Must fight the urge to be a beer snob....

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Are you saying craft and bmc are pretty close??
I am saying that beer is beer, and more often than not people pay too much attention to what is on the label and not enough on what is in the glass. In this case "Import" (actually domestic since I was in Germany) was pretty close to "Domestic" (which was import since I was in Germany.) *I* was willing to dismiss MGD as being inferior when I had just spend a night in the beer tent pounding down Cluss - and they were very close in taste.

Clear as mud?

This whole forum proves that pretty much anyone can make a decent ale if they can follow directions. Not everyone can make BMC. I think maybe it would be fair that people *could* be beer snobs only after they have mastered the skill and science necessary to make a Bud Light clone.
I am saying that beer is beer, and more often than not people pay too much attention to what is on the label and not enough on what is in the glass. In this case "Import" (actually domestic since I was in Germany) was pretty close to "Domestic" (which was import since I was in Germany.) *I* was willing to dismiss MGD as being inferior when I had just spend a night in the beer tent pounding down Cluss - and they were very close in taste.

Clear as mud?

This whole forum proves that pretty much anyone can make a decent ale if they can follow directions. Not everyone can make BMC. I think maybe it would be fair that people *could* be beer snobs only after they have mastered the skill and science necessary to make a Bud Light clone.

Trust me theres plenty of em that cant make any beer period. I dont hate BMC by any means its just worlds apart from most craft beer no matter how "hard" it is to make
Trust me theres plenty of em that cant make any beer period. I dont hate BMC by any means its just worlds apart from most craft beer no matter how "hard" it is to make

It's very difficult to make and Make it good. It's not really worlds apart it is a style of Beer a lot of people consider it inferior but it is a style. There are good commercial versions and bad.
It's very difficult to make and Make it good. It's not really worlds apart it is a style of Beer a lot of people consider it inferior but it is a style. There are good commercial versions and bad.

Ive had craft pale lagers that are really good, and not loaded with rice and corn so yeah there is a huge difference
If they are both American lagers I dont understand where you get different style from??

Not sure what you mean there are different styles of beer.
American pilsner. American light lager. American standard lager. American premium lager etc...
Then you got all the ale yeast lighter styles cream, blonde, kolsch etc...
Not sure what you mean there are different styles of beer.
American pilsner. American light lager. American standard lager. American premium lager etc...
Then you got all the ale yeast lighter styles cream, blonde, kolsch etc...

Wow, thanks captain obvious, nevermind obviously you will never grasp what Im saying
Wow, thanks captain obvious, nevermind obviously you will never grasp what Im saying

That goes both ways.. your talking about beers that are supposed to have adjuncts like corn and rice.
Speaking of adjuncts...

I had an accidental beer snob moment yesterday.

A new brewery with a tap room opened in a town near me and I've been wanting to give their beers a taste. My wife and kids were getting their hair cut so I decided that to take a walk from the downtown area that we were in to the brewery to kill an hour or so. It was about a 2 mile walk and it was about 90* out so when I got there I was pretty hot. So I asked for a glass of water and ordered a pint of their 3.2% blonde ale. As soon as I got it I took a sniff and smelled corn. I took a taste and it tasted of corn. I asked the guy behind the bar if they brewed it with adjuncts. He said no just malt. I said, Oh? "I smelled and tasted corn..." and then I realized it was DMS. I felt kind of bad because I didn't want to be "that guy" that came to new brewery and criticized their beer. I drank the pint and made some comments about it being tasty etc etc. I ordered a pint of their Pale Ale next and even though I didn't think it was very good (the hops were way over the top and there was no balance). I kept my mouth shut. Ha! BTW, I probably won't by their beers at other places, but I would have a pint or two in their tap room if I was in the area...
Luckily I didn't say anything to him because in all honesty it's not my place to argue about taste. I'd had several very tasty beers and just thought it was a funny story. To me it's like going to a Mexican restaurant by yourself and ordering chicken nuggets when you could've just as easily when to mcdonalds. I can understand being dragged someplace by all your friends and not liking the menu so you order something you like but who walks up to the only brew pub in the city and goes yeah I'll go there to have a miller light instead of one of these other ten bars within sight?
winenewb172 said:
It's just silly to go to a specialty place alone and tell them you can't drink that crap when they offer you one of their beers. It's kind of the point of going to a place like that. I can see if he was at a get together and thats where everybody else wanted to go. But to walk in there alone and tell them you can't drink their "crap" come on man just go to another bar to watch the cardinals game

Did he seriously tell the staff he couldn't drink their "crap" and go on about how Miller Lite was awesome b/c it's "triple hopped"?

If so, he was being a total ****** and you would have been alright saying something (b/c the staff is probably not allowed to say anything).

If he was just ordering Miller like a normal customer, you leave him alone. If he's getting s****y with the staff, though, he's clearly in the wrong.
Did he seriously tell the staff he couldn't drink their "crap" and go on about how Miller Lite was awesome b/c it's "triple hopped"?

If so, he was being a total ****** and you would have been alright saying something (b/c the staff is probably not allowed to say anything).

If he was just ordering Miller like a normal customer, you leave him alone. If he's getting s****y with the staff, though, he's clearly in the wrong.

Yeah this is a new revelation that was entirely left out of the original story.
Beer snobs are pretty high on the list of people I don't like. Not nearly as bad as people who text and drive, more along the lines of people who can't clean up after themselves or chew with their mouth closed.

Yes, I may be 23 and look like a Coors Light chugging frat boy. Yes, I may ask the bartender sometimes what they recommend when I'm at a new brewpub. No, I'm not looking for input about the finer points of beer from you and your buddy sitting at the bar. I wish I could say that's only happened once, but for some reason people who know just a little bit about beer feel the need to try to inject all that knowledge into my brain.

If someone only enjoys American lagers, let them. If they're bragging about that, they're probably just a jerk in all aspects of life and it's best just to let those types go on their merry way.
I'm. At the local brew pub and the guy next to me orders a miller light, wtf? But I don't try to educate him cuz he is intent on it's the only beer with triple hops in it. Lol. I'm also finding myself wanting to ask my server about malto dextrin and stuff I'm sure she has no idea

So far this year I have brewed 60 gallons this year and I have another 55 (5 batches) measured out.

I have visited over 300 breweries in the US and I still drink BUD in the Summer time after a hot day in the Summer Virginia Sun. It is thirst quenching and easy drinking... It also is good mixing beer for Red Beers and Shanties...

I mean,,,, drinking an American Pilsner is certanly not as offensive as having someone sit next to you and order White Zinfandel…

Could I go to the trouble an “bottle” my Kolsch, my English Summer or my American Summer ales? Ya I could but it is entirely too much work…

  1. American Summer Ale
  2. English Summer Ale
  3. Amber Ale
  4. English Mild
  5. Kitchen Sink IPA (AKA: Use up various hops - IPA)

Brewing Soon
  1. English Summer Ale 2.0
  2. Hefewiesen
  3. Belgian Triple
  4. Centennial Blonde
  5. Centennial Cascade IPA
Holy crap that was me in the past and I never even considered if I was being a d!€k.
I think all of us homebrewers need to be a little wary of this one. On the one hand you're excited about the hobby and want to share it with people. OTOH you don't want to sound like a know-it-all d.ouche. I've found if you're just genuinely excited about the hobby but also considerate in listening to others' views, it seems to work out OK.
I was at a fantastic beer bar on a friday night, and found myself surrounded by people drinking miller ultra.

They had Schlafly extra stout on TAP.(just 1 example of something FANTASTIC that I seldom see) and 13 or 14 other fantastic beers on tap, including 2 true cask ales.

I did not chastise anyone, but it did make me feel slightly nauseated.

Do I need to de snob a bit?
I was at a fantastic beer bar on a friday night, and found myself surrounded by people drinking miller ultra.

They had Schlafly extra stout on TAP.(just 1 example of something FANTASTIC that I seldom see) and 13 or 14 other fantastic beers on tap, including 2 true cask ales.

I did not chastise anyone, but it did make me feel slightly nauseated.

Do I need to de snob a bit?

Holy cow thats almost a
.... Are we gonna ignore the big pink elephant in the room people!?
Holy cow thats almost a
.... Are we gonna ignore the big pink elephant in the room people!?

right? But I let it ruin my time just a little......honestly the WAY too loud canned music might have contributed.

I am just wondering if I care a little TOO much. I had to ease back on college basketball when it would make or break my weekend.;)
You also have to remember that not everyone is out drinking beer because they like the taste of beer. Some people are out just taking an edge off the day or with friends or want to watch the game at a bar vs in their home...

Its not always about the beer, sometimes you just end up somewhere like the only brewpub in town and you're killing time...unless provoked, keep your mouth closed and mind your own business :)
Like I said I didn't say anything to the guy. For one SWAMBO would never let me live it down and for two not long ago I didn't even drink beer. But that's because I'd never had good beer. And to the guy that said the whole " I can't drink that crap". Just suddenly came out in the story, that was in my second post. The post was just as much about me wanting to ask for ingredient details of their beers as it was the guy drinking miller light. I still stand by my point of if you wanna drink bmc don't go to a place like that if you don't wanna catch some ribbing for it. But it's a free country and you're free to drink what you want. But I'm free to my opinion
Hey, thousands of people this weekend are going to be flipping burgers 20 times, squeezing all the fat out with the spatula, and serving a dried out puck of meat. Then drink it along with their BMC Light.

Doesn't make it delicious. It isn't snobbery, it's education.

That's not entirely true ;)
Like I said I didn't say anything to the guy. For one SWAMBO would never let me live it down and for two not long ago I didn't even drink beer. But that's because I'd never had good beer. And to the guy that said the whole " I can't drink that crap". Just suddenly came out in the story, that was in my second post. The post was just as much about me wanting to ask for ingredient details of their beers as it was the guy drinking miller light. I still stand by my point of if you wanna drink bmc don't go to a place like that if you don't wanna catch some ribbing for it. But it's a free country and you're free to drink what you want. But I'm free to my opinion

Likewise someone could say that if the brewery offers BMC alongside their beers they aren't too concerned about it and you really shouldn't worry about it. You're getting mad at the guy for ordering a product they sell. That's kind of ridiculous. If they only wanted people ordering their beers they wouldn't offer other beers.
Likewise someone could say that if the brewery offers BMC alongside their beers they aren't too concerned about it and you really shouldn't worry about it. You're getting mad at the guy for ordering a product they sell. That's kind of ridiculous. If they only wanted people ordering their beers they wouldn't offer other beers.

I would be questioning the brew pub more than anything
I have never seen a brew pub offer Millet Lite...not even a decent beer bar even offer it.

I have heard pople ask for certain lite stuff at brew pubs and good beer bars, the server points them to the light blonde ale or pilsner they have on tap and they always order it. Never seen anyone not order a beer because they didnt have lite whatever
I would be questioning the brew pub more than anything
I have never seen a brew pub offer Millet Lite...not even a decent beer bar even offer it.

I have heard pople ask for certain lite stuff at brew pubs and good beer bars, the server points them to the light blonde ale or pilsner they have on tap and they always order it. Never seen anyone not order a beer because they didnt have lite whatever

I've seen a couple that offered BMC and in each case I should have bypassed the "house beers" altogether. I put that in quotes because both "breweries" I've been to that had BMC did not brew their own beer, they had it contract brewed. It was also not very good.
I never said I was mad first off. And secondly is it outrageous that Mexican and Chinese restaurants serve a few American food items? No there's always that one person that doesn't like it but his whole family does so they have an option for him. Again not mad at all but I've never seen a person walk into a Mexican restaurant alone and order chicken strips or a cheeseburger but I have an aunt who gets one when we go there for my grandmas birthday because she doesn't like Mexican food. I think it would be silly for her to stop in there and grab a cheeseburger any other time. I wouldn't be mad if she did just confused. By all means if you wanna pay more for bmc at the brewpub than you would at the bar next door go ahead it doesn't hurt my feelings it's just odd to me.
I never said I was mad first off. And secondly is it outrageous that Mexican and Chinese restaurants serve a few American food items? No there's always that one person that doesn't like it but his whole family does so they have an option for him. Again not mad at all but I've never seen a person walk into a Mexican restaurant alone and order chicken strips or a cheeseburger but I have an aunt who gets one when we go there for my grandmas birthday because she doesn't like Mexican food. I think it would be silly for her to stop in there and grab a cheeseburger any other time. I wouldn't be mad if she did just confused. By all means if you wanna pay more for bmc at the brewpub than you would at the bar next door go ahead it doesn't hurt my feelings it's just odd to me.

I have a friend that goes to a local Mexican place and orders cheeseburgers alone all the time. The reason being that they make a really good cheeseburger.
Sometimes I find it tough not to be snobby, even when I'm the type of person who really will drink almost any beer. Some people just don't want/care to drink craft or homebrew. I brought a good amount of my homebrew to a party on Sunday and ended up taking more than half of it back home with me while 30s of Natty Light and Bud Light were consumed.

To each their own. They had their Natty and I enjoyed the homebrew with a select few.
A couple at the pub told me to shut up after I scolded them on the nature of making Pilsners. I can't stand the folks at Lagunitas claiming to brew a Czech style pilsner. It's nothing like a real pilsner.

Wow, I probably would've told you to shut up too. People in bars generally don't appreciate being "scolded" over their beverage choices....
Stauffbier said:
I have a friend that goes to a local Mexican place and orders cheeseburgers alone all the time. The reason being that they make a really good cheeseburger.

Well I can see that I guess but the burger they serve at our local place is pretty crappy.
These threads are always dumb.
And yet you felt the compelling need to post in it!

Getting back on topic....

I don't hate BMC or BMC drinkers. To each his own. The way I look at it; The more people that discover craft beer/the harder it will be to come by the rare stuff. It's already in enough demand as it is.

Am I advocating a secret society of craft beer drinkers?! Why yes! Yes I am! :tank:
As a lifelong bartender/server/hospitality employee/home brewer/beer drinker, I bring a unique viewpoint to these discussions. My point stands. Don't thrust your likes/dislikes upon other patrons or the staff. Drink your beer, tip well, leave happy. No sense in giving advice when not asked for. Just because you know what Malto-dextrine is, doesn't mean that every server should. Leave the suggestions to the bartender serving it.

As an aside, showing your depth of knowledge by attempting to 'out-do' the bartender in the knowledge department also goes down as a bitter pill among those in the 'business'.

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