Lighter Oatmeal Stout

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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2013
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Hi guys,

This time I brewed an Oatmeal Stout, and I'm afraid it is light in colour again. Last time I brewed a Porter that was more like a dark Belgian in colour.

This stout appears dark brown in colour, like dark chocolate, but not brown.
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, my only guess is that the oatmeal is whitening the brew, but it is not supposed to be like that.
It is this colour before the fermentation, so it is not because of the yeast.

I first cooked 500 grams of quick-quaker in 2.5 gallons of water (white-ish liquid), and then steeped these grain for 30 minutes over the proper heat:

Amt Name Type # %/IBU

75.0 g Caramunich Malt (110.3 EBC) Grain 3 3.8 %
150.0 g Roasted Barley (591.0 EBC) Grain 2 7.6 %
150.0 g Carafa III (1034.3 EBC) Grain 1 7.6 %
50.0 g Chocolate Wheat Malt (788.0 EBC) Grain 5 2.5 %
50.0 g Acid Malt (5.9 EBC) Grain 4 2.5 %

I also used LME during the boil
1500.0 g Pale Liquid Extract (15.8 EBC) Extract 6 75.9 %
This is a 2.5 gallons batch.

What am I missing here every time?
I started with 14 liters, ended with 11 liters in fermenter.
What do you mean by that?
I didn't say if is necessarily a bad beer, I'm asking why this stout isn't black like what's typical for the genre.

I'm looking to get better.
Assuming the measurements you gave me are right the math says your color is 39.7 SMR. The high end of an oatmeal stout is 40. If your color is indeed off then your measurements are wrong or your doing something strange with your steep. I don't mean to be condescending but it feels like your not giving me all the pertinent info.
I'm sorry, the details I gave you was for the IPA I brewed the same day.

This one started with 15 liters and ended with 13.
According to Beersmith it should still be black.

OG is .049 if it matters.
Now we are getting somewhere. I agree with beer smith. 35.4 SMR. Maybe a picture is in order? Right now I'm working blind.
500 grams :)
These pictures does not reflect the colour so good...



That hydrometer sample does look porterishly brown..... Oh. You used something from the cereal isle of the grocery store didn't you? :)

Adding 500g flaked oats (from your LHBS) didn't budge the color. Quaker oats are the oatmeal equivalent of white rice. Not quite the same. Not a whole oat and bleached (i think).
Yes. It is a package of quaker quick oats, a recommendation from the seller...
I'm sure it will taste the same but could be the cause of your albino stout. I suggest waiting it out and see if it darkens in the fermenter. The oatmeal may flocculate like yeast and leave your beer the proper black color. Next time you brew this get your oats from the LHBS and see if it makes any difference in color.