Mother-in-laws. AM I RIGHT?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2013
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My MIL is staying the night. She's the "Well, actually..." To conversations she's not even a part of type.
She drives me nuts.

I can rant all night long.

I need a beer.
Two beers.
Kegs of beers.
Oh goodness don't get me started...

Sent from my iPhone using Home Brew
Mines quadpolar. That's right she couldn't just stop at bipolar. She refuses to take her meds none of the voices thinks she's needs to... And that's the only thing she can agree with herself on.
Can't complain about mine. She buys me things like this when we come to visit. ImageUploadedByHome Brew1397081527.075593.jpg

Sent from my van, down by the river.
I love my MIL. but she has vocal diarrhea or random thoughts that start mid conversation. it also affects her hearing. you'll just get done telling her something, then she'll inquire about it like she's the one that just brought it up for the first time in history.

I love my FIL. but he's the only one who's ever right about anything. and he will repeat himself, louder each time he does, if you disagree. the volume of his voice is an indicator of exactly how right he is.

I love my in-laws. but they think anything .2 SRM darker than BL is a dark beer. and any beer slightly above 32F is warm.

I love my wife. she has no flaws. unlike that toothless, tattooed, balding husband she has. that guy has a big nose.
I love my MIL. but she has vocal diarrhea or random thoughts that start mid conversation. it also affects her hearing. you'll just get done telling her something, then she'll inquire about it like she's the one that just brought it up for the first time in history.

I love my FIL. but he's the only one who's ever right about anything. and he will repeat himself, louder each time he does, if you disagree. the volume of his voice is an indicator of exactly how right he is.

I love my in-laws. but they think anything .2 SRM darker than BL is a dark beer. and any beer slightly above 32F is warm.

I love my wife. she has no flaws. unlike that toothless, tattooed, balding husband she has. that guy has a big nose.

The one and only thing I don't LIKE about my FIL is his taste in beer. He's a huge natural light fan. Hell its not even so much that I don't like natural light, ive drank gallons upon gallons at his sawmill. He just doesn't lime anything else... Other than that he one of the greatest guys on earth.
Mine buys me gift certificates to the LHBS for my birthday.

Last night we had a BBQ with her. She brought the chicken. I brought the beer.
The one and only thing I don't LIKE about my FIL is his taste in beer. He's a huge natural light fan. Hell its not even so much that I don't like natural light, ive drank gallons upon gallons at his sawmill. He just doesn't lime anything else... Other than that he one of the greatest guys on earth.

Not all beers should get lime. It's hood in a summer wheat, though.
My MIL died a few years ago. God rest her soul. I saw this thread and the memories came flooding back.

When she was here she was a real handful. Here are some highlights:

Dinners out:
  • Wouldn't order off the menu. Had to have a 'custom' meal anywhere we went.
  • Would actually tell the waiter how many ice cubes she wanted in her drink, and then count to make sure. If there were too many/too few, she'd complain.
  • Would request that the sour cream for her baked potato arrive at the table with her salad, so it had time to warm to room temperature for when the potato arrived.
  • Breakfast out involved making sure the edges of her toast were properly buttered. No buttered edges = toast is sent back.
  • Sent every restaurant meal I ever ate with her back at least twice. When she did it she was very vocal about it.
  • I used to find the waiter, apologize profusely, and promise to leave a giant tip. I wanted to make sure no one was spitting on my food in the kitchen. :D

That's just dinners out - I could go on and on and on....
The one and only thing I don't LIKE about my FIL is his taste in beer. He's a huge natural light fan. Hell its not even so much that I don't like natural light, ive drank gallons upon gallons at his sawmill. He just doesn't lime anything else... Other than that he one of the greatest guys on earth.

Haha...I like my FIL too but whenever I'm drinking craft beer he's critical of it and is always saying "there's a reason Budweiser sells more beer than anyone else..."

Sent from here, because that's where I am.
Haha...I like my FIL too but whenever I'm drinking craft beer he's critical of it and is always saying "there's a reason Budweiser sells more beer than anyone else..."

Sent from here, because that's where I am.

Because its cheap and flavorless. I wonder what the stats would be like if you excluded all the underage high school and college kids that buy that crap. They would probably still have the lead, but it wouldn't be as wide a gap.
Because its cheap and flavorless. I wonder what the stats would be like if you excluded all the underage high school and college kids that buy that crap. They would probably still have the lead, but it wouldn't be as wide a gap.

Yeah. I told him that he must think. McDonalds is better than the high end steak joint down the street that he loves.

"That's different. McDonalds is just cheap, quick and on every corner in this country."

I didn't respond, just stared at him in amazement.

Sent from here, because that's where I am.
I like my in-laws a lot. They're good people. They don't drink but they'd still call SWMBO and ask what kind of beer I like so they'd have some on hand when we visited. And that's just a trivial example of how nice they are. My FIL passed away last year and I miss him.
I like my in-laws a lot. They're good people. They don't drink but they'd still call SWMBO and ask what kind of beer I like so they'd have some on hand when we visited. And that's just a trivial example of how nice they are. My FIL passed away last year and I miss him.

Sorry to hear that. My fil is ok. He's got a fair amount of diagnosed mental disorders but his meds keep it all in check but him and his girlfriend drink a 30 rack or two of stones a day and he can be an ass at times.
My current MIL used to be great, but since her husband died, and as she gets older, she is going all weird and annoying. Seriously b*tch, pull yerself together! ;)
My MIL is pretty cool. Unfortunately, my mom has a tendency to be the stereotypical lousy MIL to my wife. Ugh.

Sent from my iThingy using a series of tubes.
My MIL is the nicest lady. She also brings me awesome Brazilian food every time she visits. and chocolate. maybe shes trying to make me fat. lol

Also my wife gets along really well with my mom. almost too well. sometimes i get ganged up on by the two of them for sht i do.
I have no complaints about my in-laws, except the fact that their house is ~800ft² and I feel like a giant.

My FIL suggested we go try the new brewery in the their town. I know he doesn't really like beer, and especially anything >BMC, but I thought it was a nice gesture.
I love Dave Chappelle. My all time favorite comedian.

I know, it's a shame he lost it when the show got big. I actually sat a few rows ahead of him on a flight a couple years after he reappeared in public, but he made it pretty clear he still didn't want to be bothered. I got a "heyyy man" out of him later at the baggage claim, but didn't try to press my luck by striking up a conversation.

I know, it's a shame he lost it when the show got big. I actually sat a few rows ahead of him on a flight a couple years after he reappeared in public, but he made it pretty clear he still didn't want to be bothered. I got a "heyyy man" out of him later at the baggage claim, but didn't try to press my luck by striking up a conversation.


My instinct would be to do what he's seen a billion times, tell him I'm a huge fan and ask him a million questions. Haha but you gotta admit he set himself up for that, being a big star then disappearing.

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