I like this time at night on HBT

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If Freddy Mercury was my son I'd be proud. I have kids of my own. A father's pride runs deep. Do you agree?
I truly respect this man, "Freddy Mercury ". He made a life through great music. I think much pain and turmoil. He died young but will be remembered forever. Not to sure that was his plan. But it is how all worked out. I truly believe in his life he struggled. For that I have no words
Beethoven, Handel, Mozart. I'm sure the man with the pen name Freddy Mercury truly loved music, his creations. And I truly believe Freddy Mercury was and should be be put in the category of the great masters.
His music was powerful. He laid a track to American music No ****!
I'm not to sure about music these days. I'm probably just out a touch. I figure Handel made made the most beautiful music ever. Freddy Mercury. In my opinion is right there.
I took a music appreciation class because I needed an art class...something like that. I didn't like it at all. Put me off music for years for years

I like what I like. I do not want to dissect it

So I give you. Handel. No need break it apart. It's beautiful

Oops. I need to edit
Dan...you're spot on, on Handel. Messiah is perfect. that's coming from an avowed true til death punk rocker.

I never post in here but I just had to put that out there.
I'm back!!! Supporting member for another year. Yesterday was a bleak day as just an onlooker (luckily I use too busy to log in and see my shame).

LRB, super happy you're back,supporting member or not you gained my respect years ago.

I fell off the support crew once too. It's more of a personal hurt not a blackball.
My goto recipe lately: grind a half Homer bucket of base grain(s) and a small hopper of whatever grains strike my fancy...mash 149...one half hop shot suring boil then add whatever hops are furthest back in freezer after flame out. Use my Chico and the Man house yeast. Keep hydrometer dry and clean. Seems to work.
My goto recipe lately: grind a half Homer bucket of base grain(s) and a small hopper of whatever grains strike my fancy...mash 149...one half hop shot suring boil then add whatever hops are furthest back in freezer after flame out. Use my Chico and the Man house yeast. Keep hydrometer dry and clean. Seems to work.

I commonly have a quaffer pale like that on hand. 2row or pils, then randomly use up my victory/munich/biscuit whatever. Love it. Crystal and chocolates get used up in a kitchen sink brown every once in awhile.
Let's see how far we can take this, original or creative. All good

"May the road rise up to meet you."....
Good evening guys, I miss my free time at home kicked back in the office chair soaking up HBT. Last night was the second night in the cargo trailer and damn did it not come a storm. Not sure of the size of the hail, but it sounded like cannon balls hitting the roof. Thankfully the power never went out and so I just set there and pondered over my next moves.

I broke camp down (Actually just pulled the power cord) and left out for church from the camp grounds this morning about 8am. It was now freezing cold and the cold shower house reminded me of arctic breezes. lol. After church I pointed the truck south and drove a couple hours to Anniston Alabama where I will be taking a class at the Center For Domestic Preparedness. I planed this week for two reason, 1st it's three hots and a cot at no cost for a week, and 2nd it's just damn good FEMA/DHS training. I'll be here for a week freezing my keester off in a level A hazmat suit, but the good thing is, there is hot food and a warm room waiting each night.

Still no activity from the older couple who is supposed to be moving out of the house. I'm fearful they are going to wait to the very last second to move - such as I did, so I can't say anything bad. lol

Anyway, it's 0430 for chow in the morning so it's time to hit the sack. Hope each of you guys have a good week.

Stauffbier! Merry Christmas good friend! So happy to see you here this time of year and hear all is going well for you!

Reading through the above few posts, seems like the three Wise Men, got together. Pappy, Mike and Jaybird!

Merry Christmas to you fellas and to your family. Ischiavo, certainly brings credibility to the fact there were four wise men. ����

Cheers to you all, Hippy Holidays and good health to you.

Here's a couple old guys, even old when this first played

Bing Crosby and David Bowie


That's a good one Dan!
Any of you have problems playing YouTube links here on HBT. Recently I bought a new phone IPhone 6 and shortly thereafter YouTube videos don't play here. Even the ones I've posted, I saw and heard them on YouTube but can't watch the links here. It's akin to deafness, I can see words and music being made, but can't hear anything. Only on HBT. ???
Havent posted here in a while and I don't have too many educated or like minded friends locally that I can bounce ideas off of but I just wanted some opinions from my HBT brethren as to an idea I am tossing around my brain.

First, a little back story. I am a scientist now and have a decent career going. I chose to establish my home in a mostly low-income/poor rural town just because I got my house for cheap and I try to live well below my means. In my community we have a charity Facebook page and through it I have kind of become a volunteer handy man as I grew up doing the stuff and I am pretty skilled in residential "repair/remodeling". I frequently get calls and messages from those in my community that are too poor to hire a professional to handle their much needed repairs which can range from replacing an outlet to completely redoing a bathroom depending on the extent of the damage. I put a lot of time, care and sometimes my own money into helping these people.

Anyway, lately I have been doing a lot of things for people and I recently started thinking that maybe I should start a non-profit of some sort in which I could offer services on a sliding fee based on income and perhaps it could turn out successful enough to possibly hire and train some disadvantaged workers or veterans that would make it a full-time venture. Just wondering what you guys think of all this. Maybe I am thinking way over my head here but it was just a thought as aside from myself the community only has an affordable but highly shady and under skilled plumber that services the area.

Anybody have any experience in starting a non-profit or a business similar that could provide some input? Otherwise just looking for opinions. I am not really looking to quit my day job as the pay and benefits are excellent and I work evenings so I still have time during the day and on weekends for this venture. Give me your thoughts not matter how harsh.
SFgoat, I can't give you any advice on starting a nonprofit outfit. I do like your intentions. I'll could talk to my oldest daughter and explain your idea, maybe just let her read your post because you explain your idea best

I'll give her a shout. She's only 28 but was called out by the pacific business news as one of Hawaii's top 40 professionals under 40 years old, she was 26 or 27 at the time. Now a few years later she is the president of a 50 year old nonprofit organization, Hawaii Junior Achievement; I think she can give you sound advice. I'll forward your post if you give me permission

SFgoat, I can't give you any advice on starting a nonprofit outfit. I do like your intentions. I'll could talk to my oldest daughter and explain your idea, maybe just let her read your post because you explain your idea best

I'll give her a shout. She's only 28 but was called out by the pacific business news as one of Hawaii's top 40 professionals under 40 years old, she was 26 or 27 at the time. Now a few years later she is the president of a 50 year old nonprofit organization, Hawaii Junior Achievement; I think she can give you sound advice. I'll forward your post if you give me permission


I would greatly appreciate that Dan. While I am very educated I admit that I really don't know anything about starting a business, especially a non-profit. Any information your daughter can provide would be greatly appreciated.
Anybody old enough to legally be on HBT has memories from September eleventh 2001. A day like Decenber 7, 1941. They are two dates that should always be remembered. Both were days The USA was attacked by ruthless people. 60 years apart the bastardly tried to take us out and that hardly stopped in the years between.

In 1973, after president Nixon stalled for two years; the end of the draft came. The USA's military became a volunteer force. VOLUNTEER!

We take for granted the way of life we live. Hell, i'm retired from the Armed Forces and sometimes I forget the sacrifices our young men and women give

A couple days ago here in Oahu Hawaii, twelve souls were lost. 12 MARINES died during a combat training mission. They were all volunteers and I can tell you for fact each of them pledged an oath, they raised their right hand and swore to God (or affirmed). This path

I've reaffirmed this oath six times in my Navy career. It only takes one time to commit, each reenlistment I suppose is just ceremonial maybe also reinforce-affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed .over me

The officer's oath is very much the same

Twelve MARINES were lost a few days ago. Some very, very good men. Sons, brothers, uncles, husbands and Dads.

They volunteered their lives to protect freedom. Yes they died in a combat training mission. Doesn't matter. They died because they believe defending the USA is the best way to live life, it takes a lot of training, youthful exuberance and love. They join for various reasons but I can say from personal. No man or woman who has faithfully served in the United States armed forces will ever say their time didn't make a difference.

I truly wish the lost men weren't gone. That they would be alive another day. I wish their families would not be in agony if these men didn't give their love and support to our country. But they did

There will be lessons learned from this mishap.

I sometimes just want to be a hippy and live in peace and harmony. The world thinks differently. So I'm no longer war fighter in the military but I am an I American!!! And I will support and defend America to the end of time.

An old song Johnny Cash sung reminds me why we all need to put the USA first

"I walked through a county courthouse square
On a park bench an old man was sitting there
I said, "Your old courthouse is kinda run down"

He said, "No, it'll do for our little town"
I said, "Your old flagpole has leaned a little bit
And that's a Ragged Old Flag you got hanging on it"

He said, "Have a seat, " and I sat down
"Is this the first time you've been to our little town?"
I said, "I think it is" He said, "I don't like to brag
But we're kinda proud of that Ragged Old Flag

You see, we got a little hole in that flag there when
Washington took it across the Delaware
And it got powder-burned the night Francis Scott Key
Sat watching it, writing 'Say Can You See'

And it got a bad rip in New Orleans
With Packingham and Jackson tuggin' at its seams
And it almost fell at the Alamo
Beside the Texas flag, but she waved on though

She got cut with a sword at Chancellorsville
And she got cut again at Shiloh Hill
There was Robert E. Lee, Beauregard, and Bragg
And the south wind blew hard on that Ragged Old Flag

On Flanders Field in World War I
She got a big hole from a Bertha gun
She turned blood red in World War II
She hung limp and low by the time it was through

She was in Korea and Vietnam
She went where she was sent by her Uncle Sam
She waved from our ships upon the briny foam
And now they've about quit waving her back here at home

In her own good land here she's been abused
She's been burned, dishonored, denied, and refused
And the government for which she stands
Is scandalized throughout the land

And she's getting threadbare and she's wearing thin
But she's in good shape for the shape she's in
'Cause she's been through the fire before
And I believe she can take a whole lot more

So we raise her up every morning, we take her down every night
We don't let her touch the ground and we fold her up right
On second thought, I do like to brag
'Cause I'm mighty proud of the Ragged Old Flag

Please take a moment of silent prayer to your higher power and thank him for men and women who give us s chance to live in blissfull ignorance
Wow, lost in thought and reflection yesterday. That's what happens when I'm dead tired. I've been working the last three straight weeks, I feel like I'm on a deployment. Too dang old for theses hours. First day off in awhile yesterday. Safe to say between exhaustion and a few brews I got lecturely 🙂
Havent posted here in a while and I don't have too many educated or like minded friends locally that I can bounce ideas off of but I just wanted some opinions from my HBT brethren as to an idea I am tossing around my brain.

First, a little back story. I am a scientist now and have a decent career going. I chose to establish my home in a mostly low-income/poor rural town just because I got my house for cheap and I try to live well below my means. In my community we have a charity Facebook page and through it I have kind of become a volunteer handy man as I grew up doing the stuff and I am pretty skilled in residential "repair/remodeling". I frequently get calls and messages from those in my community that are too poor to hire a professional to handle their much needed repairs which can range from replacing an outlet to completely redoing a bathroom depending on the extent of the damage. I put a lot of time, care and sometimes my own money into helping these people.

Anyway, lately I have been doing a lot of things for people and I recently started thinking that maybe I should start a non-profit of some sort in which I could offer services on a sliding fee based on income and perhaps it could turn out successful enough to possibly hire and train some disadvantaged workers or veterans that would make it a full-time venture. Just wondering what you guys think of all this. Maybe I am thinking way over my head here but it was just a thought as aside from myself the community only has an affordable but highly shady and under skilled plumber that services the area.

Anybody have any experience in starting a non-profit or a business similar that could provide some input? Otherwise just looking for opinions. I am not really looking to quit my day job as the pay and benefits are excellent and I work evenings so I still have time during the day and on weekends for this venture. Give me your thoughts not matter how harsh.

A few ideas popped into my head on this. Due to your proximity to a larger city (Omaha), have you reached out to area trade schools? Maybe there are some students who would be willing to volunteer their time. They could provide help while building their skills.

Also, make sure that your services do not run afoul of building codes and licensing requirements. Perhaps you could approach the local building inspector to ensure your efforts are legal.

Looks like a very worthwhile venture and I hope it turns into something good. Good luck!
That's nice of you. If it makes you feel good, do it. In fact, that's exactly my motto :)

Occasionally I consider what's important in life and what we should do with our time here. First, and this one is a 10 on the Richter scale, is our kids. Put as much time as we can into our kids, at ALL COST. Second is help our fellow man.

Now, take my word, I'm a very conservative person and I don't shed tears for people who can't pay their bills or repair their roof. But I do know that after we're dead, our only legacy is our kids and whatever mark we made on on the rest of the world.

So, take care of your kids (if applicable), then make your mark on the rest. I say do it. If it makes you feel good, of course :)

Havent posted here in a while and I don't have too many educated or like minded friends locally that I can bounce ideas off of but I just wanted some opinions from my HBT brethren as to an idea I am tossing around my brain.

First, a little back story. I am a scientist now and have a decent career going. I chose to establish my home in a mostly low-income/poor rural town just because I got my house for cheap and I try to live well below my means. In my community we have a charity Facebook page and through it I have kind of become a volunteer handy man as I grew up doing the stuff and I am pretty skilled in residential "repair/remodeling". I frequently get calls and messages from those in my community that are too poor to hire a professional to handle their much needed repairs which can range from replacing an outlet to completely redoing a bathroom depending on the extent of the damage. I put a lot of time, care and sometimes my own money into helping these people.

Anyway, lately I have been doing a lot of things for people and I recently started thinking that maybe I should start a non-profit of some sort in which I could offer services on a sliding fee based on income and perhaps it could turn out successful enough to possibly hire and train some disadvantaged workers or veterans that would make it a full-time venture. Just wondering what you guys think of all this. Maybe I am thinking way over my head here but it was just a thought as aside from myself the community only has an affordable but highly shady and under skilled plumber that services the area.

Anybody have any experience in starting a non-profit or a business similar that could provide some input? Otherwise just looking for opinions. I am not really looking to quit my day job as the pay and benefits are excellent and I work evenings so I still have time during the day and on weekends for this venture. Give me your thoughts not matter how harsh.