HORRIBLY Botched movie quotes..........

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Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2009
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Inspired by the Netflix thread, intentionally mis-spoken quotes can be pure hilarity.

It started with a story about my moronic ex-boss who would misquote Airplane...

"Joe is in the Hospital"

"The Hospital!!!!!What is it???"

"A building with Drs and Patients, but that's not important right now"

This moron Spouted "WHAT'S A HOSPITAL?????" Almost daily and found it to be roll on the floor hilarious.........

Hoppy cleverly followed it with "But his name isn't Shirley!!!!!"

We'll se if it gets farther than 3 posts, lol.

"I LOVE sniffing glue!!! and, like, had to quit....this week......"

"Mrs. Robinson, you're like, trying to get me to stick my cha cha in your hoo ha, aren't you?"

"I am not a smart man, but I comprehend the concept of intense, illogical affection of one human being for another....and I like to stick my penis in you....but I am going to sit over here and look thoughtful and pitifully offended"

My daughter and her friend watched Ghostbusters for the first time and spend the next two days misquoting it non-stop. I was ready to scream.

"That's a large Twinkie."

Come on, you can't do that to Ernie Hudson's second best line of the movie.
My daughter and her friend watched Ghostbusters for the first time and spend the next two days misquoting it non-stop. I was ready to scream.

"That's a large Twinkie."

Come on, you can't do that to Ernie Hudson's second best line of the movie.


My oldest is 12 and gets it right though, lol.

"Tell him abaout the twinkie"


Awesome to see kids appreciating those old movies....

"She sleeps above the covers, where there is like 2 feet of space under her butt"

"Are you the girl in charge of the gate?"
What country you from?
P -- p -- pardon?
Pardon? Pardon ain't no country I ever heard of. They speak English in pardon?
English, motherf****r! Do you speak it!
"Well hidey ho upkeeper of the law!!!!!!!! We were located on these very premises, doing some minor upkeep activities, when with NO prior warning, students of higher education started ending their own existences at several places on my parcel of land!!!!!!!"

I know what you're thinking. Did he fire seven shots or just six? I have to admit, in all the excitement I kinda lost track myself ...
Rise of the Planet of the Apes

"Ahhh sahvin yaaahhh. Baba dee chee ah waaaah."
Lion King
It's a long one ...

You’re thinking of this place all wrong, as if I had the money back in a safe. The money’s not here. Your money’s in Joe’s house, right next to yours, and in the Kennedy house, and Mrs. Backlin’s house, and a hundred others. And we knew that most of you wouldn't be able to repay your mortgages, so we sold the right to collect the mortgages to a bunch of suckers. They then bundled them into complex securities and sold them to other suckers after bribing rating agencies to rate them as safe investments. We also bought insurance policies that would pay us when you defaulted, but we sold the right to collect on the insurance policies to still more suckers and, at the same time, we didn't tell the insurers how risky these investments were, so when you all defaulted, the insurers didn't have enough money to pay on the policies, and, in short, we nearly brought down the global economy. So no. Your money's not here.
(Jesus Jonm, margin call? That is not only long but a little obscure, lol. NICE!!!)

"Follow that path over yonder that appears to be made of bricks of a precious metal"
"We were just outside of Barstow, on the edge of a vast, barren dry patch of sand, when the psychoactive illegal substances we had consumed, suddenly began to seriously influence our perceptions"

"Tell me about these fornicating flying rodents!!!!!"
"We were just outside of Barstow, on the edge of a vast, barren dry patch of sand when the psychoactive illegal substances we had consumed, suddenly began to seriously influence our perceptions"

"Tell me about these fornicating flying rodents!!!!!"

He's a foreigner. I think he's probably Hawaiian. It doesn't matter, does it? Are you racist?
"Where are you going Professor, back to the time which has not happened yet?"
"Bring me four cheeseburgers and a Pepsi."
"And a dry rubber biscuit, please."