Just how cool is SWMBO?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2010
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Central Wisconsin
The other day, I broached the idea of a kegerator to go along with the new casino table bar SHE bought. The idea was very well received and lauded with stories about how her dad had a single tap kegerator in the basement and a few anecdotes about the good times she had.

So, we got a totally unexpected check for $200 and SWMBO says, without me saying or asking a thing, just out of the blue really, "I don't see why you can't use this $200 for brewing supplies if you want."

Just how cool is THAT?
Can your friends see your wife? Do people ask you who you are talking to when in public?

It's not real unless we see a picture

Really you are a lucky guy!
Ha ya pics or it never happened... My lovely SWMBO is a hard ass when it comes to my 'man craziness'. She's a firm believer that men don't need any dedicated space and that I'm clearly insane to want a bar in the basement... and not her martini lounge idea... FML
Can your friends see your wife? Do people ask you who you are talking to when in public?

It's not real unless we see a picture

Really you are a lucky guy!

Lol. Mine seems made up too. She still has the figure of a bikini model at 35 and after 3 kids. She does not however EVER allocate funds for brewing.

So you've got me.
Ha ya pics or it never happened... My lovely SWMBO is a hard ass when it comes to my 'man craziness'. She's a firm believer that men don't need any dedicated space and that I'm clearly insane to want a bar in the basement... and not her martini lounge idea... FML

Maybe you should call ADAM. ;)

My SWMBO let me build a brew room (in progress) in the basement and let's me brew whenever I want. I also have 3 kids. She is just very understanding of my needs. Here's a picture of us just so you know she is real. :mug:

I'd be suspicious of her. NO way do I ever get a surprise like that without her wanting something in return.
I'd be suspicious of her. NO way do I ever get a surprise like that without her wanting something in return.

No, its not that bad. The other day my SWMBO told me that she was going to get me a roller mill and a gift card for $150 for supplies for Christmas. She's totally behind me too!:rockin:
I guess the good part with us is I can spend all the money I want on any of my hobbies hahah as long as I keep it all in my un-winterized sheds... Those shed next summer are going to get some serious upgrading ;) ;)
Maybe you should call ADAM. ;)

My SWMBO let me build a brew room (in progress) in the basement and let's me brew whenever I want. I also have 3 kids. She is just very understanding of my needs. Here's a picture of us just so you know she is real. :mug:

How do we know that is you.

You guys having trouble getting brewing funds allocated are going about it all wrong. I purchased my wife a complete wine making kit with all the nicest gadgets for xmas last year. She has so much fun with her wine that she hasn't opposed a single purchase I've made for my gear.
Very cool.

Mine is very supportive. She puts up with the mess I make of her kitchen when I brew, and helps me through the process. She got a kick out of swirling the last yeast starter I made. :D
In the Spring I was getting ready to bottle a batch of BM's Blonde, the second batch of beer I bottled that weekend. Cleaning and sanitizing the bottles and what not.

My SWMBO kept going in and out of the kitchen doing her thing and she said, "That's it, go get a keg system. Take my card and go get whatever you need. I'm tired of watching you have to go through all of that."

I married her in July!

mine hasnt done anything that cool, but she said something pretty funny the other night about those new resealable pints all the BMCs are coming out with"what the hell do you need a resealable cap for. drink the dam beer"
I'm very lucky mine lets me buy whatever I want without ever asking and my brewery shows it. Besides I'm the one with the job not her. Congrations on the new kegerator.
Danger, Danger, Danger!!!!!! Do not ever, ever, ever let her hear you say that. It would be best to not even think that thought again. I am absolutely, deadly serious.

Sounds like you had a traumatic experience. Would it help to talk about it?
Sounds like you had a traumatic experience. Would it help to talk about it?

I think he was providing a bit of mature, experienced advice that thinking "my job, my money, and I'll do what I want" is a really juvenile and prickish way to act in a marriage relationship. Not saying that jgardner meant it that way, but trust me, as a SAHD myself, I can assure you that the security issues faced by someone who has to DAILY deal with the reality that their SO is earning all the bread (whether by mutual decision or unfortunate circumstance... and I've been in both places) is already a decent-sized mindscrew without having to deal with a partner who basically feels that all the money they make is theirs to do what they please with and you don't get a say.

THAT attitude can end a marriage quickly. If my wife said anything like that to me, and I thought she was serious, I'd be in hell.
I think he was providing a bit of mature, experienced advice that thinking "my job, my money, and I'll do what I want" is a really juvenile and prickish way to act in a marriage relationship. Not saying that jgardner meant it that way, but trust me, as a SAHD myself, I can assure you that the security issues faced by someone who has to DAILY deal with the reality that their SO is earning all the bread (whether by mutual decision or unfortunate circumstance... and I've been in both places) is already a decent-sized mindscrew without having to deal with a partner who basically feels that all the money they make is theirs to do what they please with and you don't get a say.

THAT attitude can end a marriage quickly. If my wife said anything like that to me, and I thought she was serious, I'd be in hell.

No I didn't mean it like that. Thats just the way its always been in my marriage. I'm in the Army and deployed three time to combat about to go again so thats where a lot of my brewing stuff comes from, that deployment money. My wife is very simple and doesn't like a lot of things. As long as she has a book to read she is happy.
No I didn't mean it like that. Thats just the way its always been in my marriage. I'm in the Army and deployed three time to combat about to go again so thats where a lot of my brewing stuff comes from, that deployment money. My wife is very simple and doesn't like a lot of things. As long as she has a book to read she is happy.

Ah, understood... I think Pappers and I have just both known our fair share of people that meant it the other way. I'm glad you've worked it out so well between you... and thanks for your service, I really appreciate it!
Okay, I got a great picture to post, but it's gotta wait. I'm pretty much brain dead after a LONG day and just don't feel up to futzing with uploading and all that stuff just now.

So far I've only spent $100 on supplies/equipment but I did get a confirmed okay for kegs too. And, SWMBO even helped point out the Home Despot insulation for Son of Fermenter for HER lagers. Then she suggested a refrigerator might be more convenient. We even talked about a keezer. Got the okay for either one. How's that?

Oh my, so much to do, and brew, and my damn job keeps interfering with my WORK!
The only time my wife ever mentions homebrewing is when she tells me "Could you clear all your beer bottles (TAD bottles, 12 oz, 22 oz, and EZ cap) off the counter" Or when I tell her I'm brewing, she says "Well I guess I'll do something with the kids while you're brewing your beer". It's always a smart a$$ remark or some way of letting me know she doesn't approve. And we all know wives way of SAYING something without actually SAYING it. The funny part of it all is that SHE was the one that suggested I brew my own beer. So I think I'm trying to say that my wife is NOT cool......AT ALL. but she doesn't drink, and i slap the daylights out of her when I do, so I guess I should understand.
Although my wife does sometimes complain about bottles in totes sitting in *her* office (the rest of the brewing equipment is in my office), she is totally supportive of the hobby. During a recent budget conversation, she even said that the beer hobby has to be in there!
Maybe you should call ADAM. ;)

My SWMBO let me build a brew room (in progress) in the basement and let's me brew whenever I want. I also have 3 kids. She is just very understanding of my needs. Here's a picture of us just so you know she is real. :mug:

In your picture, is she wearing a Michigan State sweatshirt or the "other place"?

Go Green!
Mine has gotten more supportive since I started brewing Cider and Mead for her. She encourages me to buy more kegs, and is always on me to brew more Cider. lol I just found out she's getting me a kegerator for Christmas too. She's awesome.
In your picture, is she wearing a Michigan State sweatshirt or the "other place"?

Go Green!

That is a MSU sweatshirt. We just moved from Michigan a year ago and she is a MSU grad. I am a Michigan fan and so I wouldn't get clobbered at the Wisconsin game last year I wore red. MSU is actually looking real good this year; I hate to say.
I hope I find a guy who is as supportive as some as your wives! Just like most of the people on here, my hobby has gotten out of control. The only place that beer isn't stored in my house is my own bedroom and the bathroom. :)

I hope I find a guy who is as supportive as some as your wives! Just like most of the people on here, my hobby has gotten out of control. The only place that beer isn't stored in my house is my own bedroom and the bathroom. :)


I found a good man who enjoys the fruits of my labor :) He is my chief bottle capper and heavy bucket carrier and is really good at helping me to critique the beer to make it better... I try to keep the brewing to days when he works outside the home - the last time he walked in and asked "What smells like a wet dog in here???" (no wort smell for YOU... come back 1 year...)

I only have one room where no beer is being stored and that is my hubby's office. Both bathrooms, the master bedroom and the guest bedroom, the coat closet (overflowing) and the living room. If the room has a lot of sunlight, I usually store mead or cordials there :)
but she doesn't drink, and i slap the daylights out of her when I do, so I guess I should understand.

I'm sure hoping that's a piss poor joke. Where I'm from, that'll get you a one way trip into the swamp with a dog tied around your neck. (Gators love dogs)

Instead of hijacking the thread, I was going to post my picture here but SWMBO deserves better than being in the same response as that quote.

Yup, that's SWMBO, with a napkin on her head. I believe things started when a lady friend needed certain feminine products. SWMBO, to show her support, ended up wearing a napkin. Or a rag if you will.
we finally renovated our dinning room. I asked if we could add a dual tap keg; she was game because we were way under budget. It has been the best thing we have added to our house in a long time. Makes parties easy and who everyone loves draft beer.

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