Lost all my recipes

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Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2011
Reaction score
Fort Wayne
I have beersmith on a flash drive and it stores all my recipes on it as welll. I have been working on a house pale ale, brown porter and a milk oatmeal stout now for the past two years prefecting everything about them along the way. I also have all my different beer recipes on there about 30 or 40 I would guess. Two days ago my youngest son 18 months grabed it some time during the evening out of the computer and I cant find it any where. I have 4 kids 5 and under so it is pure chaos in my house most of the time lol. I ahve searched the entire house and am about to give up so heart broken so much work lost.

My last thought was I'm going to bribe the older kids with a reward of 10 cookies to the one who finds it. A bad week in brewering history for me.
did you look in the basement,outside,in the car? Where the kids have been,even with momma? Where else does she take them? Did you look in there dresser,or closet? Toy box? Look for where they stash stuff they wanna hide too. We have 6,so I remember what it's like.

Seriously though look in the most ridiculous places you can think of. Have you taken the vent covers off and looked in there? Behind your window curtains? That is sad to hear.
I forgot about that one,def look down the ol' black hole. God forbid you have a septic system. When one of our boys was little,he took mommas house & car key & pitch'em down the breather vent pipe for the sewwy hole. Damn kids are worse than ferrets sometimes.
man i am so sorry to hear about this. i really do hope you find it.

i am a nut when it comes to backing up files. i have an in house file server that is in raid 5 i backup all my pictures and important documents to, then my file server is backed up to an outside backup service called crashplan.

for my brewing stuff i use cloud storage. im not sure if youve heard of it, but i use dropbox. you can get a free account from dropbox.com, or if you want to help me out i can refer you and i get some bonus storage. anyways, once you install dropbox, it creates a mapped folder on your computer so that you can drag and drop files to it like a normal folder, but it is actually uploading to dropbox. i changed my beersmith recipe directory to be a directory inside of dropbox. not only is it always backed up, but i can easily access my recipes anywhere. i have my work computer, my laptop, my parents computer, and my home desktop computer all setup this way with beersmith installed so if i ever have some wild idea for a brew, i always have easy access to my brewing notes. if it seems to complicated for you, or anyone, to setup, let me know and i can write out better instructions for it.
It's with the legos.

Worst case scenario you quadruple your yearly brew days and end up right back where you were in no time :mug:

Good luck with the search.
for my brewing stuff i use cloud storage. im not sure if youve heard of it, but i use dropbox. you can get a free account from dropbox.com, or if you want to help me out i can refer you and i get some bonus storage. anyways, once you install dropbox, it creates a mapped folder on your computer so that you can drag and drop files to it like a normal folder, but it is actually uploading to dropbox. i changed my beersmith recipe directory to be a directory inside of dropbox. not only is it always backed up, but i can easily access my recipes anywhere. i have my work computer, my laptop, my parents computer, and my home desktop computer all setup this way with beersmith installed so if i ever have some wild idea for a brew, i always have easy access to my brewing notes.

I do the same. Just have to make sure to close Beersmith when you're done because DropBox can erase your changes. For instance; If you make changes on Computer 1 with it open on Computer 2, and close out on Computer 1, you'll lose your changes once you close it on Computer 2.
The older kids and cookies didn't work my house is now one hell of a mess they went through everything looking for it amazing what 10 cookies can do. I decided to give the youngest another flash drive to play with and he led me right to the one I was looking for, hiden deep behind the computer desk. AWESOME AWESOME thanks all.
unionrdr said:
I forgot about that one,def look down the ol' black hole. God forbid you have a septic system. When one of our boys was little,he took mommas house & car key & pitch'em down the breather vent pipe for the sewwy hole. Damn kids are worse than ferrets sometimes.

Damn right they are lol
nootay said:
man i am so sorry to hear about this. i really do hope you find it.

i am a nut when it comes to backing up files. i have an in house file server that is in raid 5 i backup all my pictures and important documents to, then my file server is backed up to an outside backup service called crashplan.

for my brewing stuff i use cloud storage. im not sure if youve heard of it, but i use dropbox. you can get a free account from dropbox.com, or if you want to help me out i can refer you and i get some bonus storage. anyways, once you install dropbox, it creates a mapped folder on your computer so that you can drag and drop files to it like a normal folder, but it is actually uploading to dropbox. i changed my beersmith recipe directory to be a directory inside of dropbox. not only is it always backed up, but i can easily access my recipes anywhere. i have my work computer, my laptop, my parents computer, and my home desktop computer all setup this way with beersmith installed so if i ever have some wild idea for a brew, i always have easy access to my brewing notes. if it seems to complicated for you, or anyone, to setup, let me know and i can write out better instructions for it.

I need to start backing up files good point, thanks
I have one copy in a harddrive, one copy handwritten on a notebook and one copy on a separate server that makes backups 6 times a day so I think it's next to impossible to lose recipes.
Did you look behind the fridge :)

I feel your pain in that I have overwritten many a recipe that I have re-brewed and tweaked without saving the original. I also have forgotten to plug in gravity readings, etc. so that when the time comes to take an FG reading and determine attenuation I am SOL. What I am now doing is printing out the recipe so that I have a written copy of it where I make certain to write down the important things in addition to having a copy of the ingredients. If I forget to plug things into BS on my Mac I have a backup. Not the most efficient perhaps but this practice has saved me more times than I care to remember.
The older kids and cookies didn't work my house is now one hell of a mess they went through everything looking for it amazing what 10 cookies can do. I decided to give the youngest another flash drive to play with and he led me right to the one I was looking for, hiden deep behind the computer desk. AWESOME AWESOME thanks all.

HAHAHA you had to give them a similar item so they would lead you to the original... man that was some good thinking!
You have to think one step ahead of your adversary....crafty little buggers them kids are.
for my brewing stuff i use cloud storage. im not sure if youve heard of it, but i use dropbox. you can get a free account from dropbox.com, or if you want to help me out i can refer you and i get some bonus storage. anyways, once you install dropbox, it creates a mapped folder on your computer so that you can drag and drop files to it like a normal folder, but it is actually uploading to dropbox. i changed my beersmith recipe directory to be a directory inside of dropbox. not only is it always backed up, but i can easily access my recipes anywhere. i have my work computer, my laptop, my parents computer, and my home desktop computer all setup this way with beersmith installed so if i ever have some wild idea for a brew, i always have easy access to my brewing notes. if it seems to complicated for you, or anyone, to setup, let me know and i can write out better instructions for it.

Was going to suggest the same thing. I do this with BeerAlchemy (OSX recipe/batch management app). Highly recommended.