Massachusetts group grape buy

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I think it is time to start calling people out that committed but haven't stepped forward yet. I would hate to leave Paul all alone to crush all the grapes himself...I can only stay until around 4ish (anniversary - have to make wifey happy).


It's not a question of calling people out, its a Monday, its a workday, and for those of us who are on the verge of being laid off missing a day is not an option. My company is looking for an excuse to let people go and calling in or missing a day usually turns out to be your last.

Its sucks, but that is how it is.
Oh ya, no problem. I've fit 25 lugs in my little, no nads, 4 cylender Ranger. Granted, my front wheels were barely touching the ground, but...

Between your real truck and my toy truck we'll be fine.


I have a 4x8 trailer you guys can borrow if you want (seriously). I know you're saying you should be all set Paul but let me know. It's in the driveway and if would make your life easier, swing through, hitch it up and take it away. Just get it back to me in a shorter time than it took to get my freakin' oxygen stone back!!!
Sorry if I offended...I didn't mean the "calling out" comment as "to commit to come"...just to give a definite yea or nay...NOT knowing if people are coming sucks more than knowing no one it coming.

I have a 4x8 trailer you guys can borrow if you want (seriously). I know you're saying you should be all set Paul but let me know. It's in the driveway and if would make your life easier, swing through, hitch it up and take it away. Just get it back to me in a shorter time than it took to get my freakin' oxygen stone back!!!

Paul...would it make more sense JUST to take my truck and maybe the trailer? Save on gas etc..

I have a 4x8 trailer you guys can borrow if you want (seriously). I know you're saying you should be all set Paul but let me know. It's in the driveway and if would make your life easier, swing through, hitch it up and take it away. Just get it back to me in a shorter time than it took to get my freakin' oxygen stone back!!!

This group grape buy is getting like your brew rig build............ will it ever happen?
My manager just canceled my leave request for the 18th. I am a wee bit pissed. My Delaware trip is now questionable and doing anything on Monday is right out.

I'll update if things change, but it doesn't look like I'll be able to make it.
Paul, did you notice this website "Go Ask Alice"..??

Go Ask Alice! - Columbia University's Health Q&A Internet Service

Go Ask Alice! is a health Q&A Internet resource. It works to provide readers with reliable, accurate, accessible, culturally competent information and a range of thoughtful perspectives so that they can make responsible decisions concerning their health and well-being.

I did not get to the "How to Brew Responsibly" section of the site...
Hi all.

Awake and alive after trip home from hell. Left CA at 10:00 Saturday night, got home around 5:00 pm Sunday. I hate all airlines and everything about them. But the Pliny made it home ok so they did something right.

I'm heading out now to meet up with Will and head to CT. I think all of you have my number but if you don't, PM me your number here, I will get notification of the PM on my Iphone and I'll call you back. I expect we'll be back here shortly after noon.

Remember to bring beer when you come, I haven't brewed in a dogs age. I'll pick up some up on the way home. Remember, it takes a lot of beer to make good wine.

The truck's front wheels are touching enough so that we can steer, we're heading for the barn! It's a little crowded in here with all the boxes and the two of us but it's all good. The grapes look really nice, I'm happy with them.

Ok, see you guys at my house in a couple of hours. PTN
Well. the Chilean malbec looks great, PTN was in top form, as usual, and thanks to him we managed a few beer style discoveries, always a good thing! Edit: Kudos to JustMrWill for the round trip to CT, a pretty long drive on a busy interstate highway...!
Thanks to all. And sorry JL for the long wait. The trip took a little longer than planned.

I'll get the action shots posted tomorrow.

Hey guys.

I'm still groggy with jet/vacation lag so I've been slow posting anything here but as you have read, the grapes are at my house, destemmed and crushed. The guys (BTW, we had BullsBeers, JustMrWill, BeerGears and myself as the official crushing party) did a great job and picked up on the essential skills quickly. I had arranged to borrow a friends electric destemmer/crusher but he left on his own vacation over the weekend and was going to leave it in his garage for me, but left withou putting it there. A crusher/destemmer is a machine with a big hopper that you dump the whole bunches of grapes into. it has a worm auger at the bottom that moves the grapes into a cylender about one foot in diameter. The clyender is perforated with a gazillion holes about teh size of grapes and there is a steel rod running thru the center of it. the rod has soft plastic paddles that reach to the sides of the cylender and as the rod rotates the paddlespush the grapes thru the holes. The grapes drop down into the vat and the stems come out the end into a trash bucket. Very nice machine, costs about $1500. I have more sense than money so I don't own one. My friend however has more money than God so he does. Unfortunately, I don't have a key to his house so we were reduced to my old tried and true method, scrubbing the grapes thu a wire basket. It went surprisingly quickly! We go back to my house just after 3pm and were done by 5:30, including cleaning up and drinking. I've done that myself and it is SO much better, faster and easier with more hands.

So I left the grapes overnight to settle and cold soak, if for no other reason than we was supposed to get a frost last night so the yeast wouldn't have done anything anyways. I'll hydrate the yeast and add it later on this afternoon when things have warmed up more. I'll also add my thoughts and reasons for every step as I proceed.

I have all the reciepts and will post a general accounting but we are in to it for just under $900 bucks, not including the $20 I need to give Will for gas money for driving down to CT and back.

Speaking of which, there are a couple of you who have yet to send in your shares. It's all paid for, I covered the amount due. I'm not going to call anyone out, I figure if I don't get the money it's just more wine for me and I'm certainly ok with that. But if you haven't sent you shares in would you please PM me and just let me know where you stand. I am fully aware that the economy is totally different now than it was when we started this co-op and peoples circumstances may be quite different now than they were 6 months ago. I'm in pretty ok shape on that front (maybe only on that front) so I can afford to carry it if it's a problem. Just let me know.

Also, as far as yesterday being a Monday and it being hard for guys to get the day off... Not a problem. It would have been nice for more guys to be there so you could have seen the process and participated but your responsibilities to yourself, you families and your job come WAY before messing around with grapes. The grapes ripened when they ripened, they came when they did, and we got them as soon as possible. Unfortunately that was a Monday and most folks don't have the luxury of just taking a day off during the week. No big deal, the grapes got processed and all is well.

Our next get together will be next Sunday, May 31, if the must cooperates and is done fermenting by then. I plan on pressing that day and bottling the wine that is in the two barrels that our wine will be going into, so if you can, plan on being here that day.

Here are the "action shots"

Very full truck bed...



The infamous destemer/crusher...

Paul taking over because we were drinking too much and not working hard/fast enough...what a slave driver he is...
Beer break photos...
Is it half empty...

...or half full???

Showing off the beauties...

One of the the only pictures that I got to be hands were too sticky to use the camera...

All done...
Paul mashing some grapes to get sugar content..

Almost looks like he is saying a little prayer for great wine...doesn't it?

After getting the readings...we all tried the juice...probably the best grape juice I have ever had...

PAUL - thanks again for allowing use to get sticky with you yesterday...hmmm..that doesn't quite sound right...oh well.

What OG did you get? We crushed about 220 pounds of Malbec (also from Chile) here in Philly on May 9 and our OG was about 1.093 for a potential ABV of about 12.8 percent. Pressed on 5/16 and ended up with about 17 gallons of juice. First time and we loved the whole process.
Nice pics, Will. Good God, I'm a handsome devil.

And good work on the brix to SG research. THe actual formula is "Brix X 0.59 = Potential alcohol." Since we are going to ferment to completion or virtually total dryness we should get an alcohol level of 14.75%.

I tested the must yesterday and got a pH of 3.80 and a titratable acidit of .68. Those are the three key numbers to worry about and they are spot on. I had picked up a pound of tarteric acid when we picked up the grapes in case we needed to add some but I'm ok with .68, it doesn't need to be monkeyed with so I left it alone. I'll post more pics later today of the yeast additions from yesterday. Hopefully we'll have a cap developing by this afternoon and I can do the first punchdown.

Here is a pic of the yeast getting hydrated.



After 1/2 hour of letting the yeast hydrate I added 1/2 cup of the must.

We had activity quickly so I added more must after another 1/2 hour and left everything alone for an hour. Then I portioned out the yeast for the four different fermentors.


Not much more to add at this point, we'll see this afternoon if we have fermentation.

Ok kids,
Here's the latest pics.

You can sort of see how the grapes have started to change appearance, and there is evidence of juice having pushed up thru the grapes. I don't know what happened to the left side of this picture, it looks like it is melting into hyperspace.

You take a plunger (I have a big potato masher) and push the grapes back down into the juice. It's important to maintain the grapes under the juice as much as possible
to extract all the color and flavor from them. You also need to guard against mold, until the alcohol level gets up there is a chance of mold growing on the grapes if they sit up out of the juice for too long. Here is one of the barrels after being just punched down. You can already see how much more juice there is, on Monday it was just solid, pretty intact grapes. I added pectic enzyme on Monday night, it helps everything break down and makes the must noticably 'juicyer' overnight.

Same thing here with the bigger fermenting vessel.



I use a couple of towels draped over this one then cover it with the piece of plywood behind it. Obviously you want to keep the critters out. The biggest concern is fruitflies. They FLOCK to the ferment. Apparently it's the CO2 that attracts them and they carry acetobacter. Not good. Keep away, you little barstids.

I addded some yeast nutrient before I left for work tonight and Mrsthenurse promised to punch them down before she went to bed. I'll hit them again when I get home in the morning and I'll take a Brix reading just for sheets and giggles. It'll be interesting to see how far it's dropped, especially with this hot weather we're having. I'm actually sort of excited by the projected weather, hot at the beginning of the ferment and cooling off as it gets further along. I'm going to add the MLB when we are about 2/3 of the way thru.

We're at 23 Brix. I would expect a major drop in that if we hit 90*F today as forcast. It's supposed to get cool over the weekend but warm back up next week which would be perfect for the MLB, they like it warm. They are finicky little buggers. I got two smack packs of MLB, we should have plenty if I get them pitched before the alcohol level gets too high. MLB don't like cold and they don't like booze. (The exact opposite of your co-op winemaker. Go figure.)

Temp in the barrels was 90*F when I punched down this afternoon. The cap was well up with a thick layer of juice under. It's fun to feel it go from something solid, to something semisolid floating on top of liquid, to liquid over the course of a few weeks.

See you when you get back, Will.

I checked and we were at between 17 and 19 Brix this afternoon before I left for work, depending on which fermentor you were looking at. I'm 99% sure we're on target for next Sunday. Speaking of which, I'm a little surprised that no-one has chimed in with an "I'll be there," or an "I've got a court appearance early on Monday morning, I'll need to miss this one."

Sunday will be a busy day for our wine. Like I said, it should be finished fermenting by then, I will have added the MLB and the cap will probably have fallen. The big job on Sunday is to get the cap pressed and all the wine into a tub to allow the gross lees to settle before it all goes into the barrels to sleep. It's like a secondary, only it only stays in there for a few days.

(What does that all mean, I hear the wine n00bs in the group asking?)

Ok, as you can see from the pics, the tubs are full of fermenting grapes. As the grapes ferment all of the stuff inside the grapes gets released. What we end up with is a tub of liquid (it's wine by this point) with a ton of grapes skins and other schmutz floating in it. We want the wine, we don't want the solids, so we load up everything into a press and press the juice out, leaving the solids (called pommace) behind. It's a fairly busy day, especially since we have 50 +/- gallons to do. Once we get the wine pressed I'll allow it to settle for 24-48 hours to allow the gross lees to settle out. Then I'll pump the wine into the wooden barrels to age.

The fun part of Sunday will be emptying the barrels. The big barrel has 30 gallons of pretty damned good Bordeax blend and the smaller has 15 of a Zin blend. It all has to come out and be bottled before the coop wine can go in. We'll be sampling both plus (IGWS) we'll be partaking liberally in the malbec as we go. It should only take a couple of hours to bottle whats there, it's around 19 cases but with my new bottler we'll make short work of it.

So let me know, ok?

I am going to try and be there. Unfortunately, I have a previous commitment to help some friends move. It should be an easy move, but you never know. After that's done, I'll be driving down.