Hung over

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Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2007
Reaction score
Mystic, CT
Must have drank too much last night, I got quite a hangover today. My hands are numb and I'm having visual hallucinations. At least I get to just sit here in front of my computer for the next eight hours now. By then I should be ready to do it again.
My hands are numb and I'm having visual hallucinations.

this is not normal in my world. (it may be in yours...) If this is not exaggeration, keep an eye on your situation and consider a visit to a nearby emergency room if it does not abate with a little nourishment (aforementioned V8).
Hang Glider said:
this is not normal in my world. (it may be in yours...) If this is not exaggeration, keep an eye on your situation and consider a visit to a nearby emergency room if it does not abate with a little nourishment (aforementioned V8).

This. Seriously.
Must have drank too much last night, I got quite a hangover today. My hands are numb and I'm having visual hallucinations. At least I get to just sit here in front of my computer for the next eight hours now. By then I should be ready to do it again.

Bold + Bold should not equal bold, italics, and underlined. You need a day off...

I find as I get older that I only get hangovers if I drink high alcohol beers (6%+). I can drink all day as long as I am not drinking 6%+ beers. If I have one of those, I make sure to keep it at no more than 2.
Bold + Bold should not equal bold, italics, and underlined. You need a day off...

- 1

ksbrain - checked your profile, 34 is not too old yet. I think you are good to go again tonight. Definitely grab a heavy, greasy lunch though.

I was in your same boat a couple of weeks ago. They were serving dofish 90 in pint glasses at normal craft pint glass prices. I put them down like bud lights. The next day I think the world at work was hazy until about 3pm. But the man wasn't breathing down my neck that day so I hid in my cube and had some soup and a beef brisket sandwich.
I actually had to google this, apparently it's fairly common to have numbness after drinking.

"After you drink, your liver converts the alcohol into a chemical that can dehydrate your cells, causing shakiness, quivering, restlessness, and a little numbness. Counter it with powerade (works better than gatorade to rehydrate), and put honey on toast, as honey is a simple sugar that is digested quickly. Your body needs sugar after drinking because it is in a sense in a diabetic state; too much insulin and acids from digestion of alcohol. Your body needs sugar, so replenish it. Take vitamin E for better acidic balance, and obviously advil for the pain..."

I was food poisoned recently and while in the hospital I had a numbness in my hands which eventually turned to a buzz almost like I had an electrical current in my arms and hands, it was due to low sodium from dehydration.

Man that was a crappy experience, but the painkillers were the bomb ;)