input on hop schedule for ESB

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Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2009
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I threw this together today and plan on brewing tomorrow. Nothing I can do about the grist, but was wondering about the hop schedule. I have 1 oz each of EKG (5%) and Northdown (10.6%). This is what I came up with, though I was wondering if I should throw the other 0.5 oz of EKG in there somewhere. Any thoughts?

(Note: this is for 3.5 gallon batch)

Recipe Specifications
Batch Size: 3.50 gal
Estimated OG: 1.057 SG
Estimated Color: 11.6 SRM
Estimated IBU: 39.7 IBU
Brewhouse Efficiency: 70.00 %
Boil Time: 60 Minutes

Amount Item Type % or IBU
7 lbs Maris Otter (Muntons) (4.0 SRM) Grain 93.33 %
4.0 oz Crystal Extra Dark - 120L (Muntons) (120.0 SRM) Grain 3.33 %
4.0 oz Crystal Light - 45L (Muntons) (45.0 SRM) Grain 3.33 %
0.50 oz Northdown [10.60 %] (60 min) Hops 30.0 IBU
0.50 oz Goldings, East Kent [5.00 %] (20 min) Hops 4.8 IBU
0.50 oz Northdown [10.60 %] (1 min) Hops 5.0 IBU
1 Pkgs SafAle (DCL Yeast #S-05) Yeast-Ale

I'll probably mash at 152ish.
I know you said there is nothing you can do about the grist, but I am puzzled.
You say 4.0 oz Crystal Extra Dark - 120L (Muntons) (120.0 SRM) Grain 3.33 %
4.0 oz Crystal Light - 45L (Muntons) (45.0 SRM) Grain 3.33 %
I use Muntons malt, but the dark crystal that I can get is listed as 135 - 164L, not 120L, and the normal crystal is listed as 49 - 64L, not 45L
I like the normal crystal in an ESB, but find the dark crystal imparts some severe off flavors, similar to using roasted barley. I'd eliminate the dark crystal completely. If you insist on using it, I'd cut it down to no more than 1 oz.
For the hops, I use additions at 60, 15, and 0 minutes, and try to use Goldings for the late additions. i.e. I'd change the 1 minute addition from Northdown to Goldings. However, I've never used Northdown, so I can't say what difference that would make.
As for the yeast, I would use WLP002 or Wy1968, or S-04 if you want to use dry yeast. The S-05 is much too dry for an ESB, but my interpretation of an ESB is based on Fullers ESB. Your interpretation may be different.

I second ajf's recommendation for hops. Use the Northdown only for bittering. EKG for flavour and aroma. I would also go with his yeast recommendations. I use Wyeast 1968 for bitters, special bitters and ESB's. S-05 is much too clean for these styles.

This was thrown together on a whim. I had an itch to brew something and had a small window to get to my LHBS (only open Wed - Sat). The grist is already crushed together - no going back. Yes, it is Muntons @ the colors ajf indicated above - hopefully any off flavors won't be too bad. I grabbed the s-05 since my ferm temps are likely to be highish (limited temp control) and I thought s-04 would be too estery. I am thinking the high temps will pull enough esters out of s-05.

I've read a lot about how Northdown has "excellent" aroma and flavor, so I'd like to try some late. Just wasn't 100% sure about amounts and timing.
I grabbed the s-05 since my ferm temps are likely to be highish (limited temp control) and I thought s-04 would be too estery. I am thinking the high temps will pull enough esters out of s-05.

I set up a swamp cooler to help keep temps down. Perhaps it is working too well. The water bath in the cooler is down to 62.5F. Maybe I should have gone with S-04 after all. Oh well. At least I know now that I can keep fermentation temps down (though weather here has been spectacular - wonder if I could still keep temps down under more adverse conditions)
+1 on dry hopping. The best success I have ever had with dry hopping has been EKG. This looks like a great recipe, very good drinker.
Northdown is awesome! I believe it's one of the main hops used by Fullers, as both bittering, late hopping, and dry hopping. To maintain balance in an ESB, use restraint with late and dry hops - I'd suggest no more than 1/2oz of each
Hop schedule looks fine though next time around I would ditch the extra dark malt for some Victory malt, and definitely use S-04 instead of US-05.
Very much concur with dropping the dark malt. I wanted to add color to my ESB and used 4oz simpsons dark crystal(~160L).

It is 4 weeks old in the keg and so far I am not liking it. I'm thinking it will mellow out, but then again the hops will mellow out too.

My hops looked like this:

1oz Target at 60
.5oz EK golding 60

.5oz EK golding 5

I know the harshness is not from the hops because I get somewhat of a burnt taste on the middle of my palate suggesting malt because I didn't use any flavor hops.
Although all our tastebuds are different, I think you are fine with the darker crystal. You are using a yeast that will attenuate the beer, so you may be able to pick it out over the other malts/flavors. That's not necessarily a bad thing, you'll at least get to know it better than in a stout or other muddled recipe.

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