Life regrets

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Nov 26, 2016
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I'm pretty happy with my gig, happily married for 22+ years, at the top of my game professionally, rocking a 2 br townhouse rental, I'm living the a dream. Been thrown a few sliders, but whatevs, I'm content.

Then I start to think about the things I didn't do... and start making a list.

-Fighter pilot. Or, more likely, crappy cropduster. Motor skills aside, still sounds like a solid alt timeline.

-Astronaut. See above.

-Poet. Ye cannot grasp ye depths of ye grasp of ye English. Yeet.

-Business man. Have ye met me?

Somewhere way down that list is one where i regret having never gotten into d&d. I have a friend who has played every Thursday night with a small group for like 25 years. They dress up and act out their parts and everything. He's asked me to join a time or two, but it felt like starting a movie in the middle so I always declined. Its taken a lot of years to realize that it was ye missed opportunity.
Life it too short to have regrets. That said... I regret being a more "HANDS ON" dad. I should have spanked my kids more... HA HA HA HA.. Just kidding! I have GREAT kids. I do regret selling my 1974 Jensen Interceptor III. I also wish I started jumping out of airplanes a LOT sooner so I could be in the "Squirrel Suit" Club! Uhhh I want that in my life!

Also would like to have learned that pizza master spinning the dough thing where they spin it around in the air so effortlessly. Those guys have all the friends. I'm like kneading cookie dough ffs.
Life it too short to have regrets. That said... I regret being a more "HANDS ON" dad. I should have spanked my kids more... HA HA HA HA.. Just kidding! I have GREAT kids. I do regret selling my 1974 Jensen Interceptor III. I also wish I started jumping out of airplanes a LOT sooner so I could be in the "Squirrel Suit" Club! Uhhh I want that in my life!

Man, the Jensen Interceptor III sounds like the coolest BMX bike ever. I though I was cool with my Checker Pig!
I'm pretty happy with my gig, happily married for 22+ years, at the top of my game professionally, rocking a 2 br townhouse rental, I'm living the a dream. Been thrown a few sliders, but whatevs, I'm content.

Then I start to think about the things I didn't do... and start making a list.

-Fighter pilot. Or, more likely, crappy cropduster. Motor skills aside, still sounds like a solid alt timeline.

-Astronaut. See above.

-Poet. Ye cannot grasp ye depths of ye grasp of ye English. Yeet.

-Business man. Have ye met me?

Somewhere way down that list is one where i regret having never gotten into d&d. I have a friend who has played every Thursday night with a small group for like 25 years. They dress up and act out their parts and everything. He's asked me to join a time or two, but it felt like starting a movie in the middle so I always declined. Its taken a lot of years to realize that it was ye missed opportunity.
It's never too late to learn to fly, and it doesn't take exceptional motor skills (I am a testament to that.) It does take commitment, and good work/study habits. I didn't take my first lesson until I was over 40. Got my license, and then took 25 years off (long story.) Didn't buy my first airplane until I was well into my 60's. I didn't want to have regrets - so I don't.

Brew on :mug:
No regrets: Didn't get into S&M, drinking whiskey, or running for political office.

Regrets: Should have kept up with playing music, flipped houses or other entrepreneurial pursuit instead of being a slave for a paycheck + pension + benefits, gotten divorced earlier and been more active in the area of civil rights and fighting injustice.
I too want to learn how to fly and crop dusting would be a blast. And I say join your friends for some D&D. I am sure they will take you in and get you up to speed. It is better to try and fail and not try at all.
There's an old saying amongst crop dusters: "If the wires don't get you, the chemicals will."

I've done a lot of different gigs in aero machines, but crop dusting isn't one of them. Oh, I've watched them do their thing and vicariously pondered what it would be like to participate in that aerial ballet. Low-level navigation at 400+ knots/200' AGL is exciting enough, second only to carrier landings and cat launches. But even at 73 years old, life is too short for me to try crop dusting.
Not trying harder to maintain the relationships from my childhood. People like family friends, roles models, etc. I left a bad home situation when I was 18 and never really came back. I'm from a very small town so I would try to visit but certain people would hear about me and try to get involved in my life again. Eventually, I turned my back completely. I sacrificed almost all relationships from the first 18 years of my life in exchange for mental and emotional stability. Now, as I grow older I am watching people that I loved deeply from that town die as relative strangers to me. It's a hard thing to watch and I always wonder if it could have been different.

Also, I wish I had gone to a Tom Petty concert before he died. RIP, Tom.
Well if we're doing that sort of thing... Ray Charles for $50 a ticket when I was in grad school and living on $600 a month. Should have just not eaten for a week. I was young. It would have been OK.
I had nowhere near as good of an excuse. I just convinced myself that he'd be around for a while and that I would go the next time. You live and (sometimes) learn..
Well if we're doing that sort of thing... Ray Charles for $50 a ticket when I was in grad school and living on $600 a month. Should have just not eaten for a week. I was young. It would have been OK.
Oh, man, that's nuthin'. I had the chance to go to Woodstock, but passed on it to go see a gal in Atlanta. She dumped me.

Years later a friend wanted me to go see Elvis. I passed. So did Elvis. It was his last concert.
I don't do regrets. That said, in another life, maybe I would have been a pastor, a mutual fund manager, or a software developer.

Ok, one regret. I had the opportunity to fly across the Atlantic in the Concord, and didn't.
So many, many things, some are kinda depressing. Running away from home at 19 to live with/marry a man whose only saving grace was fathering my absolutely wonderful child; I still have nightmares on occasion about our 6.5 years together. Not keeping my pharmacy tech license, I miss that occupation daily. On a lighter note, I do kinda regret not getting into homebrewing earlier in my life; but these last 7 years have taught me so much, brought me a lot of new friends, and gave me a sense of accomplishment that I never felt in school or most of my work life.
It's always hard to say what you regret, cause I might regret not finishing Uni the first time round, but if I hadn't dropped out then I wouldn't have met my wife at the shitty callcenter I worked and moved to finland.

I do wish my parents would have had the money for me to get into karting, I did pretty well in local series as a friend had his own cart we both used, but never could get forward but it's an expensive sport.
It's always hard to say what you regret, cause I might regret not finishing Uni the first time round, but if I hadn't dropped out then I wouldn't have met my wife at the shitty callcenter I worked and moved to finland.
I agree except for the part about it making it hard to say what I regret. For me, regretting something is not the same as saying I would do it differently. I've done plenty of boneheaded 💩 that I regret. I've made bad decisions. I've treated people poorly. I've been disappointed in myself. I try my best to be introspective when that happens and I hope that I grow better as a person. That has led to my current existence, and this version of me certainly wouldn't change anything. I still plan to have regrets, though. Instead of looking backward and dwelling on those regrets I choose to use them to inform my path forward.
Regrets, I've had a few
But then again too few to mention
I did what I had to do
I saw it through without exemption
I planned each charted course
Each careful step along the byway
And more, much more than this
I did it my way

Oh, wait… this isn’t music match. Carry on. ;)
I am the reason why health care is so expensive - and I should be regretful :D

I've been going through an extensive "physical" that has so far included xrays and an MRI and a CT with contrast - all of my knees - a low-dose CT lung cancer screening, an abdominal ultrasound, and a bunch of blood tests. After all of that and with all the damage noted including lots of titanium holding big pieces of me together, my cohort of docs have concluded I should be full of regrets, but I'm apparently not leaving our shared Reality anytime soon...

Bill Murray Dalai Llama GIF

Cheers! ;)
Regrets, I've had a few
But then again too few to mention
I did what I had to do
I saw it through without exemption
I planned each charted course
Each careful step along the byway
And more, much more than this
I did it my way

Oh, wait… this isn’t music match. Carry on. ;)

That's what I wish I said.
I regret not enjoying some foods when I was young that I have to limit in middle age. I'm lookin' at you, ham and beans and cabbage and brussels sprouts. Basically all the stuff I hated as a kid. Really tears me a new one every time but honestly, so freaking worth the ass music.
Looking back at my young self I would say ditch the southern moral up bringing and have more sex. 😁
Souther Baptist / Pentecostal upbringing here, I know what you mean. There was some sex going on among those sick freaks but not the kind that anyone would ever acknowledge. Truly scary.
Somewhere way down that list is one where i regret having never gotten into d&d. I have a friend who has played every Thursday night with a small group for like 25 years. They dress up and act out their parts and everything. He's asked me to join a time or two, but it felt like starting a movie in the middle so I always declined. Its taken a lot of years to realize that it was ye missed opportunity.

I had a friend in middle school who tried to have us play online over MSN messanger. Being a farm kid, I couldn't really make their schedule work and they kicked me out. Despite wanting to, I haven't played since.

Dressing up and acting the part... if LARPing is your jam I don't want to yuck your yum, but that's just not something I could see myself doing.

If you really want to check it out without feeling like you're dragging a team down, I suggest you head over to, I believe WotC has a channel where you can watch people play. Since I'm having trouble finding their channel, and I don't miss an opportunity to tell people about LoadingReadyRun, a Canadian sketch comedy and Twitch streaming group have two D&D campaigns on YouTube that I really enjoy:

Temple of the Lava Bears

Escape From Semolo Plateau

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