"I love bocks, I drink shiner all the time" is starting to piss me off.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2014
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The first time I had shiner bock was about 10 years ago. I was an 18 year old college student asking adults for help buying beer and sneaking it into the dorms.

At a pint of my life it was my go to beer. I then turned 22 years old started earning $50K a year and living at home rent free and splitting bills. I started tasting new beers, with my spare cash, amongst them bocks which made me realize SHINER BOCK is not a BOCK.

I like the beer, but I hate it when bock is mentioned and someone brings up shiner bock.

Eg "what's your favorite beer style?" "Bock" "oh like shiner bock? I love it's full taste!"
Lol. It's the Coors of Texas. I remember buying a six pack at my local bottle shop and the cashier laughed at me. Not a proud moment
I work at a package store here in CT and that is one of the beers I get asked about fairly often that doesn't come into connecticut. I even find the empty cans in our returns room. I was always curious about it because I found it so odd people were looking for shiner bock and didn't go for other great bock choices: paulaner, hooker liberator... etc.

Now I know...
If you find yourself getting pissed off about beer styles, stop talking about beer.

I don't like Shiner Bock either, but not because it's a big fat liar. I simply dislike the flavor. I know it's not style correct. That doesn't mean someone else can't like it. And it doesn't mean those who do like it deserve a BJCP-nerd-rage filled rant, either.

I'd probably like it. I've never had it, but I'd already assumed it was NOT an actual bock. Maybe I should make some attempt to find a bottle and see what gives.
If you find yourself getting pissed off about beer styles, stop talking about beer.

I don't like Shiner Bock either, but not because it's a big fat liar. I simply dislike the flavor. I know it's not style correct. That doesn't mean someone else can't like it. And it doesn't mean those who do like it deserve a BJCP-nerd-rage filled rant, either.


Agreed 100%. I like cars and I like beers, but I've never found an interests in knowing which brand/style/model/year by pure looks and/or flavor. I enjoy beer.

Sometimes I buy a case of 'stones for the enjoyment (not sure if it is flavor or memories :cross:). Styles aren't my thing.. to each their own. :mug:
I'd probably like it. I've never had it, but I'd already assumed it was NOT an actual bock. Maybe I should make some attempt to find a bottle and see what gives.

Its definetly not an actual bock. Iirc it used to be before they changed the recipe a couple decades back because the general public bought more light beers than anything and they thought they could sell more that way. They just didn't change the name. Its still a good beer, far and away better than any bmc.
Everything's relative, it's craft beer and that's more than you can say about 80% of the beers purchased in this country. It's been a few years since I tried one, but I remember it was a caramely malt forward slightly sweet beer, much more flavor than the Coors mentioned above.
Who owns Shiners? InBev or SABMiller?

Not that they can't make good beer but I know one of the big guys owns them.

Even though it is not true to the bock style it is still pretty tasty!
These types of threads remind me of this guy:


Damn people get over yourselves. All beer is good, even the ones that have some warts on them. They all have their place, they all have their role.

Now where did I put down my can of PBR....
16 oz'er I hope! PBR rules! Been drinking PBR since I started down the road of drunken debauchery!-)
The first time I had shiner bock was about 10 years ago. I was an 18 year old college student asking adults for help buying beer and sneaking it into the dorms.

At a pint of my life it was my go to beer. I then turned 22 years old started earning xxxx a year and living at home rent free and splitting bills. I started tasting new beers, with my spare cash, amongst them bocks which made me realize SHINER BOCK is not a BOCK.

I like the beer, but I hate it when bock is mentioned and someone brings up shiner bock.

Eg "what's your favorite beer style?" "Bock" "oh like shiner bock? I love it's full taste!"

I would be more concerned about where those missing 4 years went than who likes Shiner bock..
Who owns Shiners? InBev or SABMiller?

Not that they can't make good beer but I know one of the big guys owns them.

Even though it is not true to the bock style it is still pretty tasty!

It's owned by Gambrinus, in San Antonio, and brewed at the Spoetzl Brewery in Shiner, Texas. Not a mom and pop operation, but not BMC either.

Shiner and Amber Bock were my gateway beers. Neither were "to style", but they were different enough to get me looking beyond the fizzy yellow stuff. I knew squat about beer then, but made a point of seeking out other bock beers. Once I found a few of the "real" ones, I liked those even better, so I can't really hold any ill will against Shiner.

Some styles can be pretty broad anyway, and at least it's in the ballpark. It's not like they're marketing it as an IPA or anything. :)
Shiner and Amber Bock were my gateway beers. Neither were "to style", but they were different enough to get me looking beyond the fizzy yellow stuff. I knew squat about beer then, but made a point of seeking out other bock beers. Once I found a few of the "real" ones, I liked those even better, so I can't really hold any ill will against Shiner.

Some styles can be pretty broad anyway, and at least it's in the ballpark. It's not like they're marketing it as an IPA or anything. :)

+1! When I was young, I preferred whiskey because that way I didn't have to drink a lot of fizzy yellow beer. Then I discovered Amber Bock on tap at the restaurant where I worked, and the world of beer was changed for me.

I love Shiner Bock. It was my gateway to "not-Budweiser".

I also love real bocks.... They should probably re-name it "Shiner Amber Lager" though. In that regard, I agree, it's closer to Yuengling than a true bock, though it doesn't really taste exactly like Yuengling either.
I would be more concerned about where those missing 4 years went than who likes Shiner bock..

It went to biology, chemistry, and physics college classes.

Shiner was my go to beer, when I had the $ to steer clear from 30 packs of keystone (they were $10.99 each), mickeys, Busch and the likes. I was just a poor college boy. :-(
I'm from Nova Scotia. Alexander Keith's is practically a religion out East. Everybody out there drinks Keith's India Pale Ale. Ever watch someone who's only ever drank Keith's when you offer them a real IPA?

Him: "What're ya drinkin' there?"
Me: "It's an IPA I made, it's a clone of Stone Ruination. Want a glass?"
Him: "Sure, I love IPA's, been drinkin' Keith's since high school."

Hilarity ensued.
Haters gonna hate.

Drink your Shiner and like it.

I like Shiner. ...but I haven't bought packaged beer since Aug 13. I think I still have a cpl Yuenglings in the deck fridge but I've been drinkin what I brew instead.

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Haters gonna hate.

Drink your Shiner and like it.

I'm not a huge fan of Shiner Bock, but I really dislike Ziegenbock, that InBev clone of Shiner bock, sold in Texas to compete with Shiner bock directly.

But I do like other Shiner beers- what's the one with a rabbit name? Wild Hare? Something like that. Pretty good pale ale. I don't love the newer farmhouse ale, but most of the others are OK to good.

I love stopping in at the Brewery when I"m in Shiner. It's a nice brewery, nice area, friendly people, great beer samples. They have an excellent tour. They did take away "our" parking space this past winter, where we used to park under the trees so our dog would be cool. But I can forgive them for that, I guess. :D
I once tried the ruby redbird even though I knew I hate grapefruit. Did so think most everything else by them was pretty good to great. NOPE. Only option was a 12pack and it took months to finish that off. Most everything else though is good. My current favorite by them is their white wing. I was very pleasantly surprised because I was expecting something more like a blue moon.
I haven't had the "Bock" in about 10 years probably but I had the black lager recently and it was really good
What came first, Shiner Bock, or BJCP style guidelines? Just curious as to why a beer that's been around a while would change it's name to fit into a style?

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I like Shiner. ...but I haven't bought packaged beer since Aug 13. I think I still have a cpl Yuenglings in the deck fridge but I've been drinkin what I brew instead.

Sent from my iPhone using Home Brew

That has been my approach since starting to brew - 15 months ago - to date I have brewed 40 @ 5 gallon all grain batches. My approach is to brew 9$ a six pack quality on PBR six pack prices! The propane kind of adds to my cost prohibiting me from hitting my price point. it's okay my ales are still better then most of the packaged yellow fizzy stuff out there
It's been a while since I had a Shiner Bock, but my recollection was that it was kinda similar to Yuengling

You can't throw a dead cat around here without hitting a Shiner Bock sign or bottle. I will drink one from time to time but I would prefer Yuengling (I wish they sold it around here). Shiner Bock tastes metallic to me and it is a bit offputing.
I drink Shiner bock on occasion too.. what would a good representative of a bock style beer that I could get my hands on here in Texas?? I have had a homebrewed dopplebock that was absolutely fantastic!! but commercially, what are some suggestions??

I drink Shiner bock on occasion too.. what would a good representative of a bock style beer that I could get my hands on here in Texas?? I have had a homebrewed dopplebock that was absolutely fantastic!! but commercially, what are some suggestions??


Spaten Optimator
Spaten optimater

That's an amazing beer. I'm not sure whether you can get Bell's in Texas, but their Consecrator is excellent as well. If you have your pick, go for Spaten on draft, and Consecrator in the bottle. I prefer Spaten to Consecrator overall, but they use green bottles, and every six pack I've had has been ever so slightly skunked. Not to the point it was bad, but just so you could notice a difference.
I drink Shiner bock on occasion too.. what would a good representative of a bock style beer that I could get my hands on here in Texas?? I have had a homebrewed dopplebock that was absolutely fantastic!! but commercially, what are some suggestions??


I don't know if it shows up in Texas, but Ayinger Celebrator is an excellent doppelbock that is fairly common.
What came first, Shiner Bock, or BJCP style guidelines? Just curious as to why a beer that's been around a while would change it's name to fit into a style?
5 centuries of tradition preceded the BJCP: http://www.germanbeerinstitute.com/bockbier.html

However, the name isn't going to change. It shouldn't. It's the brewery's flagship beer, and people know it well. Damaging sales to appease a handful of angry beer nerds would be silly.

If we're talking doppelbocks, I feel obliged to mention Paulaner Salvatore. Mmmm, might have to put a doppelbock on the to-do list!
