Honey Green tea IPA

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Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2013
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Hey guys just joined the forum today and wanted to thank all of you for the amazing info you guys post on here.

So i started my second extract brew yesterday and wanted to see what you guys think of the recipe ive been trying to find a solid method for adding green tea to beer and heres what i came up with

one can of briess golden lme @ begginging of boiL
one lb of amber dme @ begging of boil
one can of briess golden lme @ twenty min left
one lb of clover honey @ flameout

third of an oz warrior @ begging
fourth of an oz columbus @ begging
fourth of an oz columbus @ fourty min left
third of an oz centenial @ thirty min left
rest of all three at flame out
it was a four and a half gal boil so i topped off with about a gal of green tea i steeped at about one hundred and sixty degrees and cooled

ill be dry hopping with an oz of green tea and sorachi ace hops what do you guys think???
Also forgot to mention steeped 14oz of 10L crystal malt @ 155-160* for 30 min
Its hard to tell how the hops will turn out as you added a lot of bittering hops and not a whole lot of flavor and aroma hops. On my IPA's I usually do a FWH, 60, 20, 10, 5 and 0 additions to get my hop flavor. Lots of people will have their own hop schedule, so its not set it stone, just don't let anybody tell you that there is only one way to do it. You had additions at 60, 40, 30, 0. Next time, take out that 40 min addition and add it at 10 so you have a 60, 30 10 and 0. Pay attention to your IBU contributions. If you dont know what they are use hopville.com or something similar. I use beersmith now but used to use hopville.

As far as your tea goes, I think you handled that ok. As you probably know, you never want to boil tea as it will release tannins and you will get an astringent taste. As far as dry "tea-ing", I am really not sure. I know that you don't want to have tea sit in water to long but it will be at room temp so I am not sure about that. Maybe make an extraction like you did the first time and add the liquid to the beer in secondary along with the sorachi.
thanks for the advice on the hopping also just realized I did not get the hop amounts right I just looked at what I had written down and it looks like this.

-warrior .4 oz @ begging
-Columbus .3 oz @ begging
-Columbus .4 oz @ 40min (this was a mistake should have been with 20 min left)
-Centennial .4 oz @ 30min
remaining 1.5 oz of all @ flame out

I don't think it should be too harmful having it at 40 not 20 as i entered it on hopville and it came in at 90 ibu 80 something if I changed it to 20 min

The dry teaing I got from stone this was the method they used for their green tea ipa but I think I will dry hop for 5-7 days then add the tea with 2-3 days left in that because I agree I don't want the tea sitting in their too long just want some aroma from it as Im hoping the flavor will come with the actual tea addition I already made.
I don't think it should be too harmful having it at 40 not 20 as i entered it on hopville and it came in at 90 ibu 80 something if I changed it to 20 min

I don't know if the bitterness difference will be noticeable; I suspect the difference in flavor (20 min is a flavor addition) might be noticeable if compared side by side. Maybe not even that though. It'll be fine.
I will for sure let you guys know how it turns out its fermenting hard right now will more than likely go into secondary Thursday or Friday
so quick update on this, last night I found a great tea shop selling specialty bulk teas and after talking with the girl there about what might be good for cold steeping/ dry teaing I went with a rare wild tea called ya boa its got great aroma and she said will never bitter. My base beer is basically the same ipa I brewed last month so I'm going to do some dry tea small batch tests tonight and see what kind of flavors and aromas I can get with this stuff. if you want more info on the tea heres a link

I just purchased ingredients for an American wheat ale, with which I've been planning to experiment with green tea. Interested in your results.

Does adding a tea to a beer water it down? Thought I heard that somewhere.
So just tried test batch with great success! I put some tea into a bottle of my previous ipa for about 6 hours and it's changed the aroma greatly and altered the flavor slightly. It mellowed the bitter and gives it a great smooth tea aroma after this experiment I think I will be dry hopping for 5 days with sorachi ace and then ill probably tea for 1-2 days and bottle
Quick update, just moved to secondary with an oz of whole leaf sorachi ace for the next 6 days or so then from there I will be moving to the bottling bucket that will have an oz of the tea in a muslin bag I'm going to leave for about 6 hours and check to see how aroma and taste have been affected leave longer if needed. After testing with my previous batch I found after 6 hours the tea aroma was perfect and the taste was there so now we wait.
so just finished bottling this today has some good tea aroma and taste I primed with honey as well and can't wait to see how all the flavors mellow during conditioning. Over all this is deff going to be a beer I make again and constantly tweak until I get it just right but cheers to the first batch!
It was an awesome tea for this use lots of aroma and never bitters with a subtle tea flavor now I can't wait to see how it works with the lemony sorachi ace
So this beer is gone I have one bottle left and to be honest it came out really well, noticable honey front with a good tea and hop aroma solid hop bitter finish. I will be making this again but using some more citrusy hop and I think I'm done with sorachi ace since this batch I made another ipa with them and I'm not too thrilled with it. Adding the tea the way I did is defiantly the best way to do it for aroma and slight taste if you looking for a strong tea flavor mby this isn't the best method. Overall I give this batch a 7.5/10