beer, I would assume he is still drinking a fair amount of yeast after that many.
The good news: Brewer's yeast is actually a rich source of chromium, selenium, protein and the B-complex vitamins.

The bad news: It causes intestinal distress.
I get GOOD gas. Great rumbling farts that shake the chair I'm in and sometimes tremble right down to the floor. Delightful earthy smells that evoke the coming of spring. I wish I could capture it to heat strike water. Until that technology rolls around I have been trying to finger it just right and play the Star Spangled Banner.
I get wicked bad gas after drinking. But that has more to do with having stomach surgery that prevents me from burping....

I can't drink too many highly carbed beers without causing myself discomfort. I tent to keep the pressure low in my kegs and thus I can have one or two more. ;)
Why isn't anyone making fart jokes in this thread. Farts are funny. Fart jokes desperately needed.

I'm not sure if it was the homebrew I drank so much as the large amount of chili I've eaten over the last few days but I think I saw the paint on the bathroom stall blistering. :eek: Brought tears to my eyes.
I find that the darker the beer, the more gas. Dark malts have a lot of unfermentable sugars the gut bugs freakin LOVE! The high OG surely resulted in a high FG, leaving some fermentables as well. That a lot of sugar. That's a lot of heavy beer too. I could drink that alcohol on a long night, but not all imperial stouts!

The god of gut bugs must have been like " Go forth my son's. Be fruitful and multiply!".

Just seems like a sh!**¥ situation all around! Haha

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that's the equivalent of 27 ounces of 40 proof. that's 798 milliliters... I challenge anyone to drink over a fifth of vodka and not get the squirts.

Sent from my SCH-R970 using Home Brew mobile app
I am just going to be frank with the discussion of my bowel ailments so be forewarned. We are all adults here, right?

I have a 10% Imperial Stout that when I drink it I get a lot of gas later the same night and the next day and when I have had a lot (8 or 9 bottles... don't judge me!:cross:) I have loose stools, not quite diarrhea but definitely not normal. My last batch (an IPA) did a little bit but not nearly as bad.

My theory is that I got too much of the settled solids that occurred when fermenting (the name escapes me) into the bottles when bottling and that is affecting me. Possibly by racking into a secondary carboy could help clarify and reduce the amounts of any unwanted "stuff".

I am on a budget so I have yet to buy a wort chiller, I know that can help with clarifying.

Anybody else experienced this or have any tips?

So.. when you feel one coming on.. just push hard and let the sucker fly.

Beans during a depression... beer when times are good... either way, a fart makes you feel better.
After reading the "math" on the amount of alcohol I must say that I am impressed by myself! Eight or nine beers was over a long period of time too... at least a good three and half hours... :tank: Seriously though, I like to drink.

I try to leave out all of the dregs from the bottom of the bottle when I pour but it sounds like this may just be a thing that happens with dark, high ABV brews. It also has got me thinking that I need to improve my clarity, if not for the wonderful, awful gas but just because as well.

Thanks for all the advice, tips and fart jokes! :mug:
It would be coming out both ends for me. Then I would fall asleep and never wake up

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Try drinking just 6 arrogant bastard ales and check the status of your farts. I for one, know they come out of my butt all hot and sulfur like, worse than cracking open a boiled egg. Fun stuff but not for the surrounding people... ;)
Try 6 or more Arrogant Bastard Ales and say about a half our later or so, check the status of your farts. I'm not having a go, I'm serious. They should be coming out hot and smelling worse than a freshly cracked open boiled egg. ;)
I'm taking a poo and drinking a beer, at the same time... Right now!
Funny that I would come across this thread, I am just finishing up a vacation across Ireland where I've been drinking a lot of stouts and noticed with the Guinness I get a lot of gas, I found this article,


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We are all adults here, right?


I am just finishing up a vacation across Ireland where I've been drinking a lot of stouts and noticed with the Guinness I get a lot of gas, I found this article,

well i drank some rice beer i made that had a FG of around 1.035 with a OG of 1.060...didn't know if i'm using alpha amylase it has to be a tag team event with gluco i know first hand what A LOT of dextrins do to your gut....act as soluble fiber!


(be glad they're not wet! ;))
Wow, 2014 post back from the dead! I thought it was new, had some commentary then looked to the left... lol

All I can say is if I drink more than 4 I also have some stomach issues. Going back and seeing how much OP admittedly was drinking, the answer was obvious. I personally can't drink 8 imperials without having negative effects.

I'll add knowing this is a thread from 2014... Alcohol is an irritant to your stomach so it's pretty normal that drinking that much 10% beer will mess you up. Since I turned 40 I'm finding I can't drink more than 2 days in a row and no more than 2-3 beers when I do drink otherwise it's not a good situation. If you keep this up your stomach might develop alcohol induced gastritis which will take some time to heal from and can be uncomfortable and downright painful. Moderation is key as you get older.
Also, some beers just don't burn clean. SNPA is one of them for me even though I love that beer.