How old is your bucket?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2011
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El Paso
I'm just curious how long you folks have used the same buckets for brewing? I have 2 that have been used for about 2.5 years. I imagine they have both fermented about 175 gallons each in that time. They still look great aside from a slight staining. I recently ordered a new bucket, but I haven't decided if I will use it as a replacement for an old one or just make it bucket number 3...
I used to use carboys only. Now I mainly just use buckets. I started using buckets in January 2013, and I figured it would be a good idea to write that on the bottom of them. My buckets have no staining yet, but they all do carry a smell. It doesn't seem to affect any of the beers, meads or ciders I've fermented in them.

Initially I was planning to replace them after a year, but now I really don't see a need for that.
I've never had an infection or off flavors or anything, but I can't help but think I should replace them at this point. I was thinking the old ones could now be used for sours only..
using the same buckets I bought in '93

didn't brew from '95 to '12, so they're 20-years old, but can't say I've been using them for 20 years
Two of my buckets are over 30 years old...still use them. Mostly for temp racking and cleaning stuff. Don't ferment in them anymore but I probably could...:)
Ended up buying 2 Midwest kits when I started with the half price groupon deal.

Been using them for around 2.5-3 years and I recently bought 2 6.5 gal BB at the beginning of the year.
Im like a kid in a candy store when I see krausen. Love seeing them yeasties do there job!
I'm still using my Cooper's Microbrew FV from January '11 & the bottling bucket I got 2 months or so later. I tossed the BB Ale Pail after the infection I got recently. Bought a Midwest 7.9 gallon bucket with a good lid seal to replace it. I also have the 6 gallon better bottle I traded for a couple months ago. The Microbrew FV & bottling bucket are still going strong. No staining & little odors that don't bother anything.
I have 2 bought in 1995. One has 5 gallons of water and star san, the other used with my malt mill.
One primary and my bottling bucket are coming up on 10 years old. The other primary is only 2 years old. I was using a 30+ year old carboy as a brite tank but I just retired it.
After reading all this I'm convinced to just keep using my buckets. The new one I bought will just become fermenter number 3 as opposed to replacing one of the other two.