Most annoying response when you tell someone you're a homebrewer?

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Though this is more of a "response from people who have had homebrew," I get it often enough and find it annoying.

"That was awesome. You should only make that beer."

No. I'd rather keep doing different things, trying different recipes, delving into styles I'm not too familiar with. There is just too many new things around for me to pigeon hole my brewing just because I have a great batch with this one.

But they're giving you a compliment. If someone said that to me, I'd just thank them and gently ask if I should try to make something else just as good.
It's too flavorful... can't you make it thinner?
Me: yes, bring a bottle of mineral water to water yours next time.
Or, like above, you should repeat this one...
Me: why would I have to sleep with the same odalisc every night if I have a full harem....��
Sorry to bump this thread but I was looking at my older subscribed threads and thought Id add to it once again. I almost feel with the Huge craft beer movement though-out the country, the "stigma" of being a homebrewer has changed a bit. Ive noticed people done give you a weird look or have something smart to say when you say your a homebrewer. Ive had more people interested in the process or ask how I got into the hobby because they were interested. Maybe I've just gotten used to it, but the stupid comments have seem to have ceased slightly.
Sorry to bump this thread but I was looking at my older subscribed threads and thought Id add to it once again. I almost feel with the Huge craft beer movement though-out the country, the "stigma" of being a homebrewer has changed a bit. Ive noticed people done give you a weird look or have something smart to say when you say your a homebrewer. Ive had more people interested in the process or ask how I got into the hobby because they were interested. Maybe I've just gotten used to it, but the stupid comments have seem to have ceased slightly.

I think for every 5 interesting questions ("how do you figure out alcohol level?" Or "how do you get sugar from grain")
I get at least 1 dumb one ("you must be drunk all the time" or "dark and thick like lowebrau?")
I think for every 5 interesting questions ("how do you figure out alcohol level?" Or "how do you get sugar from grain")
I get at least 1 dumb one ("you must be drunk all the time" or "dark and thick like lowebrau?")

I've gotten the "oh you brew your own beer? So you're a professional alcoholic then?" comment several times. It gets old. If 2-3 beers/day makes me an alcoholic, guilty as charged I guess.
I've gotten the "oh you brew your own beer? So you're a professional alcoholic then?" comment several times. It gets old. If 2-3 beers/day makes me an alcoholic, guilty as charged I guess.

I know a few recovering alcoholics, 2-3 beers is nothing.
They got obliterated nightly.
I think we are safe
I've gotten the "oh you brew your own beer? So you're a professional alcoholic then?" comment several times. It gets old. If 2-3 beers/day makes me an alcoholic, guilty as charged I guess.

They are morons, somebody not worthy of my friendship. Ask them what hobby they have then insult them about something they like to do.

I find it funny how people utterly obsess over hobbies then look down on the others on their choice of hobby. I've heard that type of comment. Make me think of this...

Caution Extreme Sarcasm!!!

You're cyclist? Only a cross-dressing, goof ball would dress up in spandex to ride a bike. Do you get to paid to look like a clown on a bike? What's more fun strutting around in those tight shorts or riding the bike?

You're weight lifter? Only a lunk head, narcissist, would drink protein shakes and work out 7-14 times a week. You know when you stop that you'll just be a big and flabby old man. Do you know you'll have wasted a bunch of time grunting groaning without having sex?

You're into toddler and tiaras? Only a woman with an insatiable need for attention, dresses their 4 year old daughter to look like an adult for beauty contests. What comes first your needs or your kids needs? Good to know you put on a show for the local pedophiles!!!

Pick, a hobby, pick a character flaw, and stereotype of the hobby and attach a good insult.

They are morons, somebody not worthy of my friendship. Ask them what hobby they have then insult them about something they like to do.

I find it funny how people utterly obsess over hobbies then look down on the others on their choice of hobby. I've heard that type of comment. Make me think of this...

Caution Extreme Sarcasm!!!

You're cyclist? Only a cross-dressing, goof ball would dress up in spandex to ride a bike. Do you get to paid to look like a clown on a bike? What's more fun strutting around in those tight shorts or riding the bike?

You're weight lifter? Only a lunk head, narcissist, would drink protein shakes and work out 7-14 times a week. You know when you stop that you'll just be a big and flabby old man. Do you know you'll have wasted a bunch of time grunting groaning without having sex?

You're into toddler and tiaras? Only a woman with an insatiable need for attention, dresses their 4 year old daughter to look like an adult for beauty contests. What comes first your needs or your kids needs? Good to know you put on a show for the local pedophiles!!!

Pick, a hobby, pick a character flaw, and stereotype of the hobby and attach a good insult.


I have a friend and his wife who attempt to tease me about my hobbies-homebrew/golf/phish.

Their son is into LARPing!
I don't worry about their judgement!
"Oh my god can you make me x style of beer?"

Even if you gave me money for ingredients, I don't have time for that ****.

"Oh my god! Is it any good?"

No, I make it because I masochistically drink terrible beer.
"Oh my god can you make me x style of beer?"

Even if you gave me money for ingredients, I don't have time for that ****.

"Oh my god! Is it any good?"

No, I make it because I masochistically drink terrible beer.

I get the can you make me x. Very flattering but difficult to explain that I don't have time even to brew for myself haha.
I have a friend and his wife who attempt to tease me about my hobbies-homebrew/golf/phish.

Their son is into LARPing!
I don't worry about their judgement!

Ha ha. A lot of people who are critical of this hobby have none. Possibly something that's not really a hobby, like watching TV or they are too busy to in life for dedicating time to any special activity.

"Oh my god can you make me x style of beer?"

Even if you gave me money for ingredients, I don't have time for that ****.

"Oh my god! Is it any good?"

No, I make it because I masochistically drink terrible beer.

I don't think that's too bad. I've had that request. I said if they brew with me a few times and then buy their ingredients we can brew it together. I explain its illegal to sell without a license. It's a time commitment and not done for profit at this level.

90% of the time they decline. Not worth your time not worth mine.
I don't think that's too bad. I've had that request. I said if they brew with me a few times and then buy their ingredients we can brew it together. I explain its illegal to sell without a license. It's a time commitment and not done for profit at this level.

90% of the time they decline. Not worth your time not worth mine.

Typically it's that you can tell whether someone had that twinkle in their eye about it and would love to try it, or they just wanna get trashed for free. I have had people ask me if I can make something like a Blue Moon, and I want to make them a witbier that would blow their mind, but like I said, I just don't have time and tend to brew what I want when I do. Just wish someone would ask me when I had the urge to brew a witbier a month before.
Back in the early 90s when I first took up homebrewing, I'd get a lot of "isn't that illegal?" and "why, is it cheaper than X?". 1994 I got married, my son was born, and I didn't have time for the lengthier 90s-era process, nor space to work, so homebrewing went away for a while.

Fast-forward 20 years to when I re-entered the world of homebrewing in 2014, delighted to find things had advance dramatically both in process/technique and in breadth and accessibility of ingredients.)

Since then (now in NC, previously NJ) I get a few "so you're a bootlegger?" (quite a few home distillers around, btw) and "How much $$ can you make?" but mostly people who are mildly interested and ask what I brew, whether they can try one, etc. I think the fact that there are two small breweries in this rural county and a broadening selection of imports and craft brews right in the supermarkets and restaurants and even some convenience stores (I can get a Chimay at one local gas station) has helped broaden many people's minds regarding 'beer'.

Occasionally some will express desire to buy some (no, but you're welcome to a few bottles or a draft if you're at my house) or buy ingredients for me to brew for them (only if they help and I keep some, no takers yet), but still the occasional "do you make a SamAdams/BlueMoon/InsertOther" request. (No, I try to only brew beer that I really enjoy drinking)

Thursday it was "you need to sell this to the local bar it is so tasty..." Yeah sure, do have the $200k for me to open a microbrewery and staff it?

Why ruin a good hobby? LOL Seriously, when folks ask me about opening a brewery, I tell them that I like to bake bread but don't want to open a bakery. For some reason, that seems to make more sense to most folks.
Most people I tell think it's cool. I have a few coworkers that also brew, so we share bottles back and forth which is cool.

My family on the other hand "like beer", but only coors light and budweiser, so they tend to make faces at the beer I make and drink.. IPA'S, stouts etc. I don't knock light beer, I am a fan of the ice cold fast guzzling beer myself. I just wish people would be more open minded about other beers.
Most people I tell think it's cool. I have a few coworkers that also brew, so we share bottles back and forth which is cool.

My family on the other hand "like beer", but only coors light and budweiser, so they tend to make faces at the beer I make and drink.. IPA'S, stouts etc. I don't knock light beer, I am a fan of the ice cold fast guzzling beer myself. I just wish people would be more open minded about other beers.

I think people genuinely don't know any better. We went to a nice restaurant the other day, their lineup of beer was about 8 different kinds of macro lager. So while you can split hairs on minor differences in ABV or IBU or hop variety, it's all basically the same.

The craft beer movement has brought IPAs to the forefront. Unfortunately that's a pretty unapproachable beer for regular folks to try so they go back to the easy-drinking lagers which they know.
I think people genuinely don't know any better. We went to a nice restaurant the other day, their lineup of beer was about 8 different kinds of macro lager. So while you can split hairs on minor differences in ABV or IBU or hop variety, it's all basically the same.

The craft beer movement has brought IPAs to the forefront. Unfortunately that's a pretty unapproachable beer for regular folks to try so they go back to the easy-drinking lagers which they know.

I have been telling people that those who like to drink high IBU IPAs are similar to people that like to eat chili with everything. If the bitterness or burn is absent, they can't taste anything (that's me). Many enjoy beer for the cold, smooth, neutral taste. My wife falls into that camp, so I will brew a nice easy kolsch occasionally as a gateway beer for her.
THE most annoying question that people ask me after they find out I am a homebrewer is:
"Do these pants make my butt look fat"

Honestly, that's just a trap you can't get out of.
Being told i dont know what im doing and not to buy yeast, yeast starterz only, dont do things i dont know how to do....just told that by a home brew shop cashier today when asking a simple question. But sinve he didnt gear my question, he assumed then degraded me in front of the whole store.
Looks like you should find another brewshop that wants your business, geek_chaser.
There are many different ways to brew and a lot of useless, subjective "correct" opinions spouted by jackhandles with lousy people skills.
Do what works for you and brew on.
I got the bathtub line the other day. I thought the guy was joking so I said, "Ha-ha, very funny. I've only heard that one 100 times." And he said, "No seriously, don't you use the bathtub?"


" How do you put the alcohol in it? " I have had that more than once and it always makes me laugh.
You should open your own a city of 125+ breweries and breweries shutting down.

Haha! I get the same thing. Living in the same city I find it just as annoying. Although, it seems like every homebrewer around here is doing it so I can't blame them for asking. :tank:

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