Moving? I ain't scared! Wait, yes I am.

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Aug 21, 2012
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So, looks like we will be moving soon to a small town in central North Dakota. My wife was offered a position as an HP and we couldn't turn it down. Anyways, I know many others have been through this and just looking for advice in moving to a new town where you know nobody. We are moving away from family (her in-laws just moved closer so the decision to move away was fairly easy :D) but it will be quite a drive to see anyone we know. I also don't have a job out there, we need to prep and sell our house as well as look for a new one. We have been in our house for almost six years so it is bittersweet, I have wanted to move out of town ever since my son was born but thought it would be close enough to keep my job but things didn't work out that way.

Not really sure the purpose of this post, just looking for advice I guess. Needed to get this off my chest. I think what is making it harder is that I am a single dad for the time being so not many adult conversations. Wife is currently at Basic Training for the Guards until Dec so we haven't even really discussed the move/new job.

But since we are moving for my wife, I figure if I play my cards right I can get her to buy me an AG set up and I can make new friends that way! :mug:
No, not the military, the Highway Patrol. Since it is the guards it is only one weekend a month, and hopefully she can transfer to a closer place so it isn't such a drive. But yes, I will be giving up my job. Just a little stressed out about everything.
I have no advice about moving, but I hope it all works out well. :mug: Don't stress too much, just break it down into separate tasks. Prep current home, research schools, etc. for new home. It can get overwhelming when you think of the whole picture at one time.
I know, trying not to think of the whole picture, but can't seem to help it. Just trying to figure out how everything will work out. If we sell the house first, but I have no job and we have no new house? If I find a job first so get a new house, but then we can't sell our house? I am just wondering how people do everything. Makes it hard because we don't have family to stay with in our current town either, and with a dog and kid finding an apartment for just a couple months would be a pain as well.

Sorry, don't mean to ***** too much, just am actually wondering from people who have been in this situation and how they did everything.
Well A monkey. Moving is soemthing that I´m used to. I live in 5 different countries and move several times in every of those countries. If you already made up your mind don´t worry. I had to put my life in a suitcase several times, this seems easy. I haven´t been in your exact situation but my advice is to be calm and confident and deal with things as they came. Is interesting to have a big picture and understand it but with so many things to consider it can be stressfull. Step by step, don´t worry about friends you brew beer you´ll make friends. Maybe this doesn´t help you a bit but the only thing i can think is to RDWHAHB
1) I'm an Army brat.
2) I spent 3 years in Grand Forks and my first wife was from Breien (population 8 but still made the Rand McNally road atlas because there's nothing close).

What I've learned:
Moving is easy. Just do it.
Everywhere you move there're quality people, and NoDaks are high quality.
NoDaks drink more than most, particularly in the winter. So share your brew.
Learn to polka.
And, what Obliviousbrew said, "RDHAWB."
Join a homebrew club of there's one in the area, great way to meet folks.
I've moved several times. Each time new challenges/opportunities were presented. If anything, my best advice is to get involved in something within the community as soon as you are able. This will open some doors to employment, meet new people, and help with the transition. Good luck.
It's tough.
I've done it a couple times.
About all you can do is move and rent till you sell your place.
As for meeting new people, about all you can do is get out there.
Between work and the local shooting spots I would meet people.
If you're inclined to stopping in the bar, eagles club, moose lodge, V.F.W. or any of those places, you'll meet people.

Bring some of your beer and you're bound to make friends.
Yea, I am not too worried about meeting people. It is a small town area so they will either be very nice to us or shun us. I am sure we will meet people quickly. I am more worried about the job and house situation. I have moved quite a bit, but this will be our first time having to sell our house, and first time moving with my son.
done it a couple times. i get things right on the leaving end, first. when i get to the new side of the tracks, then i take care of business there. i don't mix the 2
I spent 3 years in Grand Forks and my first wife was from Breien

Everywhere you move there're quality people, and NoDaks are high quality.
NoDaks drink more than most, particularly in the winter. So share your brew.
Learn to polka.

I hate Grand Forks, lived there for a year, wife has a lot of family there. I love North Dakota so glad we are at least staying here, and yes we do drink. But I will not learn Polka.

Ha, Breien. I was going to ask if you ever get back there but then noticed the first. I didn't know where that was so looked it up and it is about an hour away from where we will be moving.
I've moved twice with no job. Farther away each time.

The first time, I got a lead on a job because someone knew someone who worked with someone who knew I needed a job. I could have gotten it anyway, but didn't know about it until they said.

The second time was dumb luck. A temp service sent me on a job. I liked it. It liked me. Presto. Career.

Beware those temp services though. Some are shady. They have contracts that bar you from swapping out of their temp service to the job you're temping in unless that employer pays them a fee. They'll even have a contract that says you can't work for that employer for so long after your temp service is done. The one I worked for gave me and my present employer all sorts of grief like that. That may vary by state.
Beware those temp services though. Some are shady. They have contracts that bar you from swapping out of their temp service to the job you're temping in unless that employer pays them a fee. They'll even have a contract that says you can't work for that employer for so long after your temp service is done. The one I worked for gave me and my present employer all sorts of grief like that. That may vary by state.

I have gotten my last three jobs through temp services, but each was with the understanding that I would be hired by the company after a few months if things worked out. The problem with a small town is there is no services like that.

On the plus side, looking at houses online there is really nothing over $60k, so that will be nice. Of course they all need some work, but I even found a decent house for $18k. But a walk through might put a damper on things quick.
Are there any soil labs near by? My step mom works @ a soil lab and makes descent money. It's mostly season though.

Is the oil boom still going on in ND? That's what I'd be trying to get into.

Might be able to find work @ a coop or grain silo.

Corn and bean processing plants but those places stink to high heaven. I wouldn't work there no matter what they pay.
Well, it has been a while but things worked out backwards. I got a new job and we have to be moved to the new area in a couple weeks. Problem is we don't have a place to live and there isn't much to choose from. And it will be hard to get a new place until we sell the place we have now. :( Not sure how things will work out but hopefully for the best. Anybody interested in buying a house in Fargo?
I've had to do this twice and it's a pain. Both times I had to rent in the new area while I waited to sell my house. You pay house payment, rent, utilities for two places. You have to pay to have the grass cut or to shovel the snow at the old place. You have to either store your household belongings, leave them at the old house. Arrange for moving cost. If you agree to rent and sell the old place and buy a house in your new area you have to deal with a landlord letting you out of a lease early. My advice is to find a month by month rental agreement in the new area if you think that you can sell your old house quick. Huge PITA but you will eventually get through it.

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