Light beer

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Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2011
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Know prety much all of us on here are here bc they love everything their is about a craft brew. But im wondering is there any of is that will sometimes indulge on a not so good beer just for going out sake im talking anything from bud light to even the cheap stuff. Keystone light or natty light! Can i get a survey.
I prefer Keystone or Miller Light with a craft beer or two mixed in if I'm on a boat, fishing, or drinking all day. Too many hops will stuff me up and make me sleepy. Too many 6% beers, and, well, you know...

Plus, a half case of Key Light is affordable
No. The "lite" beers are water added versions of their regular beers. If I am going out, which the wife and I do weekly, we go to our fav. Pub with 22 beers on tap and over300 in bottles from around the world. We limit ourselves to two. If I am a guest and that is all they have, like at a picnic or bbq, then I will have one to be polite then switch to a cocktail or soft drink. I bottle from keg and have a couple of milds of different styles in summer that I fill for things like fishing.
I grew up in Pottsville, PA so i was pretty much raised on Yuengling. It's still my go to beer when I'm broke.
I have friends that pretty much only keystone lite. I live in the country so we have bonfires and such pretty often that will last til pretty late. I love my beers but i can drink keystone lite or something similar literally all day and night and not go broke or be completely wasted.

And yuengling is def always in the fridge for the wife so i will have a few of those as well
The most common opinion I see on here (which I agree with) is that light macro beer has its time and place. My non-craft drinking friends are all partial to Miller Lite so if I'm over at one of their houses, that's what I'm drinking. I'm not a huge fan, but I prefer it to the Bud and Coors equivalents. My cheapo beer of choice is PBR, and I have no shame drinking it.
I will go a long way to avoid drinking tasteless pleasureless beers. I'll drink ice tea or lemonade if crappy beer is the alternative.

But I had an Amstel Light the other day at the home of a friend who insisted I not bring the beer ("We have plenty of beer!") Godawful stuff. Just horrible. I honestly can't see what pleasure anyone could get from drinking Amstel Light.

On the up side, the next evening we ended up at another friend's home and he had a chilled case of Stone IPA. Pure pleasure.

I don't really think I'm a beer snob, but if there's a vote, count me in the "life is too damned short to drink crap beer" group...

I would rather go without than choke down some nasty can of beer if we are out to a party and there is a keg of miller lite,coors light, or something like that I become the dd I once left a wedding reception that was serving miller lite and found a beverage bought myself a case of hopdevil and a foam cooler

I guess I am kind of a beer snob
It is that time of the month again. That is how often this topic / A new thread seems to appear.

As for the topic. I have recently brewed a semiclose clone of the original Hamm's recipe. I have also brewed up other lighter ales for my lawn mowing needs but all my beers taste good (at least to me).

If the question is will I drink crappy commercial beers the answer is absolutely not. I do not drink ANYTHING made by BMC or breweries that are partners with BMC.


Never. At least none of the usual choices. The closest I get to an exception Is a Negra Modelo at a Mexican place. Tecate if I must, because I like the
The closest I'll come is a Negra Model at a Mexican restaurant, though I it's definitely not in the same category as light layers. I'll also drink a Yuengling lager if nothing better is available. I'll always turn down BMC beers. If I'm going to a party with potentially dubious beverage choices, I'll bring a mixed 12 pack of good beer to share.
I will put down some industrial light lager if I want to drink but my options are severely limited. It works if the goal is to get wasted or I'm outdoors. I can handle Bud products or even Miller but I have a hard time with Coors or anything more watery like Keystone or PBR.
I've gotten to the point where I can't even drink that stuff. I have no problems nor am I bothered by those that like it. I just can't drink it. I'll opt for wine if there are no full bodied beers or even a cocktail.

I think I am a beer snob wanna be.
High Life, PBR, Yuengling if I'm at a bar and $ is low. Miller Lite or Key lite if I'm drinking for 8+ hours outdoors.

All other times I'll take a craft brew.