I like this time at night on HBT

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On a brighter note I am attending a conference in Boston this week, so I'll have a few days away from the SWMBO and can hit the brewpubs up near where I used to live in Cambridge (Lord Hobo, Bukowski, Cambridge Brewing). I'll also have to hit Redbones up in Davis Sq for some pulled pork BBQ. I firmly believe that the best part of conferences is meeting up with colleagues, taking them out on the town, and getting them embarrassingly plastered. A few years ago some of us went out for sushi in Chicago and got out of our minds on sake - great night.
Thankyou for posting those videos, if not for you I'd never had known about them. LG, posts stuff all the time I've never heard of.

I'm pretty super happy you guys do post this stuff and pull me out of my comfort zone. Having said that, doesn't mean I love the music you guys post but do love the fact that you help me experience some new tunes.

What am a I saying? I'm an old dog but I will never outright hate a music style. If I did, I'd be stuck on church hymns.

Play on everybody! Play on...
Thankyou for posting those videos, if not for you I'd never had known about them. LG, posts stuff all the time I've never heard of.

I'm pretty super happy you guys do post this stuff and pull me out of my comfort zone. Having said that, doesn't mean I love the music you guys post but do love the fact that you help me experience some new tunes.

What am a I saying? I'm an old dog but I will never outright hate a music style. If I did, I'd be stuck on church hymns.

Play on everybody! Play on...

Take what you like, leave the rest. Bjork kinda just awes me with her weirdness. I don't think she is actually insane but she is apparently a very active dreamer, and her music and videos are themed from her dreams.
It's the term that I use to describe them in polite company. What I call them in person would make George Carlin blush if he were still around.

I'm better now. They are cleaned up and gone, hopefully for a while. They all are giving me a complex about nice summer weekends because it seems like their stupidity is solar powered and they like to take their assholery outdoors when the weather is nice. I actually get kinda tense when the weatherman cheerfully describes the great weather we're going to have on Friday and Saturday because it might mean I'll have some neighbor crap to deal with. Not always, but that is exactly when it would happen so I get apprehensive. I kinda like it now when we get summer thunderstorms and rain on weekends as it tends to keep them indoors and guarantees a peaceful weekend.
I know what you mean. The rowdy party at the neighbors a couple weeks ago ended with shots being fired.

Well, if it isn't our friendly neighborhood spambot. Evening spambot!

Speaking of bots:

Wow, those are really strange even by my standards. Oddly enough, I sort of understand two of them.

Thanks TC!
Thankyou for posting those videos, if not for you I'd never had known about them. LG, posts stuff all the time I've never heard of.

I'm pretty super happy you guys do post this stuff and pull me out of my comfort zone. Having said that, doesn't mean I love the music you guys post but do love the fact that you help me experience some new tunes.

What am a I saying? I'm an old dog but I will never outright hate a music style. If I did, I'd be stuck on church hymns.

Play on everybody! Play on...
I remember really only liking church hymns and classical when I was really young. Then some friends of mine introduced me to a few variations of industrial rock, among other things. You never know what you are going to like until you hear it. :)
If everybody had an ocean
Across the U.S.A.
Then everybody'd be surfin'
Like californ-I-A
You'd see 'em wearin' their baggies
Huarachi sandals, too
A bushy bushy blonde hairdo
Surfin' U.S.A.

Weekend fun. My son in the pic not me.


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I am leaving on vacation in 4 days and will be gone 19 days, except a few days back home between trips. Hold the fort down, folks. I'll have Internet access here and there, but probably when I have time for that, it'll just be work related stuff.

Hi BobbiLynn - best of luck on your trips. Have a great time with your cousins! I unfortunately won't be able to meet up on Thursday - looks like I have another project release going that night :( Enjoy your time in Philly though!
Ever change the head on a weedeater? It's easier than falling off a bike. Yet the one I'm trying to unscrew doesn't seem to know this. I'm going to try again & then I'm telling my wife I accidentally ran it over with the tractor and buying a new one. Or at least imagining doing so.
Hi BobbiLynn - best of luck on your trips. Have a great time with your cousins! I unfortunately won't be able to meet up on Thursday - looks like I have another project release going that night :( Enjoy your time in Philly though!

That's okay. The more time my son and I have together, just us, the better. I went to my doctor today to ask for some kind of strong drug like ativan or Xanax, I'm so nervous about traveling that I've broken out in hives. But all she did was give me something to treat the hives. :-( I'll be fine once I meet up with my son. Ever since he was little he has thought it was his job to take care of me and his little sister while his stepfather was working all the time. His real father passed away when he was young and when relatives told him he was the man of the family now, he took that seriously.
That's okay. The more time my son and I have together, just us, the better. I went to my doctor today to ask for some kind of strong drug like ativan or Xanax, I'm so nervous about traveling that I've broken out in hives. But all she did was give me something to treat the hives. :-( I'll be fine once I meet up with my son. Ever since he was little he has thought it was his job to take care of me and his little sister while his stepfather was working all the time. His real father passed away when he was young and when relatives told him he was the man of the family now, he took that seriously.
Good. He sounds like a young man with some honor. You can tell him I said so too.

Enjoy your trip BL. I hope you find what you are looking for.
You tknow he saying 'the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results'? Not sure why the 30th time I tried to unscrew the dang thing it came off, but it finally did.

Thankfully my wife was off work today, so I only had to weedeat about an hour before we left for an all day hike. Not so lucky tomorrow...
I think I'm going to break a personal rule tonight. I don't usually drink when I'm sick, but I really feel awful tonight. Migraine and sick. I'm going to have a glass of wine, and soak in the tub a while. I hope that will help me get to sleep.
LG whenever I'm sick with something I make tea with lemon juice, honey, and a shot of whiskey. It helps me fall asleep and be less miserable and I haven't noticed any ill effects. Just my two cents but alcohol has often been used medicinaly historically.
That's okay. The more time my son and I have together, just us, the better. I went to my doctor today to ask for some kind of strong drug like ativan or Xanax, I'm so nervous about traveling that I've broken out in hives. But all she did was give me something to treat the hives. :-( I'll be fine once I meet up with my son. Ever since he was little he has thought it was his job to take care of me and his little sister while his stepfather was working all the time. His real father passed away when he was young and when relatives told him he was the man of the family now, he took that seriously.

Hi BobbiLynn,
Don't know how buried this will be by the time you get back but just wanted to wish you good times on your trip and time and many more loving memories with your son.

My last Commanding Officer and greatest man in the world had a phrase, it's not original. " I'm going to drink from this cup" I guess he just meant he was going to be a father to an entire squadron and be the best, strongest, most supportive and humblest father he could be, and every moment he was blessed to be with this big family he was going to cherish.

You're going to have a great time Bobbi, your son sounds like a very good young man.

Love that pic of your son working on that board Dan. Reminds me of my own. He's on his way home now from school as I type.

That's cool, Pappy. Sons are pretty freaking awesome. I know you are very proud of yours and also know you must be a great dad!

Think I need to go to the Doc tomorrow. My leg feels much better but something weird going on. I hit the dog with my right shin. Middle of the shin. There was initial bruising and it went away.. Now nearly 90 hours later I have heavy bruising just above my ankle and on the back of my leg starting at the back of the knee. It goes about half way to my butt. The bottom of my leg, around the calf is still swollen, not like before but swelled up.

I truly hate going to doctors but just might make a trip there tomorrow.
The hot toddy is key.

Being Puerto Rican we have a slightly different method.

One tablespoon of honey (I like a little more)
Place in the bottom of your mug and add a shot (ish) of Rum. (Must be Puerto Rican run obviously)
After the honey has dissolved, add your tea that you've been steeping. Said tea is nothing more than ground ginger steeped in boiling water for a while.
That there will clear you right up and hold your hand into lala land.
Well I hope all is well here in the forum since I have not been around much as of late.

Been tinkering on a remodel in my house that has kept me kind of busy. I will try and load a couple of pictures.

I got the beam in supporting the roof and have started sheetrocking it all in now. Sigh next thing is ripping the carpet out and laying new flooring and I really hate doing that :D

I made some mead some months ago and have been trying to figure how to bottle it. I am thinking I will punch a hole in the plastic jug just above the yeast and let it trickle into the bottles since I got no way to siphon it out and leave the yeast behind. To be honest it looks pretty nasty to me and I am half tempted to dump it.

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I think I'm going to break a personal rule tonight. I don't usually drink when I'm sick, but I really feel awful tonight. Migraine and sick. I'm going to have a glass of wine, and soak in the tub a while. I hope that will help me get to sleep.

When I'm sick, especially with a fever, I buy a small bottle of good whiskey. Mix with honey(1/2 and 1/2) and drink as medicine, as much as you feel like you need.
Well, I responded about the whiskey cure before reading the rest of the posts, namely the other 2 whiskey cures. Go get some good whiskey!

Leaving tomorrow and every plan is set in motion. For the very first time today, as my son and I were hanging up on the phone, he said "I love you" first. I said "I love you too, son. Bye."

And bye for now my HBT friends, those I've met and those I haven't. Love you all. I'm going to be busy for a while, a bit of traveling.
LG whenever I'm sick with something I make tea with lemon juice, honey, and a shot of whiskey. It helps me fall asleep and be less miserable and I haven't noticed any ill effects. Just my two cents but alcohol has often been used medicinaly historically.

The hot toddy is key.

Being Puerto Rican we have a slightly different method.

One tablespoon of honey (I like a little more)
Place in the bottom of your mug and add a shot (ish) of Rum. (Must be Puerto Rican run obviously)
After the honey has dissolved, add your tea that you've been steeping. Said tea is nothing more than ground ginger steeped in boiling water for a while.
That there will clear you right up and hold your hand into lala land.
Yes well. Once I've had the one drink another one seems like a good idea, and another, and another... Yeah. That's not so good.

I was good last night though. Just the one glass of wine. I did take a melatonin right after it too, so I got to sleep pretty quick. My head still hurt, but nothing short of a shot in the but that knocks you out was going to actually fix that.

I went to work today, I'm not that sick anymore. Mostly I just don't feel like doing anything strenuous.

Well I hope all is well here in the forum since I have not been around much as of late.

Been tinkering on a remodel in my house that has kept me kind of busy. I will try and load a couple of pictures.

I got the beam in supporting the roof and have started sheetrocking it all in now. Sigh next thing is ripping the carpet out and laying new flooring and I really hate doing that :D

I made some mead some months ago and have been trying to figure how to bottle it. I am thinking I will punch a hole in the plastic jug just above the yeast and let it trickle into the bottles since I got no way to siphon it out and leave the yeast behind. To be honest it looks pretty nasty to me and I am half tempted to dump it.
Looks good V man. I'd pour the mead through a coffee filter. It takes a long time to percolate, but it gets most of the sediment out. That way you don't really have to worry about stirring it up when you pour a small batch out of the jug.

IMO, mead always smells and tastes horrible when it's young. It needs lots of time to be good. I bottled that nectarine mead, and it was awful. I wonder what it will be like when it's matured. I thought the rhodemel I made last October was bad, but it's actually really good now.

Dan , no I asked to go back to back sea so I could get on a FFG before they decom them all. But the SOB in Millington had orders waiting for me. I was requested by name he said. So shore duty for me . To a NIOC . I'm a little jaded coming from where I'm at now. For example I did not where a uniform for well over a year during a stretch of my 5 years here. And my old CMC to this day has ordered me to call him Andy. And the two after him did the same first name only stuff. In fact I think I have called every CO XO SEA LPO LCPO, or officer. By their first name at some point. Which is a no no for a PO2 in the fleet .

Who knows who requested me I have not dug for a name. Ill just ride the wavy and see where it takes me . It had to be someone with pull. I'm done after this enlistment is up any ways. I see the winds of change coming. Mid 90s or pre Reagan years all over.

As for the deer horn my buddy said they work I asked him. He said" ya sometimes I have to tap my brakes which changes the tone. Then they run. " When I asked him "change tone ?" he said he could hear it thu his hearing aid. He wears on one of his ears.
Hey all. Figured I'd pipe up instead of lurking again. Been watching the thread lately, just never seems to be enough time for me to participate.
I wish I was. Just finished my early shift duties and am going to wait until it cools off a little before washing the truck.

Should be a slow night for me, although the previous shift had a diabetic that was still somewhat conscious with a blood sugar of 7!!!!
I wish I was. Just finished my early shift duties and am going to wait until it cools off a little before washing the truck.

Should be a slow night for me, although the previous shift had a diabetic that was still somewhat conscious with a blood sugar of 7!!!!

7? Geez, I've seen my wife lecture the dog about doing her homework at 3a.m. But I cant imagine being anything but a coma at 7.
Dang, wanted to sleep soundly through the night but have found myself awake at almost 3 AM. Cheapo, if you'll be hanging out for a few nights here, you can use my lawn chair. It's the red one with the big cup holder. :) I'm going to go check my pack back, make sure I didn't forget anything. Then try to get more sleep.

I don't understand the blood sugar level of 7 and still conscience. 40 or below is usually a diabetic coma, right? :drunk:
Dang, wanted to sleep soundly through the night but have found myself awake at almost 3 AM. Cheapo, if you'll be hanging out for a few nights here, you can use my lawn chair. It's the red one with the big cup holder. :) I'm going to go check my pack back, make sure I didn't forget anything. Then try to get more sleep.

I don't understand the blood sugar level of 7 and still conscience. 40 or below is usually a diabetic coma, right? :drunk:

Haha BobbiLynn that's great, thanks. Yes I also didn't understand the 7, having taken the course myself. I could be wrong or it could be a typo, isn't 7 about perfect?
Ive had a few crazy instances of hypoglycemic patients. Once had a lady talking and reasoning perfectly, but dizzy nauseous with a blood sugar of 12. Gal the other day was circling the drain at 25, completely gone. We want to see them over 70 and eating solid food before letting them AMA. They never want to go to the hospital, so we just push glucose and wait until they've eaten.

This guy was messed up though. He still was altered mental status when the ambulance left. Usually the patient is like nothing ever happened within seconds of iv D50.
Seems dead tonight. Go figure haha the night I decide to jump in

This was actually pretty active overnight.

Haha BobbiLynn that's great, thanks. Yes I also didn't understand the 7, having taken the course myself. I could be wrong or it could be a typo, isn't 7 about perfect?

Yeah I thought 7 was perfect too, but I'm sure the confusion is merely due to measuring it on a different scale. Dimensions would help ;)

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